Provoked Suspicion

Azrael sat on his mighty throne, one leg bent over resting on the other, while the other stretched out casually in front of him. His body leaned slightly to one side, his elbow propped on his knee, supporting his posture. His hand was raised to his chin, his fingers lightly brushing against his lips, as if lost in thought.

He was indeed lost in his thoughts. Last night while in the tub with Elysia, he almost lost his self control. The way her plump lip parted slightly when she was embarrassed, her fiery red hair that reminded him of his wild blazing flames, and her green eyes of the pine trees of the forest, so mesmerizing, so innocent. He sighed inwardly, realizing he was fantasizing.

She reminded him too much of someone he had once loved so deeply, a woman he had lost over two centuries ago. Despite the passing years, the memory of her still remained in his heart, as vivid and painful as if it happened yesterday. Yet, there was something about Elysia, threatening to crumple the walls he had built around his heart, forcing her way into it.

"You Majesty," he heard Sevastian call out. He had been so lost in his thoughts that he hadn't even noticed his advisor entering the courtroom.

Azrael turned his head slowly, his black eyes fixing on Sevastian with an unreadable expression. "What is it?" he asked, his voice calm yet carrying a hint of irritation for the intrusion.

"My apologies, Your Majesty. I didn't mean to disturb your peace. But there are matters that require your attention." Sevastian said as he offered a polite bow.

Azrael sighed, leaning back in his throne. He had hoped for a moment of peace, but his duties as king never allowed him such luxury. "Go on," he said, gesturing for Sevastian to continue.

Sevastian stepped forward, holding a scroll in his hand. "There have been reports from the northern borders, Your Majesty. Our scouts have encountered a group of rogues," he explained, rolling up the scroll.

Azrael's gaze sharpened,. "A group?" He asked, quite intrigued. So there were more of them just lurking around now.

"It appears so, Your Majesty," Sevastian replied. "They have been recruiting heavily, and their numbers seem to be growing, unfortunately"

"And what news do we have from Rohan?" Azrael questioned. During the inspection, they had speculated that the rogues were either humans being feed dragonic powers or dragons going rogue from the unknown flower. Either way, they hadn't come to a conclusion on the matter and could not proceed.

"No news for now, Your Majesty. But he mentioned he would pay a visit to the palace soon. We hope to receive good news by then," Azrael sighed, he nodded his head before waving his hand dismissively.

"Where is Dargan?" Azrael questioned with a frown. He almost forgot the dragon lord was still in his palace.

"Lord Dargan has been out of the palace, since two nights ago after you left the palace,"  Sevastian replied, pushing the rim of his glasses up his nose bridge.

"Why is that?" Azrael questioned, his eyes blazing golden, rage evident in his gaze as he glared sharply at Sevastian.

"He said he wanted to retrieve some items from his manor but didn't provide further explanation," Sevastian said, bowing. Although he had tried to prevent the Dragon Lord from leaving the palace without the knowledge of the king but he had no power to do so.

Azrael narrowed his eyes, his irritation palpable. "Did he think I granted him such liberty? My palace is not some inn where he can come and go as he pleases," he muttered, more to himself than to Sevastian. The nerve of Dargan, leaving without a word or a clear reason. Azrael was not fond of loose ends. "Find out what he is up to, I want to know everything, keep not one thing from me" Azrael ordered sharply, his tone leaving no room for delay. Sevastian bowed again.

"At once, Your Majesty," Sevastian replied, turning on his heel to carry out the command.

Azrael leaned back on his throne, his fingers tapping rhythmically against the armrest. His brows scrunched together to form a frown. Dargan was definitely going on his watchlist, he never trusted the dragon lord, but now Dargan was giving him every reason not to trust him.

As if things couldn't get worst for Azrael, Renata pushed open the door, stepping inside the courtroom.

"Your Majesty, "she greeted with a slight bow, to which Azrael nodded. "You did not have breakfast with me," she said, her cheeks tainted a light shade of pink.

"Forgive me for I was busy. I had important duties to attend to," Azrael replied, his face void of any emotion.

"Does that mean His Majesty has not had breakfast?" Renata asked, stepping cautiously toward the king. She had planned to spend two days in Valeria, and within those days, she was determined to grow closer to Azrael, hoping he would accept the proposal.

Azrael's expression remained stoic as he turned to face her. "I have not," he replied, his gaze shifting back to the documents on the table before him. "And I have no appetite for food"

Renata hesitated for a moment, searching for the right words. "I understand, Your Majesty, but perhaps a meal would help clear your mind. Even kings need food to function at their best." She offered a gentle smile, hoping to soften his mood.

Azrael sighed, he noticed how hard she was trying to please him. "Of course," he relented, his tone softer than before. "Perhaps you are right. A meal might do me some good."

Renata's face lit up immediately, a small, grateful smile gracing her face. "I will have the servants prepare something immediately, Your Majesty. Perhaps we could dine together?"Azrael hesitated for a moment. He preferred eating alone, especially when he needed to think. After an inner battle, he gave in

"Very well," he agreed, giving her a slight nod. "We will dine together."