Welcome Sir!

The footsteps continued advancing in his direction. Noticing this, Jean slowly turned around and looked in the direction of the sound.

The moment his sight caught who was causing the sound, he gulped.

Coming from the galley section, Rey whose gaze was now fixed on Jean wore a complicated look.

Jean felt dreadful for a bit but quickly regained his composure and maintained an expressionless face. A split second later, he lowered himself in his seat while glancing in Rey's direction.

'Could he have noticed me?'

Shifting his gaze towards Rey's hand, his eyes widened.

'Where is the coffee that he was to bring?'

Jean immediately asked himself the moment he realized that Rey wasn't carrying anything in his hands.

It wasn't that he was that interested in the coffee, but he didn't understand why Rey didn't bring him the coffee he was supposed to bring him a while ago, after all, he was full from the food that Rey gave him while still in the bed chamber.

Just as he was still contemplating on the matter, Rey arrived at the conference table and stared at him.

"I saw you coming from this side, where were you coming from because I didn't see you pass the galley where I was?"

Rey said while gesturing in the direction of the galley.

When Jean heard this question, a wave of dread hit him, but since he had expected it, it didn't last.

In the next moment, Jean smiled wryly and faced Rey.

"You know I have been in bed for quite a long time, and my body is feeling some numbness. So, I was only taking a walk to stretch my body a little bit."

The moment Rey heard Jean's explanation, he let out a smirk and took a seat.

'Why is he seating? Isn't he supposed to bring me the coffee? Or did the coffee finish?'

A series of questions ran through Jean's head the moment he saw Rey take a seat. Not understanding the reason behind Rey's reluctance in bringing him the coffee, Jean recalled something.

'Where are we headed?'

With that thought in mind, Jean glanced at Rey with a serious face.

"If I may ask, where are your territories located?"

The moment Rey heard this question from Jean, he looked a little bit startled. He then went ahead to scan the surroundings before glancing at Jean.

"You know what, we are not permeated to divulge information related to our territories because it is confidential. So, the only thing I can assure you, is that you would like it."

Rey said in a low tone, making sure that nobody else heard his explanation.

The moment Jean heard Rey's reply, he felt disheartened. The reason to why he inquired for the location of where they were headed to, was because he wanted to at least have a clue in tracing his home in case he failed to escape from his foes before they arrive at their destination.

Considering that they have been travelling for over two hours nonstop, Jean knew very well that in no time, they would be arriving at their destination. And this was what kept him worried as he didn't know what awaited him on the other end.

Now that his effort of knowing their destination was hampered, he only remained with a single choice. And that was to escape before landing in their destination.

This was one of the hardest decisions because, in order for Jean to escape from the hands of the kidnappers, he had to jump off the plane. This was the biggest huddle that he has no choice other than to overcome it if he was to escape unscathed.

Knowing that the only option at hand was to jump off the plane, Jean started figuring out the possibilities of him escaping.

First of all, he needed to make the kidnappers feel free with him, then find an opening of grabbing a weapon from them, and later using it to demand a parachute that he was to use to escape.

Talking about grabbing a weapon, Jean had been in the cabin area for almost thirty minutes, but he had not been able to spot even a single weapon.

'These people look too confident. Could they have decided to keep away their weapons in order for them to win my trust?'

Jean thought internally.

There was a higher chance that Jean was right. Taking for instance, if Jean moved to the cabin area and found everybody in the area armed, there were high chances that he might have panicked and easily lost the trust that Rey thought he had towards him. This could have spoiled the plan of them wanting to make Jean feel comfortable around them.

Now that the only option remaining was jumping off the plane, Jean started calculating his next moves. He knew very well at the back of his mind that, the more he waited the dire the situation grew. So, this was his only time and moment to act.

Since there was no clue of the presence of a weapon, Jean's chances of escaping unscathed were extremely low. Keeping in mind that in order for the exit to be opened, he had to ask the pilot in the cockpit, this even proved how important a weapon could be in such situation.

