Chapter 07: a past that is not easy

A long time ago, in the kingdom of Arsha, a young couple wished for a daughter, the fruit of a prosperous and well-regarded relationship. Both were very poor and longed to have a child. And the gods granted their wish. But there was something very enigmatic about the girl. The baby was none other than Samyrah. And she would be the prophesied liberator of the Moon.

In ancient times, in the kingdom of Arsha, there was a young couple living in humble circumstances, but sharing a deep love and fervent hope. Despite the poverty surrounding them, their desire for a daughter was great, and they prayed to the gods with fervor to grant them this dream.

The gods, moved by the sincerity of their wish and the purity of their love, granted their plea. The daughter was born under a starry sky, illuminated by the silver light of the full moon. She was a child of enchanting beauty with a special sparkle in her eyes, as if something sacred and mysterious was embedded in her being.

The girl was named Samyrah, and from birth, something enigmatic surrounded her presence. With every step she took, it seemed as though a gentle glow enveloped her, as if a celestial aura followed her. The kingdom's inhabitants felt a strange sense of reverence and admiration around her, though they did not fully understand the depth of this feeling.

As Samyrah grew, the signs of her importance became increasingly evident. Ancient legends spoke of a "Liberator Promised by the Moon," a figure destined to bring balance and renewal to the kingdom in times of great need. The priests and oracles of Arsha began to realize that Samyrah might be the embodiment of this ancient prophecy.

Over time, Samyrah's connection to the moon became more pronounced. At night, when the full moon shone in the sky, she seemed to glow with her own light, and her dreams were filled with visions and messages she could not fully comprehend. Her presence seemed to calm the spirits and bring a sense of peace to the kingdom, as if she were a bridge between the mortal world and the divine.

Although the young girl was loved by her parents and respected by the people, she bore a heavy burden: the responsibility of fulfilling her destiny. Samyrah grew up knowing that her role would not be merely to live a common life, but to embrace a grand purpose involving the salvation and rebirth of the kingdom of Arsha.

As Samyrah's story unfolded, her journey was just beginning. The challenges and trials she would face would be many, but the promise of the Moon and the legacy of her birth would illuminate her path, guiding her through shadows and difficulties to fulfill her true destiny as the Promised Liberator. But this would remain a secret. Samyrah's life until she was ten years old was simple, yet formidable. Everything was ruined by a bloody war.

During her early years, Samyrah lived a peaceful and loving existence despite her parents' financial limitations. Her childhood, until she was ten, was marked by simplicity that carried its own beauty. She grew up in a home where, although poverty was a constant, there was an abundance of love and hope. Her parents, aware only of what they had heard in legends, kept the secret of her true importance, allowing Samyrah to enjoy a relatively normal childhood.

But this serenity was brutally interrupted by a bloody war that devastated the kingdom of Arsha. The conflicts, which began with minor disputes and tensions, rapidly escalated into a full-scale war, engulfing the land in a sea of blood and destruction. The war brought suffering and chaos, affecting every aspect of life in the kingdom, and the peace Samyrah had known was abruptly destroyed.

Samyrah's family, like many others, was forced to flee their home to escape the violence. Destruction was everywhere, and the fields and villages that had once been fertile and full of life were now in ruins. Samyrah's parents struggled to protect their daughter, trying to keep her safe amidst the turmoil.

Despite her parents' efforts, the war brought losses and tragedies. Little Samyrah, only ten years old, was forced to confront the horrors of war in a way no child should. The destruction of everything she knew and loved had a profound impact on her young soul.

During this dark period, the secret of her birth and her destiny as the Promised Liberator of the Moon was kept with even greater care. Her parents, even amid the chaos, knew that revealing this secret could put Samyrah in even greater danger. Thus, the truth about her role in the prophecy remained hidden, and they focused on ensuring her survival at any cost.

The war left deep marks on Samyrah, shaping her in ways even the gods could not have foreseen. As the kingdom slowly began to rebuild and the war subsided, young Samyrah emerged from her wounds, stronger and more determined, with a growing understanding that her destiny was intimately tied to the story of Arsha. The secret of her birth remained concealed, but the promise of the Moon continued to echo, preparing the way for what was to come.

The enemies were from the vampire kingdom, and they destroyed Arsha completely; nothing was left. Everything had been consumed by flames...

Samyrah remembered nuclear bombs, magical weapons, and high-tech artifacts being thrown around, and she cried, trying to hide with her parents.

The vampire kingdom, driven by its thirst for power and destruction, launched a devastating attack on Arsha, obliterating the kingdom in an act of fury and revenge. Flames consumed everything that was once known and loved, turning fertile lands and prosperous villages into ashes and ruins. The sky was darkened by smoke and cries of despair echoed everywhere.

For Samyrah, the scene was an apocalyptic nightmare. She recalled explosions tearing through the sky, casting fireballs and smoke in every direction. Nuclear bombs, combined with magical weapons and high-tech artifacts, devastated the kingdom in a terrifying blend of science and magic. The enemy forces were relentless, and their advanced, cruel technology left a trail of destruction in its wake.

