Chapter 11: ungrateful lunch

In the business meeting, life wasn't as easy for the young prince. Bored, he fiddled with his gadgets, but soon received a reprimand from his stern father.

The realms, once doomed to eternal war, were saved by treaties and protective magic that brought a fragile peace. However, this peace came at a terrible cost, a price so high that many elders questioned whether it was worth it. From time to time, a new council was formed to assess these sacrifices and decide the fate of the realms. The shadow of Arsha, one of the most devastated realms by the war, loomed over each of these meetings.

Arsha, once prosperous, had been completely devastated. Its lands turned to ashes, leaving few survivors. Samyrah, one of the rare survivors, carried the scars of that painful past. She had lost her home, family, and future, and now lived with the responsibility of protecting what remained of the world, knowing that the peace everyone longed for might be more dangerous than the war itself.

Every thirty years, significant changes were required to maintain this peace. The elite security force that protected the realms was renewed. This force was made up of a unique alliance: the Order of Witches and a military team consisting of wolves, humans, and other elementals, all trained in combat, magic, and advanced technology. These Guardians, as they were known, formed the kingdom's police force, a unit combining magical tradition with the latest technological innovations.

As the council of elders debated the sacrifices necessary to maintain the magical protections, Samyrah prepared for her role within this complex order. Her survival story in Arsha had shaped her, and years at the witches' monastery had equipped her with the knowledge needed to face what was to come. She knew that the real challenge was yet to be revealed and that the price the world paid for peace was just the beginning of something much greater.

At the heart of this peace, the Order of Witches kept the oldest secrets, while the military team, made up of creatures and humans, patrolled the realms with weapons blending magic and high technology. The ancient runes sealing the treaties were tied to forces that could not be controlled indefinitely. Peace, like everything in life, was temporary, and Samyrah understood that the balance between light and darkness depended on more than just magic and treaties.

The fate of the world rested in the hands of those willing to confront the unknown and pay the necessary price. Over time, Samyrah began to realize that true security for the realm would require more than just the renewal of the Guardians. Something deeper and darker was at stake, and she needed to be ready to bear that burden, facing the shadows of the past and the horrors lurking on the horizon.

At the imperial business meeting, young Prince Rodrigo had a tough time. Bored with the endless debates and the weight of responsibilities he didn't want, he distracted himself with his gadgets, trying to escape the monotony. His father, the emperor, watched with sharp eyes and didn't hesitate to reprimand him. The father's disapproval was clear and relentless, and Rodrigo knew he needed to focus to avoid dishonoring the royal family's dignity.

As the council of elders deliberated and the realms maintained their fragile peace, Samyrah knew that the future would require more than councils and sacrifices. She was ready to face whatever came, even if it meant challenging the very Order and the secrets that kept the world in balance.

The young prince sighed; his father never left him alone about all this. How could he ever be okay? He looked around. He felt trapped... the world was vast. He saw his retired parents and grandparents serving themselves from the laid-out lunches. A sad life...

At the imperial business meeting, young Prince Rodrigo sighed, exasperated. His father, the emperor, never left him alone about his responsibilities. Rodrigo felt overwhelmed by the pressure and constant scrutiny. Looking around the opulent room, he felt trapped, as if the outside world were a vast expanse of possibilities beyond his reach.

The room was decorated with pomp and splendor, but Rodrigo couldn't shake the feeling of monotony and confinement. His retired parents and grandparents served themselves from the lunches laid out on the tables, with a resigned air that reflected a life of relentless duties. The sight of the older family members, as bored as he was, only heightened his sense of entrapment and frustration.

Rodrigo looked at his family with a distant gaze, life seeming increasingly sad and predictable. The weight of family expectations and the constant sense of being a pawn in a larger game tormented him. He dreamed of a world where he could do more than follow orders and fulfill obligations, but he knew his aspirations were at odds with the duties imposed on him.

The prince observed the comings and goings of royalty and nobility in the grand hall. He heard talk of the elite witches arriving. He laughed.

Prince Rodrigo surveyed the grand hall with a keen and calculating eye. The hall's walls, adorned with majestic tapestries and illuminated by bright chandeliers, reflected the opulence of NeoArchanah. The elite of royalty and nobility conversed in sophisticated whispers, their gowns and garments creating a sea of colors and textures.

As Rodrigo watched, his gaze landed on a group of prominent figures amidst the crowd. Conversations about the imminent arrival of the elite witches echoed through the hall. He overheard snippets of dialogue mentioning the influence and power of these witches in society. Rodrigo, with a cynical smile, couldn't help but laugh softly.

"Oh, the elite witches," Rodrigo murmured to himself, a glint of sarcasm in his eyes. "Seems like the night promises more than I expected."

He approached a group of counselors, whose conversations were more discreet but equally laden with tension. One of them, Marquis Tiberius, noticed Rodrigo's smile and asked:

"Prince Rodrigo, it seems something amuses you. Any interesting news?"

Rodrigo looked at the marquis with an enigmatically arrogant smile.

"Just thinking about the impact the witches' arrival might have," Rodrigo replied, his tone full of irony. "They have a peculiar way of making their entrance, don't they? Always shrouded in mystery and power."

The marquis frowned, slightly puzzled by the prince's tone.

"They are powerful, no doubt. But their presence might alter the balance of power, especially with the recent events that have shaken NeoArchanah."

Rodrigo shook his head, his smile remaining unchanged.

"Yes, they are a game-changing element. But, one way or another, what really matters is how these changes will be manipulated to our advantage."

The sound of firm footsteps announced the arrival of the witches. The group entered the hall, their robes adorned with arcane symbols glowing under the chandelier lights. The leader of the witches, a tall and imposing figure named Lady Elara, advanced with supernatural grace, her presence radiating an aura of authority and mystery.

Rodrigo watched with renewed interest. Lady Elara was known for her ability to manipulate events from the shadows and for her crucial role in NeoArchanah's politics. Her intense gray eyes scanned the room until they met Rodrigo's. There was a silent exchange of glances, a tacit acknowledgment of the role each would play that night.

As the night progressed, the hall filled with murmurs and intrigues as nobles and royalty tried to uncover the true motives behind the witches' presence. Rodrigo remained in a strategic corner, observing and analyzing the witches' movements and the guests' reactions.

He noticed that Lady Elara was surrounded by a group of lesser witches, their conversations hushed and filled with hidden meanings. There was a palpable tension in the air, as if every word and gesture were part of a deeper and more complex game.

Rodrigo approached a young witch standing on the periphery of the main group. She seemed nervous and hesitant, a lost sheep among wolves.

"Good evening," Rodrigo said, his tone friendly but with a hint of curiosity. "It seems you're having a busy night."

The young witch looked up, surprised by the prince's attention.

"Yes, Your Highness. There's a lot of anticipation in the air. It's not easy being here with all these eyes on us."

Rodrigo smiled gently, understanding the situation.

"Witches have the power to change the course of events, don't they? And everyone is eager to see how it will unfold."

The young witch nodded, her discomfort still evident on her face.

"That's true. And everyone is wondering what the next step will be."

Rodrigo watched the young witch drift away, lost again among the important figures of the night. He knew that although the witches' arrival might seem surprising to some, he himself was well-prepared for the shadow games about to unfold.

As the hall continued to hum with the tension of new alliances and intrigues, Rodrigo prepared for the next steps of his own strategy, aware that the night was far from over and that the real games were still to come.