Chapter 06 - aversion to meetings

Normally, they wouldn't succumb to the fear of central power and would do their best to ensure everything went right. The atmosphere in NeoArchanah was charged with an almost tangible electric energy. The city, always a cacophony of life and technology, seemed to hold its breath, awaiting what promised to be an epic confrontation. The streets were quieter than usual, the inhabitants, aware of the imminent danger, had retreated into the shadows, away from the threat looming over the city.

Samirah and Rodrigo walked side by side, feeling the weight of responsibility on their shoulders. Samirah, with her long hair intricately braided, felt the familiar touch of the runes etched into her staff. They pulsed with a soft light, reacting to the growing turmoil within her. Each step brought her closer to the destiny that Valentyn had marked for them.

Rodrigo, on the other hand, couldn't hide his restlessness. His human form seemed on the verge of giving way to the wolf within his soul. His golden eyes shone, reflecting the neon light of the city, but also the tension and fear he struggled to control. "He's planning something big," he murmured, his gaze fixed on the horizon where Valentyn's tower gleamed like a dark sentinel.

Samirah cast a glance at her companion. "Whatever it is, we're not alone," she said, with a confidence she was struggling to feel. "We'll face it together, Rodrigo, as always."

The tower loomed ahead of them, each floor shrouded in dark mystery. The city seemed to converge on that single point, where NeoArchanah's fate would be decided. Samirah knew this encounter would change everything. Valentyn, the vampire who had long been scheming in the shadows, was finally ready to reveal his true power. And they, despite all their preparation, were yet to discover how devastating that power could be.

The prophecies seemed to grow clearer to Samirah, who was shaken, sweating cold as she awoke from her crazy dream. No, she wasn't facing battles. She was in her cold room in the Order's tower, waiting for the day to dawn so she could return to her routine of studies...

Samirah jolted awake, her body trembling and breath ragged. Reality slowly revealed itself around her as she struggled to escape the grasp of the dream that felt so real. Sweating cold, she forced herself to remember where she was: in the austere interior of her room in the Order's tower, surrounded by cold stone walls and ancient volumes of arcane texts.

The images from the dream still floated in her mind, vivid and frightening. The prophecies, once nebulous and fragmented, were now taking shape, unfolding before her closed eyes. She saw Valentyn, the tower, the city in flames… She felt the anguish and weight of what was to come. But upon waking, the comfort of temporary safety mixed with the terror of what she knew was inevitable.

She curled up under the covers, trying to warm her anxiety-chilled body. The wind howled outside, beating against the tower's windows, a sound that seemed to echo the turmoil in her heart. There were still a few hours until dawn, but Samirah knew she wouldn't be able to return to sleep. The visions had deeply unsettled her, as if they were an urgent warning from fate.

She slowly got up, her bare feet meeting the cold stone floor. She walked to the small table in the corner of the room, where a single candelabrum held a flickering flame. There, in the weak light, Samirah opened one of her prophecy books, searching for answers, trying to understand what her dream was trying to tell her.

But no matter how much she studied the ancient words, the meaning seemed to elude her grasp. She knew time was running out, and soon the routine of studies would give way to something much darker and more dangerous. Valentyn was moving in the shadows, and she needed to be ready for what was to come...

The fear and uncertainty that pervaded Samirah's heart reflected the gravity of the situation. The words of the prophecies mixed in her mind, disconnected fragments she desperately tried to piece together. Every detail of her dream seemed charged with an importance she still couldn't fully decipher, but Valentyn's name emerged as an imminent threat, a force that would soon reveal itself.

As the flame of the candelabrum cast dancing shadows on the stone walls, Samirah found herself contemplating the role she would play in NeoArchanah's future. She, a scholar of the Order, trained to decipher the mysteries of the world, now found herself on the brink of a conflict that transcended her understanding. Valentyn, with his growing power, was about to change the course of history, and Samirah knew she needed to prepare for the confrontation.

The silence of the tower was broken only by the wind howling outside, but within Samirah, an even greater storm was forming. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to calm her thoughts, but the images from the dream kept returning, showing her the chaos to come.

Determined, Samirah focused on a single word that seemed to resonate in her mind: preparation. The routine that awaited her at dawn would not be just another day of studies; it would be the beginning of a new phase, where the knowledge she so valued would be her greatest weapon. The battle would not be only against Valentyn but against the very fate the prophecies hinted at.

With a deep breath, Samirah closed the book in her hands but didn't move away from the table. Instead, she began to write, tracing new symbols and invocations, preparing in the only way she knew: through wisdom and magic. She knew time was running short, but as long as the candelabrum's flame was still burning, she would continue her vigil. The night might be long, but Samirah was determined to face it, with her eyes open and mind alert.

