Chapter 10: Changes in Movements

**The realms, for a long time, were condemned to an eternal war.** Centuries of relentless battles and rampant destruction threatened to consume everything until new treaties and protective magics were invoked, bringing a fragile peace to the world. However, this peace came at a terrible cost—a price so high that many elders questioned whether it was worth it. The magic that protected the realms was powerful but demanded sacrifices that went beyond comprehension. From time to time, a new council was formed to assess these sacrifices, and with each meeting, the shadow of Arsha was remembered.

Arsha, once a prosperous kingdom, was now just a painful memory. During the war, it was completely destroyed, its fertile lands turned to ashes, and its people reduced to a few survivors who bore the scars of destruction. Samyrah, one of the few remnants of Arsha, knew well the price that had been paid. She had lost everything—her home, her family, her future—and now lived with the responsibility of protecting what was left of the world, aware that the peace everyone longed for might be more dangerous than war itself.

In those dark times, the council's decisions were fraught with tension. The elders' voices echoed through the halls as they discussed the necessary sacrifices to maintain the magical protections that kept the realms from the darkness that always lurked. Some elders argued that the price was fair, an inevitable trade to avoid a return to chaos. Others, however, warned of the dangers of relying too heavily on these magics, reminding everyone that Arsha had been an example of how even the greatest kingdoms could fall.

While these debates took place, Samyrah prepared for her own role in this complex world. Her survival story in Arsha had shaped her, and the wisdom gained in the witches' monastery equipped her with the tools needed to face what was to come. She knew that the true challenge had yet to be revealed and that the price the world paid for peace was only the beginning of something much larger.

Over time, the truth about the protective magics began to emerge. The ancient runes that sealed the treaties were connected to forces that could not be controlled indefinitely. Peace, like everything in life, was temporary, and Samyrah understood that the balance between light and darkness depended on more than just magic and treaties. The fate of the world, as she had learned, was in the hands of those willing to face the unknown and pay whatever price was necessary.

As the elders deliberated and the realms held onto their tenuous peace, Samyrah knew that the future would require more than just councils and sacrifices. She was ready to carry this burden, even if it meant facing the shadows of the past and the horrors that loomed on the horizon.

Many changes would be necessary. Every thirty years, the elite security force was renewed.

**The realms, once condemned to eternal war, were saved by treaties and protective magics that brought a fragile peace.** However, this peace did not come without a terrible cost—a price so high that many elders questioned whether it was worth it. From time to time, a new council was formed to assess these sacrifices and decide the fate of the realms. The shadow of Arsha, one of the most devastated kingdoms by the war, loomed over each of these meetings.

Arsha, once prosperous, had been completely destroyed. Its lands, turned to ashes, left few survivors. Samyrah, one of the rare remnants, bore the scars of this painful past. She had lost her home, family, and future, and now lived with the responsibility of protecting what remained of the world, knowing that the peace everyone longed for could be more dangerous than war itself.

Every thirty years, significant changes were necessary to maintain this peace. The elite security force that protected the realms was renewed. This force was composed of a singular alliance: the Order of Witches and the military team formed by wolves, humans, and other elementals, all trained in combat, magic, and advanced technology. These Guardians, as they were known, formed the kingdom's police, a force that combined magical tradition with the latest technological innovations.

While the council of elders debated the necessary sacrifices to maintain the magical protections, Samyrah prepared for her role within this complex order. Her survival story in Arsha had shaped her, and the years in the witches' monastery equipped her with the knowledge needed to face what was to come. She knew that the true challenge had yet to be revealed and that the price the world paid for peace was only the beginning of something much larger.

At the heart of this peace, the Order of Witches held the oldest secrets, while the military team, composed of creatures and humans, patrolled the realms with weapons that combined magic and advanced technology. The ancient runes that sealed the treaties were linked to forces that could not be controlled indefinitely. Peace, like everything in life, was temporary, and Samyrah understood that the balance between light and darkness depended on more than just magic and treaties.

The fate of the world was in the hands of those willing to face the unknown and pay whatever price was necessary. Over time, Samyrah began to realize that the true security of the kingdom required more than just the renewal of the Guardians. Something deeper and darker was at play, and she needed to be ready to carry this burden, facing the shadows of the past and the horrors that loomed on the horizon.

While the council of elders deliberated and the realms maintained their fragile peace, Samyrah knew that the future would require more than just councils and sacrifices. She was ready to face whatever came, even if it meant challenging the Order itself and the secrets that kept the world in balance.