The Escape

One of the figures was a lady while the other figure was a man.

The lady was in front as the man carrying a parachute in his hands trailed from behind.

These figures were none other than Lynn and Raff respectively.

The moment Jean spotted them, he glared at them and frowned.

"Where do you think you are going? Stop where you are! Any move from any of you and he is dead"

Jean ranted while gesturing at Marr.

Immediately the duo heard this, they stopped and stared in Jean's direction with panicked faces.

At this moment, Jean had dragged Marr at the edge of the small corridor leading to the exit. Without further hesitation, he immediately turned at Raff.

"Bring that parachute here"

Raff lingered for a moment, he then stepped forward and approached Jean.

"Give it to him"

Jean commanded while gesturing at Marr, now in front of him. In the next moment, Raff handed the parachute to Marr. Almost immediately, Jean motioned Raff to step aside. When Raff and Lynn were at a decent distance, Jean stepped a few steps away from Marr while still aiming the firearm at him.

"Go ahead and put on the parachute"

Jean said with a frown while giving the rest of the group a furtive look from time to time.

During this moment, Jean's heart was thumbing heavily in his chest. He knew the decision he had made could not be reversed, so, he knew very well at the back of his head that any mistake and he would be doomed.

During the conversation with the group, he had managed to identify a familiar voice that he craved to have revenge on its owner. This was the voice of Blockhead.

He remembered how the idiot slapped him when he was detained in the empty room. That was the moment his heart bleated for vengeance the moment he recognises the owner of the voice.

He was not able to identify the owner of the voice all this time, because Blockhead had not talked since the moment Jean entered the Cabin area until this moment of commotion.

Since he had sworn in his heart to revenge on the idiot, he had to come up with something.

"You, come here!"

Jean said while gesturing at Blockhead to come his way.

Blockhead looked around in confusion and slowly stepped forward and approached Jean. During this moment, Marr was in the process of putting on the parachute that Raff had given him some moments ago.

When Blockhead was a couple steps away from Jean, Jean gazed in the direction of Marr and noticed that he was done putting on the parachute.

He quickly moved in his direction and aimed the gun at his neck once again.

Turning in the direction of Blockhead, Jean blinked for a couple of times.

"Come here and tie us together."

Jean instructed while glaring at Blockhead.

"Where are the belts?"

Blockhead who had stopped a couple of steps away from Jean asked out of confusion.

"You, where are the belts?"

Jean asked Raff with a smirk.

"Just… open the zip at the back and pull them out."

Raff said with a starter.

"You, come here and do what he has said"

Jean instructed Blockhead as he slowly let go Marr and moved to the side while still aiming the gun at him.

The thing that made Jean act cool headed was the fact that none of the people around was carrying a fire arm, and in addition, the two guys who could have acted stubborn in this situation were still in the bed chamber, this clearly explained why Jean had an upper hand in this situation.

A second later, Blockhead moved and got to where Marr was. As he passed, Jean made sure to maintain a decent distance from him. He didn't want to give him a chance to grab the firearm from him.

When he was done pulling out the belts, he attached them on the body suit that was containing the parachute. Jean then vigilantly stepped forward while observing the rest of the group from time to time as he aimed the firearm at Marr's head. When he got to Marr, he quickly aimed his gun at his neck.

"Go ahead and tie us together!"

Jean immediately commanded Blockhead with a serious face.

The moment blockhead was done tying the two together, Jean swung his left hand and delivered a deadly slap on his right chubby cheek. The sound of a slap connecting with a cheek reverberated in the cabin area as Blockhead's head jolted to the side and the hat that was resting on his head spin in the air and dropped a meter away from him, thus revealing a shiny, disfigured bald head.

'Now I understand why he was the only one putting on the hat.'

Jean thought with a nod.

Blockhead quickly placed a hand on his aching cheek as his eyes turned bloodshot. He then glanced at Jean with a forbidding look while groaning in pain.

This turn of events almost threw some of the people off their feet. It was out of the blue as no one had expected it.

"What did I do wrong?"

Blockhead asked with a scowl.

Indifferent to his question, Jean turned to Raff and frowned.

"Tell the pilot to open the exit and nobody should move, unless you want him dead"

Jean's voice echoed in the surrounding as he gestured at Marr with a serious face.

