Change Of Plan

The two quickly directed their gazes towards the guy on the door way. Just as Rey, this guy was also donning in a black suit, black boots and a white shirt.

He was roughly two meters tall and had a somewhat handsome face, with beardless chin and brown eyes.

"Hey! Why is it taking you this long?"

The guy said while leaning to the side and peeking at Jean.

When Jean saw him gazing in his direction, he let out a light smile and waved at him. He responded by waving a hand, too.

"We need to talk"

Rey said while dragging the guy with him out of the bed chamber. The guy reluctantly moved in his direction with a confused look evident on his face.

"What do you think you are doing?"

The guy said as Rey immediately moved a hand and closed the door behind them.

"Follow me I will explain it to you."

Rey said as he let go the hand of the tall guy. He then headed towards the conference table. The tall guy followed him, but when he got to where the other two were watching the movie, he unconsciously took a seat and joined them.

When Rey got to the conference table where the lady and the serious guy were seated, he checked back and realised that the tall guy had joined the two guys in watching the movie. He snarled and turned his attention to the lady and the serious guy.

At that moment, the lady glared at him and snorted.

"Why did it take you long?"

Rey threw a quick glance at the door separating the bed chamber and the cabin section. He then shifted his gaze back to the lady.

"I have a plan that I need to discuss with you"

Rey said in a low tone that even the three watching the movie couldn't hear what he was saying except for the two.

Judging from Rey's expression, the two sensed that what he was about to tell them was something serious, so, they left what they were doing and switched their attention to Rey.

"The reason to why I was taking long, was because I was working on something."

With that, tense silence settled between the trio.

A moment later, the lady chimed in,

"What was that that you were working on?"

Rey let out a smile and glanced in the direction of the three watching the movie. He then turned and faced the lady.

"I will tell you, but I need them here, too"

Rey said while raising a brow.

In the next moment, the lady snorted and looked in the direction of the other three guys.

"You three, come here."

Turning in the direction of the lady almost simultaneously, the three guys stared at the lady with confused expressions.

After a few moments of hesitation, they all got to their feet and headed towards the conference table. As they approached the table, Rey moved and occupied one of the free seats. Seeing that it was only one seat remaining, the ugly guy quickly occupied it before anybody could do. This left the tall guy and the other guy standing.

The other guy then moved to the other edge of the table, and stood leaning on the table the same way the tall guy did on the other end.

Seeing the ugly guy grinning in his seat, the tall guy couldn't help but ask with a hint of annoyance,

"How sure are you that we are here to seat?"

"That is envy talking"

The ugly guy said mockingly.

On hearing this, the tall guy scoffed and straightened his face.

"I know you must be wondering why we called you here. But that shouldn't worry you, as he is going to tell you that"

The serious guy who had been silent all this while, said while gesturing at Rey who was seated opposite across him.

Almost immediately, everybody directed their gazes towards Rey.

Noticing their gazes, Rey heaved a sigh, placed his hands on top of the table and leaned forward.

"Do you know what, we have to change the way we treat our subject."

With that, everybody exchanged curious glances but finally concentrated the moment Rey continued.

"What I mean by that is that we need to be gentle to him."

Suddenly surprised expressions appeared on the faces of the five.

"Why do you have to say that, did you injure him while you were there or what?"

The lady couldn't help but ask.

"No wonder it took him long to come back. I remember the last time I touched the guy at the storeroom, he almost swallowed me. He is now going against his principles."

The ugly guy blurted out with a hint of exasperation in his voice.

Pursing his lips for a few moments, Rey heaved a frustrated sigh as he glared at the ugly guy. He then shifted his gaze back to the lady and let out a faint smile.

"I think that is a contradiction to my statement. How can I injure him and still come here to dissuade you to treat him gently? That's not why I am asking you this."

With that, he paused for a moment. The group then exchanged curious glances for a few moments before turning their attention back to Rey.

"Then tell us why you had to do this?"

The serious guy asked in a gallant tone.

Rey inhaled deeply, calmed himself and threw a quick glance at the closed door on the other end. His expression then turned serious and glanced at the serious guy.

"What you have to know is that our subject woke up knowing that he was in the hands of good Samaritans."

Rey said in a low tone.

"How did you manage to deduce that?"

The serious guy couldn't help but ask the question that was running through everybody's head at this moment.

Rey went ahead to explain to them everything that transpired in the bed chamber, until the moment Jean sent him something to eat.

The group was convinced by Rey's strategy and they opted to stick to it. They knew by doing so, they won't have a problem passing Jean through security points in the airport, as he would look like one of them.

By the time the discussion was ending, it had already passed over thirty minutes.

During the whole of this time, Jean was patiently waiting for the food. From the bed chamber, he could hear the voices of the group but he couldn't discern what they were discussing. But since he already had a hint of what they were discussing, he didn't bother to eavesdrop their conversation.

Immediately the conversation ended, the lady quickly threw a glance at the closed door.

"You have to take the food to him right now. He might be suspecting you already for staying this long"

The lady said with a complicated look.

A few minutes later, Rey had picked some food from the galley and was now heading to the bed chamber. The moment he was about to open the door, he felt someone touching his shoulder. He slowly turned back and saw the lady standing right at his back. He raised an eye brow and gaped.

At that moment, the lady leaned to his side and whispered through his ears.

"Don't forget to update us more about him. If you are sure he is fully convinced, just bring him in the cabin section."

With that she shrugged and gestured at Rey to leave.

A few minutes later, Rey and Jean were seated in bed and Jean was on the verge of finishing the food that Rey had brought him. He was already looking livelier than before.

This was the moment he could admit that he had enjoyed life since he was kidnapped. The moment he finished the food, Rey glanced at him and asked if he couldn't mind having a drink. Jean agreed to Rey's suggestion.

In the next moment, Rey got up and headed in the bathroom section and turned to his right.

When Jean saw this, he jolted.

'Could it be that he is going to check the drink that I drank a while ago?'

Jean thought for a while.

At the same time, Rey leaned forward and pulled out the drawer, he then picked out the empty bottle and grinned darkly.

'I suspected of such. This must be Blockhead's doings.'

With that thought still lingering in his mind, he turned around and walked out of the bathroom section.

When Jean saw Rey carrying the empty bottle in his hand while walking in his direction, he was almost compelled to tell him that he was the one that drank the drink. But when he saw the chances of the presence of the bottle in the drawer being linked to the key that was in the drawer, he quickly threw the matter at the back of his head. 

He preferred Rey to suspect that he was the one that drank the drink than he himself admitting of doing such. But still, he was preparing himself to deny the accusation in case Rey accused him the way he was expecting. After all he was not the only one in the plane.

