Are You Okay?

The moment Jean sensed that the others could notice his weird gaze, he quickly retracted his attention from the leaving serious guy.

He had just noticed a firearm hanging by the waist of Jade the moment he was turning to leave.

A split second later, Rey cleared his throat and looked at Jean. Seeing that Jean was looking back at him, Rey looked at the disappearing figure of the serious guy entering the door separating the cabin area and the bed chamber.

"That is Jade, our second in command"

Rey said with a subtle smile as he gestured in the direction of the serious guy.

Jean nodded silently as he turned back and glanced at the serious guy who was now closing the door.

'I hope he won't leave the firearm in the bed chamber because even if I manage to go there alone, it would be difficult for me to trace it.'

Jean thought deeply before turning to face Rey.

"Thanks for that brief introduction, Rey."

With that, Jean shifted his gaze towards Marr and smiled gently.

"Sir, I don't know how to express my gratitude to you and your team for what you did for me. I know you didn't know me before saving me from those vile people, and that is a proof that you are goodhearted. The way you identified me and realised that I was kidnapped is beyond my understanding, but all in all is that at least I am in the right hands right now"

Jean explained with feigned enthusiasm.

"It is nothing. That was the best we could do"

Marr said with a faint smile. He then paused for a moment and continued…

"I know you must have been asking yourself what kind of job we usually do."

The moment Jean heard this statement, he lingered and blinked severally before lightly nodding silently.

Placing his hands on top of the table, Marr continued…

"I am a businessman and these are my team members. We trade some items with other business men. I partner with some other big business people in this, that's why we are capable of owning things like these."

Marr said with a light smile while gesturing at the plane they were in.

Jean's eyes widened in bewilderment as he studied the surroundings.

'Oh! So, he is the owner of this amazing plane? I can't believe it. What kind of business could generate this magnitude of profit that is capable of purchasing such expensive assets? Or could it be that, they sell…'

Jean was forced to leave his last thought midway because of the sudden wave of dread that descended on him. He then lifted the cup of coffee and took the last sip before lowering it back on the table.

He then raised his head and faced Marr.

"That sounds good to me. If you don't mind, could you please tell me the kind of items that you usually trade in?"

Immediately Jean asked that question, tense silence settled between the four. A few moments later, Marr shrugged and looked Jean straight in the eye.

"We usually trade in many items including; farm produce, machines and tools. In short we are majorly based on farming"

Marr said without blinking.

If it could have been another person, it could have been difficult for the person to doubt him. But this was Jean who already knew the true identity of who he was talking to.

'He is good at lying, just as Rey. But I think I am good at that too, because they are yet to notice my pretence.'

Jean on one hand, he felt like he had met the team of ultimate liars, but on the other hand, he felt like he was the king at lying and pretence.

If not only did Jean realise that he was still in the hands of kidnappers the moment he woke up, it could have been difficult for him to doubt them.

They decided to play him when he was already a step ahead of them, that's why he still has an upper hand in this game of lies and pretence.

Not long after, Jade returned from the bed chamber and stood at the conference table. Almost immediately, Lynn got to her feet, collected the cup of coffee and excused herself as she headed to the galley.

The moment Lynn left, Jade immediately took her empty seat and sat next to Jean. This was the moment Jean vigilantly studied his waist to confirm of he still had the firearm. Fortunately for him, the firearm was still hanging by the waist halfway covered by the coat.

'This is my perfect opportunity to act.'

With that thought, Jean vigilantly studied the faces of the three and suddenly, he clutched to his stomach.

Jade being close to him, was the first to react and quickly grabbed Jean with a surprised face. At the moment Jade moved closer to Jean, Jean slowly removed the firearm hanging by Jade's waist without his knowledge, and quickly placed it under his seat before seating on it.

He then straightened up.

"Are you okay?"

Rey asked with a confused look.


Jean answered confidently.

"And what was that act for?"

Jade asked curiously.

"It's just some stomach crumps but I'm fine now."

