Chapter 09: the hands of the clans

**Samyrah's past memories were painful, but they did not stop her from moving forward.** Despite the victory over the vampires and the return of safety to the world, the pain of her home's destruction and the loss of her parents still haunted her heart. The world was at peace, but her dreams continued to hint at something darker on the horizon, something that not even the apparent tranquility could prevent.

What she felt deep in her soul was a force that drove her to continue, even when everything seemed to be falling apart around her. Years passed, and Samyrah worked tirelessly to rebuild her life and help restore a world that was still recovering from the wounds of war. However, the external peace could not erase the painful memories that tormented her, and the dreams she had were increasingly disturbing.

Samyrah sought to understand the visions that plagued her, diving into ancient texts and consulting oracles. It was on one of those sleepless nights, while studying the arcane manuscripts she had found in the ruins of the fortress of Arsha, that Samyrah discovered the existence of the Order. The Order, mentioned only in passing in one of the manuscripts, seemed to be a secret organization powerful enough to influence the world's destiny.

Determined to learn more about this mysterious organization, Samyrah followed the clues that led her to a black market deep within NeoArchanah. There, among vendors of forbidden artifacts and illicit magics, she encountered a man who seemed to know more than he should. The encounter was tense, and the man, initially reluctant, eventually revealed that the Order was aware of Samyrah and her dreams.

He warned her that if she continued investigating, the Order would come for her. "They are neither friends nor enemies. But they are always on the side of power," he whispered before disappearing into the crowd.

With those words echoing in her mind, Samyrah knew she needed to learn more about the Order before they found her. The clues led her to an ancient tower hidden in a dense forest outside NeoArchanah's borders. The structure was imposing, as if it had been torn from another era. Inside the tower, Samyrah found evidence that the Order had been manipulating global events for centuries. Each discovery left her more disturbed and convinced that the peace she so desired was threatened not only by the approaching darkness but also by those who sought to control it.

Despite the growing pressure, Samyrah remained determined. Nothing she uncovered shook her; on the contrary, each revelation only strengthened her resolve to move forward. Years had passed since the moment Samyrah had lost everything. Over time, she found a new home in the witches' monastery, a sacred place hidden deep within the mountains of NeoArchanah.

At the monastery, Samyrah was welcomed by an order of witches who recognized her potential from the start. They trained her in the oldest and most profound arts of magic, strengthening her mind, body, and spirit. She was no longer the frightened young girl who had lost her parents in a bloody war. She was now a dedicated apprentice, her powers growing each day. Under the witches' tutelage, she learned to control her visions, channel the Moon's energy, and harness the forces of nature to shape her destiny.

The monastery provided Samyrah with something she had never experienced before: a true sense of belonging. Among the witches, she found sisterhood and understanding, something that helped heal some of the deep wounds she had carried since childhood. However, even amidst the monastery's serenity, Samyrah could not forget the threat she felt approaching. The dreams continued, growing more intense, and she knew that her training was not just to strengthen herself but also to prepare the world for what was to come.

Gradually, Samyrah became one of the monastery's most promising witches. Her abilities were tested on numerous occasions, but there was one final test she had to face: the trial of the lunar mirror. This ritual, performed only by those on the brink of becoming full witches, would reveal the true essence of Samyrah's soul and the path she was meant to follow.

On the night of the full moon, Samyrah was led to a secret cave deep within the mountains. There, before the lunar mirror, she saw reflections of herself in various forms: as the scared child who had lost everything, as the determined young apprentice, and finally, as the powerful woman she was destined to become. The mirror revealed what Samyrah already knew in her heart: she could not escape her destiny. The darkness was approaching, and she was one of the few who could stop it.