Breakfast at the imperial house, where the king and the rest of the alpha caste lords, including Prince Rodrigo, were deliberating on security matters as always, found Rodrigo thinking about Samirah and how she could secretly be his bride, but nobility and royalty would never accept...

The breakfast hall of the imperial house was immersed in a solemn atmosphere, where discussions about security and strategies dominated the table. The king, with his imposing presence, led the conversation, while the alpha caste lords, including Prince Rodrigo, observed him with respect and attention. The conversation revolved around the latest threats to the empire's security, but Rodrigo's mind was far from there.

Rodrigo maintained a serious expression, perfectly suited for a prince amid such important deliberations, but his thoughts were fixed on another issue. He found himself thinking about Samirah, the young sorceress of the Order, whose eyes shone with a wisdom that seemed to transcend time. Rodrigo had known Samirah for years, and over that time, his feelings for her had evolved from a simple friendship to something much deeper.

The idea that Samirah could be his bride had crossed his mind more than once, but he knew it was an impossible dream. She was not part of the nobility, nor did she have the royal blood that the alpha caste required for a union. Rodrigo knew his position required him to follow certain rules and traditions, and any attempt to marry someone outside the alpha caste would be seen as an affront to the established order.

As the lords continued their discussion, Rodrigo cast a discreet glance out the window, observing the imperial gardens. He imagined Samirah there, by his side, walking among the flowers and fountains, away from the obligations and critical gazes of the court. But he quickly pushed that fantasy aside, reminded of the reality that separated them.

Rodrigo forced himself to refocus on the discussion at the table, but the words of his fellow lords seemed distant and irrelevant. The true conflict within him was what really mattered: the love he felt for Samirah and the impossibility of expressing it. He knew that if he were true to his heart, he would face the wrath of his family and the royalty, but at the same time, the idea of living without her seemed an even greater sacrifice.

As breakfast continued, Rodrigo struggled to hide his thoughts, maintaining the impeccable prince façade. But in his heart, the battle between duty and desire continued, with no easy solution in sight.

His father, the emperor, watched him with perceptive eyes. He tried to uncover his son's secrets without much difficulty or problem, and then began to ask him a series of very serious questions. After all, there was nothing to fear...

The emperor watched Rodrigo with a penetrating gaze, his experience and sagacity allowing him to perceive nuances that escaped most. Rodrigo's impassive expression couldn't completely hide the restlessness he felt inside. Without many noticing, the emperor decided to ask a series of questions that seemed more aimed at probing his son's mind than discussing security matters.

"Rodrigo," began the emperor, his voice laden with authority, "what is your assessment of the recent threats to our security? I feel there is more than you are willing to say."

Rodrigo straightened in his chair, trying to maintain composure. "The situation is under control, father. We are monitoring suspicious activities and strengthening our defenses."

The emperor raised an eyebrow. "That may be true, but you seem especially distracted today. Is there a personal concern affecting your concentration? The alpha caste always demands that personal concerns be subordinated to duty."

Rodrigo felt the weight of his father's words and, despite his effort to remain calm, couldn't avoid a brief hesitation. "No, sir. I am just... reflecting on the challenges we face."

The emperor, sensing Rodrigo's evasiveness, continued with more incisive questions. "What do you

 think of the recent advice we discussed? Is the way we are handling the current problems adequate? Or do you have a different perspective?"

Rodrigo tried to remain firm. "The approach is solid, but there may be room for adjustments. We are at a critical moment, and it is important that we remain flexible."

The emperor studied his son for a moment, as if trying to decipher what was really behind his words. "Rodrigo, you know you can talk to me about anything. The position you hold demands more than just political skill; it also requires the ability to balance the personal with the professional. Is there anything you would like to share?"

Rodrigo felt the pressure of his father's gaze, the weight of expectation and responsibility. He knew the emperor had a keen insight, capable of noticing details that many would not. Despite wanting to protect his innermost feelings, the emperor's sincerity offered him an opportunity to confess something he had kept to himself.

With a deep sigh, Rodrigo finally spoke, his voice carrying a tone of vulnerability rarely revealed. "Father, I... am facing a personal dilemma. Something that might affect my position and my ability to fulfill my duties most effectively."

The emperor remained silent for a moment, carefully evaluating the situation. "I understand. Remember, Rodrigo, that even in personal matters, clarity and honesty are crucial. Whatever you are facing, addressing it directly might be the key to finding a solution."

Rodrigo looked at his father, feeling a mix of relief and anxiety. The conversation was just beginning, and the road ahead promised to be as challenging as it was revealing.