Samyrah remembered the feeling of helplessness and terror as she tried to hide with her parents. They sought refuge in a nearby cave, but even there, the heat from the explosions and the sound of bombs seemed to penetrate deep into their hiding place. She huddled between her parents' arms, her small body trembling with fear, her tears mingling with the dust and grime that filled the cave.

With each explosion, Samyrah felt the ground shake and the air grow heavy with smoke and heat. She heard the screams and the sound of collapsing structures, while the cave offered a fragile shelter against the devastation unfolding outside. The scene was chaotic, with high-tech artifacts casting beams of light and energy that ripped through the sky and destroyed what remained of the buildings and landscapes.

Samyrah's parents, despite their love and courage, were visibly exhausted and desperate. They tried to comfort their daughter, assuring her that everything would be okay, even though they knew the situation was dire. The shock of the destruction and the loss of everything they knew were overwhelming, and the uncertainty about the future weighed heavily on them.

After the battle, as the smoke began to clear and the chaos gave way to a sinister silence, what remained of Arsha was a desolate, barren land. The kingdom that had once been prosperous was now a field of ruins, and Samyrah, though only a child, carried the memory of these traumatic events with a weight that would shape her future.

As the debris burned and the destruction spread, Samyrah understood that the world she had known had been destroyed forever. The promise of the Moon and her destiny as the Promised Liberator seemed distant, almost like a memory of a time that had been irrevocably lost. However, the strength of her spirit and the love of her parents would continue to guide her as she faced the harsh reality of a new beginning in a devastated world.

However, their refuge would not last long; the world was collapsing, and Samyrah found herself orphaned.

Samyrah's refuge with her parents did not last long. The devastating forces of the vampires continued to advance, and the destruction seemed endless. The ground trembled under the impacts of the bombs and energy beams, and the flames drew closer and closer, threatening to consume even the safest hideouts.

The heat intensified, and the cave began to give way under the pressure. The sound of explosions grew nearer, and smoke and debris started to infiltrate the small shelter. Despite her parents' desperate efforts to protect Samyrah, the cruel reality of war was something they could not avoid forever.

In a devastating moment, the entrance of the cave collapsed, forcing them to leave the shelter and face the chaos directly. The sight of Samyrah at that moment was one of a world crumbling around her. Her parents, with pale faces and filled with fear, tried to save her, but the force of the attack was too much. In the turmoil and confusion, Samyrah found herself separated from them, and her small body was thrown out of the cave by the force of the destruction.

She tried to fight against the wave of heat and smoke, desperately searching for her parents, calling for them with a voice barely audible over the roar of the devastation. But the harsh reality of the war did not give her a chance to find them. The destruction spreading through the kingdom was so complete and overwhelming that, within hours, what remained of Arsha was a scene of devastation and despair.

Samyrah found herself alone amidst the rubble and smoke. The heat from the flames still burned around her, and the silence, interrupted only by the sound of her own sobs, seemed to echo the void now filling her life. The young girl, with a broken heart and shattered spirit, wandered among the ruins, not knowing where to go or what to do


The loss of her parents and the destruction of her home left a deep scar on Samyrah. The world she knew had vanished, and she now faced the harsh reality of being an orphan in a devastated kingdom. But even amidst the darkness and despair, the flame of her survival and the destiny still awaiting her remained, like a faint light in an endless tunnel of shadows.

As the sun rose over the destroyed landscape, Samyrah realized that, though the loss and pain were overwhelming, she was the only one who could find a path forward. The future was uncertain and full of challenges, but the hope that a new beginning could emerge from the ashes of destruction was the strength that kept her moving. The journey to discover her true identity and fulfill the destiny promised by the Moon was just beginning.

Her father was the first to go. Her mother, already gravely injured, looked at Samyrah, and her last words would serve as inspiration...

As the world crumbled around them and destruction spread, Samyrah's father, in a final act of courage, tried to protect his family until the end. He bade farewell with a look full of love and determination, but did not survive the violence of the war, succumbing under the flames and debris.

Samyrah's mother, despite her severe injuries and impending pain, still had a glimmer of hope in her eyes. Even in her final moments, her love and strength remained unshaken. She called Samyrah close, her voice weakened but filled with an urgent tenderness.

"Samyrah," she said, her voice trembling with the effort to speak, "listen to me. What you are going through is terrible and unfair, but you are stronger than you can imagine. The moon has always blessed you, and there is a great destiny ahead of you. Do not let the darkness surrounding us extinguish the light within you."

She paused, breathing heavily, her hands still reaching out for her daughter for one last embrace. "Remember our love and the strength I've always given you. No matter how dark the night, the moon always comes back to shine. You will be our hope and the key to redemption."

With one last sigh, she looked at Samyrah with a love that transcended pain and loss. "Fight, my daughter. Find the light within you and make a difference in the world that needs you now more than ever."

These words became a beacon for Samyrah, a constant reminder of the strength and love her mother had given her, even in her final moments. Her mother's determination and the promise of a better future became the motivation Samyrah would carry with her as she navigated the ruins of her past and faced the challenges ahead.