A split second later, Blockhead touched his bald head and froze for a second. in the next moment, he looked at Jean with a puppy face as if asking him "can you please allow me pick my hat?"

As if reading his mind, Jean shooed Blockhead to leave.

He lingered for a moment before turning back to leave. The moment he got at his hat, he unceremoniously picked it up and quickly put it on before slowly turning in Jean's direction. On meeting Jean's heavy gaze, he tensed a bit and let out a wry smile.

Heaving a sigh, Blockhead turned away, moved to the right and joined Larry. Still touching his cheek from time to time, Blockhead threw furtive looks at Raff and Lynn who were on the left from where Jean was standing and pouted with annoyance.

A few seconds later, Raff took out a communicator and requested the pilot to open the exit.

Not long after, the exit opened and a gale of wind assaulted the two figures next to the exit.

Immediately Jean saw the exit fully open, a wave of happiness struck him to the point that he almost let go the firearm in his hands.

'Don't get carried away…'

Jean thought internally as he tried to calm himself.

He was happy that his plans of escaping had worked out well to this point, but what he wasn't sure of was; if he would survive landing with a parachute.

He had never used a parachute before not to talk of seeing it. This was the first time that he was coming in contact with one and at the same time, using it.

This sudden realization yielded to an idea in his mind. Raising his head to face the group, Jean lingered.

After a few moments of hesitation, he tilted his head, looked at Marr and snorted.

"You must know how to use the parachute, isn't it?"

Marr lingered for a moment and then nodded.

'I thought as much.'

Jean thought with a wicked smile flashing on his face.


In the bed chamber…

"We have already searched here for a countless time. I don't know if you think it is a toy that we are searching for us not to spot it at such an open place?"

Jade spatted as he gazed on the pile of documents littering the floor he was standing on.

Currently, the duo was at the bed chamber and they had searched under the bed for the firearm without avail. This repeat of actions had irked Jade's feelings to the point of becoming mad at himself.

"If we can't find it, then let me go give you mine"

Rey said after careful consideration.

"Do it fast because our boss's life might be in danger. After all you know I am the one in charge of protecting him. It is good to take a precaution measure in such circumstances, because we aren't sure of what might follow next."

Jade said with a contorted face.

"You are right. Although our subject might seem harmless, he is still dangerous as long as he is able to figure out that we are his real enemies. That's why I came up with a plan of you remaining with your firearm but in concealment"

Rey explained with a serious expression.

"Did you hear the commotion some moments ago?"

Jade said with a tensed expression.

"Yeah! I was about to tell you the same, but when I realised where it was coming from, I opted out of the matter"

Rey said with a subtle grin.

"And where was it coming from, according to you?"

Jade asked with a curious face.

"Where else… if not the movie that the idiots were watching"

Rey said with a hint of disdain in his voice.

"Where did you put your firearm then?"

Jade asked with a curious face.

"Follow my lead!"

Rey said as he motioned Jade to follow him.

In the next moment, the duo stepped out of the bed chamber and entered the cabin area. This was the moment they realised that something was amiss.

"I told you, things were bound to turn sour any moment"

Jade muttered with a frown.

Indifferent to his statement, Rey quickly moved to the divan, pulled a drawer underneath it and took out a firearm and squeezed it into the pocket of his trouser.

The moment Jean heard the commotion at the divan, he quickly turned in that direction while still holding Marr hostage. At this point, Rey was already heading in his direction with Jade following suit.

"Hey, stop where you are!"

Jean commanded in a raspy voice.

Suddenly, the two stopped and glanced in his direction with anticipation.

This was the moment Jean felt the urgency of escaping, and without a second thought, he forcefully turned Marr to face the exit as he faced the group of people in front of him.

He then took several backward steps and entered the exit corridor.

Hidden from view, the group approached the exit to confirm what was going on. By the time the group was halting at the furthest edge of the exit corridor, Jean was just a couple of steps from the exit.

At this point, the wind hauled across the exit, threatening to pull the duo from the flying plane.

Immediately Jean saw Rey and Jade show up at the furthest end of the exit corridor, he held his breath and took a couple of steps back and plummeted from the plane.

In the next split second, Blockhead who was now standing next to Rey grabbed the firearm from his pocket and lunged at the exit before starting to fire at the plummeting figures.