The group then continued with their chats for another ten minutes, but when Jade stood up to leave, he realised that his firearm was missing. He quickly scanned the premises with a confused expression on his face.

"What are you looking for?"

Jean asked with a curious face, thus forcing Jade to leave his search midway.

Since he already knew what Jade was looking for, he made sure he was the first to question his actions the moment he saw him searching. He knew by doing so, he would prevent Jade from suspecting him.

"Yeah, tell us, what are you searching?"

Marr asked with a complicated look.

Knowing that saying the answer loud would alarm Jean, Jade immediately pursed his lips and shook his head.

"It is nothing"

With that, Jade spared Jean a quick glance and left in haste as he headed towards the bed chamber. He was on his way to confirm if he left the firearm there, because that was where he thought he might have left it.

The moment Jean noticed the two staring in the direction of the leaving Jade, he quickly utilised that window of opportunity and squeezed the firearm in the waist of his trouser and covered it with his shirt.

Turning to face Jean and later Rey, Marr lingered,

"Why is he saying that he wasn't searching for anything yet he is acting this weird?"

Marr asked in with a confused look.

"I don't know. Should I go and check?"

Rey asked while gazing in the direction of the bed chamber that Jade had just disappeared to.

"What are you waiting for? Go!"

Marr spoke at the top of his lungs that his voice attracted the attention of the three on the divan. When they gazed in the direction of Marr, he glared at them prompting them to look away and continue watching their movie.

In the next moment, Rey lunged forward and followed Jade in the bed chamber.

The moment Jean saw Rey leave, he almost let out a triumph scream.

"This is it"

Jean muttered under his breath.

Hearing Jean voicing out something, Marr turned his attention to Jean and grinned.

"What did you say?"

Marr asked in a neutral tone.

"I think there is something I need to share with you"

Jean said as he slowly circled around the table and approached Marr.

"Is it that serious for you to tell me when there's nobody around?"

Jean nodded silently as he continued to move in the direction of Marr.

"Okay come tell me"

Marr gave him an assurance.

The moment Jean got to where Marr was seated, he leaned to his side and approached his ears. He then kept silent for a moment as he moved his hand and took the firearm from his waist, cocked it and quickly aimed straight at the neck of Marr.

The surprising thing was that, Jean had never used a firearm before, but the knowledge he applied in this situation he obtained it from movies he used to watch. That movie knowledge played a significant role in this.

While tightly holding the firearm close to Marr's neck, Jean quickly locked his neck with his left arm.

"Take it easy"

Marr said with fright.

"Stand up!"

Jean commanded him while still holding him tightly with the gun still aimed at his neck.

This commotion attracted the attention of the three in the divan.

"What is going on there?"

Larry asked with a confused expression.

"As if you don't have eyes"

Ged said in a gallant tone.

"What should we do?"

Raff asked with a panicked face.

"We should sit and watch this real movie; I think it would be more entertaining than the one we were watching"

Ged suggested nonchalantly.

"Instead of suggesting a solution you are busy discarding thrush from your mouth"

Larry said with an annoyed face.

"If we could have had our guns around we could have threatened him to leave him"

Raff said through gritted teeth.

"Is it not the idea of that idiot, he was the one who said that we should keep our weapons away, where is he by the way. Or maybe he had planned this with him"

Ged said with annoyance. He was clearly talking about Rey and the reason he didn't know where he was, was because he was too engrossed in watching that him and his friends didn't notice him leave some moments ago.

At this moment, Jean was forcefully moving Marr towards the exit.

"Tell them to bring the parachute"

Jean ordered.

"Raff, please bring the parachute"

Marr said while tilting his head to look at the frightened trio.

"I am coming to save you"

Ged blurted out as he lunged forward.

"If you move any closer, forget him."

Jean ordered as Ged quickly came to a halting stop a few meters away from the two.

"And you, what are you waiting for, do as instructed and also tell the pilot to open the exit."

Jean told Raff with a serious face. In the next moment, Raff breezed past them and headed towards the cockpit. A few moments later, two figures stormed out of the cockpit.
