Say My Name

Elsyia shifted between Azrael's legs, his head still placed at the crook of her neck. She was completely naked, as naked as a a new born, while this man still had his trousers on. She didn't think it was fair, not that she wanted to see him naked, it was just unfair for her to be completely naked while he still had some clothing on.

"What did you do for the past two days in my absence?" Azrael inquired, curiosity lacing his tone. Throughout his journey to Arcadia, in Arcadia and back to Valeria, he had her in his thoughts, curious as to what she was up to.

"Thank you for appointing me a governor. I am forever indebted to you, Your Majesty," she mentioned, almost forgetting to appreciate the king.

Azrael nodded, acknowledging her appreciation. "What did you learn from Kael?" He asked, noticing how her eyes sparkled like that of a little child who was excited to tell her parents about her new discovery.

"So far, I can recognize the alphabets well and I know how to write them down. Although Kael says my handwriting is quite poor," Elysia said, her face saddening.

"Do not take Kael's words for it, you will perfect your writing soon, if you practice enough, " he encouraged, sighting a smile appear across her face.

"May I ask a question, Your Majesty?" Elysia asked, her eyes just as curious as her tone.

"Go ahead,"

"Why did you appoint me a human governor, Your Majesty?"

"Do you not prefer someone just like yourself?" He asked, to which she nodded quietly. Although Elysia was grateful, she didn't want it to come off as though she was scared to be around dragons and would rather be around a human than a dragon. She still feared dragons even though the ones in the palace were quite peaceful.

They sat in silence for a moment, Azrael staring into Elysia's soul. It was as if he couldn't get enough of her face. He took in her every appearance, from her bright green eyes, small nose and plump lips that appeared to be light pink in color.

"Your Majesty," Elsyia breathed out with a moan, as the king began using his tongue to trail along her delicate neck.

"Hmm," he hummed, bringing his face in front of hers. She had something in her eyes which Azrael couldn't decipher, but he loved it.

Looking away from him she said, her voice frail. "I-i don't think it is right to do this,"

Elsyia felt his large palm grab her neck gently forcing her to make eye contact with him. "Right to do what?" He asked, something dark and dangerous lurking in his eyes.

"Y-you have a woman..." Elysia trailed off, unsure of how to put her words. She didn't think it was right for the king to be having an affair when he had a woman in his palace. Though it was no new phenomenal for the king to have concubines even if he had a queen. Yet, Elysia refused to be the concubine.

"Oh, Renata," he said after a moment of silence. His fingers weaving into her hair, gently massaging her scalp.

Elysia nodded, her green eyes glinting as she anticipated what next the king would say. Deep down, she was scared, she didn't want to be a concubine while the king was married.

Azrael finally let go off her neck, sinking further into the tub while his eyes closed shut. "Does her presence bother you?" He questioned, prying open his eyes before locking his gaze on her.

Elysia's eyes widened, she was bewildered. What made the king think she would have a problem with the woman he had brought to his palace.

"O-of course not, Your Majesty. I-i am just curious" She replied, her head hanging low in embarrassment.

"Then what seems to be the problem?" He inquired, his finger stroking her jaw.

"I..." She trailed off. She managed to bring her gaze to the king's, summoning all the courage to speak her mind. "I don't not think it is right for us to engage in any sexual relationship, while you have brought a woman to your palace," she clarified, her face turning beet red. Azrael didn't respond, but she could feel his hot gaze, burning her skin.

"Sexual relationship?" Azrael asked tilting his head to the side. She instantly raised her gaze to meet his. She hoped he had not misinterpreted her, this was indeed a sexual relationship. Being naked with a man while in the tub, touching each other's body parts was very intimate and therefore should be considered a sexual relationship.

Before Elysia could register, the king forced his thumb into her mouth. "Y-your Majesty!" She exclaimed, her eyes widened in surprise. What was the king doing?

"Yes, Elysia?" There was an evil glint in his eyes, along side the devilish smile he had on his face. Azreal continued to coax her tongue, gently massaging it.

Elysia felt her face burn in embarrassment, she knew her face was red hot already, even though the bathroom was dimly lit, they could see eachother clearly. The king had not taken her words seriously, instead he proceeded to do what he pleased.

"Say my name," she heard him say, refusing to remove his thumb from her mouth.

"Y-your Majesty?" She muffled out, her voice faltering.

"No!" He barked out rather calmly, his voice evidently strained as if his control was slipping out of his hold.

"K-king Azrael?" She muttered, feeling him push his finger deeper into her mouth. She heard a low growl erupt from his chest.

"Again!" He commanded, his voice sounding hoarse.

"King Azrael," she managed to say, this time around, Azrael pushed his finger into the depths of her throat, inducing a gag from Elysia.

Embarrassed, she pulled away quickly, apologizing immediately. "Forgive me, I did not mean to react that way, Your Majesty."

Azrael stared at her in silence, his gaze strained on her tiny figure. "Apology accepted," he said.

Elysia bowed deeply, "Thank you, Your Majesty," she paused before saying. "The water is cold, I should prepare the bed," Azrael nodded, skeptically letting go of his prey. Even though he didn't want her to leave his sight, he realized she was still new to this and it would probably take her sometime to get used to it.