
The ugly guy grew restless for a moment as he dropped his head in embarrassment.

A few seconds later, the serious guy cleared his throat and crossed his arms.

"It is like I didn't get your answer well. If you don't mind, can you repeat what you just said"

The serious guy said while facing the ugly guy.

Gradually raising his head, the ugly guy repeated his previous statement and gave the lady a furtive look.

There was a tense silence for a few moments, before it was broken by a wicked chuckle of the serious guy. He then looked at the ugly guy in disdain.

"What about the guy in the chamber?"

The serious guy asked in a serious tone.

The ugly guy let out a timid smile and remained silent. After a short while, the lady intervened.

"So, you are pretending you didn't get what you were asked?"

The lady asked with ferocity.

The ugly guy blinked severally and adjusted his hat.

"Oh, that. When I got there, I didn't see any guy. So, I thought that you might have released him."

The ugly guy said timidly.

This statement attracted the attention of the three guys after which one of them intervened.

"What did he just say?"

One guy among the three guys asked out of confusion.

The lady glanced in their direction and grinned.

"He said he didn't see our subject in the bed chamber"

With that, silence settled in the area for a few seconds. The serious guy glanced at the three guys and smiled darkly.

"I think you know what to do"

The serious guy said and turned around before lowering himself back in his seat.

The three guys who were staring at him exchanged glances and one of them immediately approached the ugly guy. When he got where the ugly guy was standing, he grabbed the briefcase from his hands and faced the lady. The lady then nodded at him reassuringly.

The guy then left and headed for the door that the ugly guy came from. Almost immediately, the lady cleared her throat to attract the attention of the leaving guy.

"I think you know where we kept the briefcase with the right documents"

The lady said in a neutral tone.

Almost instantly, the leaving guy froze and stopped. He then turned around and faced the lady.

"Oh, I forgot to ask that"

The guy then said with a grin.

After a few moments of silence, the lady resounded,

"Find it at the in the storage area at the cabinet section on the left from the entrance, in cabinet C3"

The lady said while crossing her arms.

When the guy turned around and was about to leave, the lady turned to the ugly guy.

"Give him the keys of the cabinet that we gave you."

The ugly guy quickly checked in his pockets and said in a surprised tone,

"It seems I left it in the bed chamber"

With that, he lunged forward and headed for the door that the other guy was about to enter. This turn of events sparked a wave of surprise among the people in the cabin area, except for the serious guy who seemed indifferent to what was happening.

The two guys now exchanging curious glances on the divan, rose to their feet in unison and turned in the direction of the door.

At that moment, the lady glanced at them and gestured to them to resume their positions. They reluctantly retreated to their seat but still gazed in the direction of the door where the ugly guy and the other guy holding the briefcase were headed.

"They can handle it don't worry"

The lady told the two guys on the divan as she let out a stifled smile. With that, she gazed at the other two guys who were about to leave and let out a smirk.

"Find our subject first before attending to any other matter."

The lady said as she moved and sat in one of the seats at the conference table that was adjacent to the one that the serious guy was seating on.

With that, dead silence settled in the cabin area, only disturbed by the sound of the movie that the two guys were watching.


In the bed chamber…

When Jean lied in bed, he waited for a few minutes before he heard some voices coming from the back of the door. At that moment, a thought ignited in his mind.

'Should I check if the door was locked?'

With that thought in mind, he slowly got of the bed and approached the door. When he turned the knob of the door, he still obtained the same result. The door was locked.

'Could they have noticed that I was still around? What if he has gone to call the other guys?'

While still pondering on the matter, he slowly turned around and faced the bed. That was the moment he felt the urge of inspecting the it.

'What could be that that he was looking under this bed?'

With that thought still lingering in his mind, he took a few steps forward and approached the bed. Lowering his gaze, Jean froze for a moment. On the floor, he spotted a single key close to the bed. At that moment, he felt his heart racing in his chest. He then quickly glanced back at the door to check if anyone was coming. Noticing nothing, he slowly lowered himself and picked the key from the floor.

The moment he picked the key, he immediately brought it closer to his face and studied it closely. Within a few seconds, his mind was flooded with numerous thoughts.

'Could this key be for unlocking the locked door?'

While still in contemplation about the matter, he decided to try out the key. Turning around and facing in the direction of the locked door, Jean approached the door with a complicated look on his face. When he arrived at the door, he heaved a heavy sigh before calming his mind.

In the next moment, he inserted the key to the lock of the door and turned it. To his surprise, the door didn't open. He then tried severally but vigilant enough not to alert the guys on the other end of the door.

When he was certain that the key couldn't open the door, he felt dejected. He almost threw the key on the floor but suddenly threw the thought out of his head.

'What if the key is for the main exit. But even if I open the exit and the plane is flying, how am I supposed to escape from them?'

Even after all the thoughts, he still held on the thought of keeping the key. He then put the key in the pocket of his trouser and turned to the bed. When he was about to climb it, a thought struck him.

'What if the key came from under the bed?'

With that thought, Jean placed his hand on the side of the bed and repeated the same process that the ugly guy performed. After a few attempts, he managed to lift the bed. It was surprisingly easier than he thought as it was suspended on hinges. It only required his little effort to raise.

Directing his gaze under the bed, he was able to spot a few books and a few piles of documents. He then raised the bed until it released a clicking sound. He was startled by this, but after the clicking sound, the bed held in place. He then withdrew his hands and lowered himself to go through the contents under the bed.

Gazing at the first document, Jean noticed a list of names written in different colors. He didn't know what the list was for and therefore rummaged through the rest. Ten minutes later, Jean had gone through every detail of each and every item under the bed. In the process, other than the list of names nothing else attracted his attention.

Raising slowly to his feet, Jean let out a tired yawn and rubbed his face. He then pulled down the bed and rearranged it. In the next second, he dropped himself in the bed and sprawled on it. He was clearly tired and his hopes of escaping from here were fading away.

Although he was tired, his hunger couldn't allow him to take a rest. Staggering off the bed, Jean headed for the dark area, he was going to try his luck of finding something to eat. His stomach was rumbling out of hunger and he had ignored it for quite a while now, but everything has its own limit.

His thinking started growing hazy as he staggered towards the dark area. He had a strong feeling that there might be some foodstuffs stored in that section. When he reached at the bathroom section, he stopped for a few seconds. While still standing, he shifted his gaze to his right and stared at the seat with the table. When he was about to leave, he noticed a drawer on the edge of the mirror closer to the window.

Suddenly, he felt the urge of checking the drawer. Without thinking twice, he approached the drawer and pulled it open.

Seeing what was contained in it, he heaved a sigh of relief. It was a bottle of a soft drink. Without any further inspections, he picked the bottle, opened it and placed it on his mouth.

After taking a few sips, he heard the locked door open on the other end and two figures entered the bed chamber.

