I Can't Find It!

Freezing for a moment, Jean felt dreadful. He immediately withdrew the bottle from his mouth and vigilantly peeked at the two figures in the bed chamber.

At that moment, he noticed one of the figures putting on a black hat, and from the way he looked, Jean recalled seeing him.

'That must be the same guy that was here some moments ago.'

Jean thought to himself with a grim expression surfacing his face.

As for the other guy, this was the first time seeing him.

These two figures were none other than the ugly guy and his accomplice from the cabin area. They were here for different missions.

The ugly guy was here for the keys to the cabin, while his partner was here to check on their subject as well as pick the correct briefcase.

While he was still peeking at the guys from the bathroom section, the other guy suddenly gazed in his direction. Almost instantly, he jerked his head to the side and hid from view. In the next moment, he felt his heart pounding loudly in his chest as a cold sweat ran down his spine.

'Did he notice me?'

Jean thought for a moment.

Judging from the way the other guy looked in his direction in an abrupt manner, he had a feeling that he might have noticed him.

After a few seconds, Jean tried calming himself. When he regained his composure, he shifted a little and peeked at the guys once more.

This time, the other guy was staring at the bed with a distant look. This was clear that he didn't notice Jean as Jean had initially suspected.

"Where could he have gone to?"

The other guy asked while staring at the empty bed before him.

"How could I know?"

The ugly guy answered with a contorted face while facing the other guy.

For a moment there was grave silence. The other guy glared at the ugly guy and scanned the surroundings. He then gazed in Jean's direction. At that moment, Jean had sensed this act and had hidden from view. So, by the time the other guy was glancing in that direction, Jean was already out of view. So, he didn't spot him.

That was the moment a certain realisation struck Jean.

'I should use this slim opportunity to satiate my hunger before they find me.'

Jean thought to himself before placing the soft drink bottle on his mouth and started gulping down its remaining content.

From the way he weighed the chances of the two guys finding him, he knew it won't be difficult for them, considering that Jean had no where to escape from, let alone hiding from them. He knew very well that they would probably come searching for him the moment they found out that; he was missing in the bed chamber. And since he knew how wicked they were, he wasn't sure if they could offer him something to eat, afterwards.

So, when he got the opportunity to satiate his hunger, he grabbed it with both hands. There was no way he was going to let this golden opportunity slip off, not after all the torment that the hunger had passed him through.

At that moment, the other guy quickly pointed at the bathroom section.

"The door!"

The other guy exclaimed with wide eyes while staring in the direction of the bathroom section. Glancing in the same direction, the ugly guy wore a complicated look.

"Which door?"

The other guy shifted his gaze towards the ugly guy and smirked.

"The door opening to the bathroom section. I remember closing it by myself. Who could have opened it?"

"I don't know because the last time I was here I didn't notice anything"

The ugly guy said nonchalantly.

"What do you mean you didn't notice anything?"

The other guy asked with a subtle exasperation evident in his voice.

"I was here for the briefcase, so other than that, I only noticed the guy missing in bed. The rest was none of my business."

The ugly guy said while scratching his chin gently.

With a snort, the other guy took a step forward, but suddenly stopped and turned around.

"Where is the cabinet key?"

The other guy asked while staring at the ugly guy with dubious eyes.

"Oh! How did I forget that?"

With that, the ugly guy lowered his gaze and looked at the floor below his feet for a few moments. He then twisted his hat and turned to the bed on his left.

In the next moment, he lifted the bed from the side that he was standing and ducked under it.

After a few moments of continuous searching, the ugly guy raised his head and looked at the other guy with a tired expression written on his face.

"I can't find it"

The ugly guy said in a haggard tone while still bending under the bed.

"But you had said that you had left it in this chamber"

The other guy said with a complicated look.

During this time, Jean was done taking the drink and had returned the bottle to the drawer and closed it. He had thrown away his fears, and was now comfortably relaxing in the seat that was opposite to the bathroom in the bathroom section.

At some point, he had developed an idea of crossing to the bathroom to hide, but he was forced to throw the idea behind his head the moment he noticed how close the section was to the bed chamber.

 He was certain that they would notice him in the process. It was not that he was wary of the guys spotting him, it was only that he didn't want them to spot him moving around and suspect that he was planning on escaping. He preferred them finding him seated than moving, as this way, it can't be easy for them to deduce his escape plan easily.

After all he was a freed individual and could move freely. Otherwise, if they didn't want him to move around, they could have tied him up the same way they did when they were in the car.

"If that guy was here, I could have suspected that he was the one that took it"

The ugly guy said with a grim expression.

When Jean heard this, he gritted his teeth in anger and almost slammed the table before him.

'This idiot!'

Jean cursed internally.

At that moment, the grim expression on his face was replaced by a surprised expression. This was the moment he realised that he had picked a key from the floor.

Without a second thought, he inserted his hand in the pocket of his trouser and fished out the key. Pulling it closer to his face, his eyes widened.

'This must be the key that they are talking about.'

Since the start of the conversation between the two, Jean had been listening to everything that they were talking about, and in the process, he managed to hear their conversation about the key. Since it was the only key he found in the bed chamber, he was certain that it was the same key that the two were searching for.

At this time, Jean knew very well that the ugly guy was going to suspect him of taking the key, since he already hinted the possibility of doing so, in case he found him in the bed chamber the first time he visited. And this would probably hinder his escape plan, as the two guys would easily figure out, his reason of taking the key the moment they find him with it.

Since that was bound to happen right at the moment he was spotted, he had to come up with a plan of preventing the two guys from figuring out his escape plan.

For a few seconds, Jean's mind was running on all cylinders, trying to figure out the possible solution for his looming predicament.

A few moments later, a bright smile shone on Jean's face the moment his gaze shifted to the drawer. In the next moment, he vigilantly pulled out the drawer that he placed the empty bottle a while ago and carefully placed the key inside before closing it.

This was the moment he had to recall his risky idea.

'I must cross to the other end and enter the bathroom.'

This was the only way he was going to prevent the two guys from suspecting him, in case they find the key in the drawer. He had to use this slim opportunity in front of him and cross to the other side.

Lucky for him, he had not locked the bathroom door the last time he opened it. So, all he needed to do, was to stealthily cross to the other end and step into the bathroom.

During this moment, his heart was pounding heavily in his chest. He knew how lucky he was that the seat was somehow concealed from view otherwise, the two guys especially the new one, could have noticed him already. And this could have ruined his plan.

At that moment, the other guy who was facing the ugly guy with his back facing the bathroom section, resounded.

"Rise from there and go lock the door. When you are done, bring the key to me so that you won't misplace it the way you did to the other one."

With that, the ugly guy raised to his feet, leaving the bed still hanging in the air. The moment he started moving towards the door they came from, with the other guy facing in his direction, Jean knew that this was the opportunity he needed to cross to the other end.

'I need to cross now.'