'For my plan to be a success, I need to haunt their leader and this process requires a weapon.'

Jean was smart enough to figure out that in order for the kidnappers to bear to his demands, he needed to target their leader.

'Who could be their leader?'

Jean thought to himself.

Identifying the leader of the gang was as important as finding the weapon. This realization made Jean to turn his attention towards Rey and let out a light smile.

"If you don't mind, could you tell me who your leader is, because I feel like I owe him an appreciation for his kind gesture towards me."

With that, tense silence settled between the duo.

A few moments later, Rey opened his mouth to answer Jean's question, but before he could say anything, some random footsteps resounded from the direction of the cockpit.

Jean who was facing the direction was the first one to see the cause of it.

His expression darkened a bit, causing Rey to stare at him with a confused look.

A split second later, Rey turned around and looked in the direction of the approaching footsteps.

At the furthest end from where they were seated, just a few meters away from the cockpit, two figures could be seen approaching them in a measured gait.

One of the figures was a lady with a cup on a saucer with a steaming liquid inside, while the other figure was a man that was following the lady from behind.

The closer they moved the clearer their complexion appeared.

A few seconds later, the two figures arrived and the conference section and immediately came to a halting stop. Almost instantly, Rey quickly got to his feet and bowed before the man.

"Welcome sir!"

With that, Rey returned to his seat.

The man was five point seven meters high, had black short hair, bushy beard, protruding long nose, Brown eyes, square face, broad shoulders and different from others, he was donning in a sapphire suit with a luxurious wrist watch. He looked like he was in his early forties.

The lady on the other hand was five point six meters high and had an averagely beautiful face with long black hair that rested on her back.

This was the same lady that was in the cabin area a while ago.

"It is good to see that you are awake"

The lady said with a smile and then moved and sat to the empty seat on the same side of the table as Jean before placing the cup of coffee on the table.

Jean nodded in response.

The man also went ahead to occupy the empty seat on the same side of the table as Rey.

In the next moment, the lady slowly pushed the cup with the steaming liquid inside towards Jean and smiled gently.

"I heard that you needed this"

On seeing this, Jean gulped and lingered. He then craned his neck and had a peek inside the cup. When he noticed the coffee inside, he raised his head and looked at the lady before glancing at the man.

The man gestured at him to go ahead and have the coffee that was contained in the cup.

"I know you must be wondering who they are."

Rey said confidently.

Jean who had just lifted the cup of coffee and was about to take a sip, paused and lowered the cup gently and responded,


Turning to face the lady, Rey blinked for a couple of times.

"She is Lynn, our third in command"

Rey said while gesturing at the lady.

The lady the nodded with a smile as she looked at Jean.

At this time, Jean threw a quick glance in the distance before turning his attention to Rey.

With a humble expression, Rey turned and faced the man seating next to him before turning to face Jean.

"This is our boss and his name is Marr"

Rey said with a smile plastered on his face.

'So, this is their leader?'

Jean thought to himself as he nodded silently to respond to Rey's explanation.

Taking a sip, Jean lingered, lowered the cup of coffee and placed it on the table. His gazes darted around and then smiled gently.

"It is good to see you, but if I am not mistaken you must be…"

Suddenly another voice resounded from a close distance, forcing Jean to leave his statement midway.

"Sir! Here is the briefcase."

The serious guy said in a gallant tone as he took two more steps and stopped at the conference table while holding a black briefcase in his embrace.

Hearing this, everybody in the conference section including those on the divan turned their attention to the serious guy.

Jean had noticed the serious guy approaching a while ago but he chose to concentrate on what Rey was telling him about the two at the conference table.

Marr immediately furrowed his brows and glanced at the serious guy.

"Return it to where you picked it, I don't think you needed me to tell you that."

With that, the serious guy turned to leave, but when Jean looked at him, his eyes widened.

'Is that a gun?!'