new delicate

Samirah received a call on her phone. It was one of the master witches contacting her.

Samirah was in her quarters in the Order's tower, reviewing ancient manuscripts that contained long-forgotten secrets. The atmosphere was tranquil, almost solemn, and the only sound was the soft crackling of the candles that illuminated the room. The young witch was deeply immersed in her studies, absorbing each word written with the wisdom of the ages. However, the tranquility was abruptly interrupted by the sharp sound of her phone.

Surprised, Samirah looked at the device. Calls were rare, especially at this hour. She felt a slight anxiety as she picked up the phone and saw the name on the screen: Master Elara. Samirah's heart beat faster. It was uncommon for one of the master witches to communicate this way, which meant the situation must be serious.

"Master Elara?" Samirah answered, her voice calm but with a note of concern.

"Samirah, we need to talk," Elara's voice was grave, filled with urgency. "Something is happening, something that could change the course of events in NeoArchanah."

Samirah remained silent for a moment, trying to process what was being said. She knew the master wouldn't call her for a trivial reason. There was a tense energy in Elara's voice, a clear sign that something significant was underway.

"What happened?" Samirah asked, straightening in her chair, ready to hear the words that could change the course of the night.

"There's been a shift in the city's ley lines. The runes that protect NeoArchanah are reacting to an unknown presence, something we haven't been able to identify yet. I need you to come to the Lunar Chamber immediately. We need all our best talents to deal with this threat."

Samirah felt a chill run down her spine. The Lunar Chamber was where the most powerful witches gathered to face the greatest threats. Being summoned there was a clear sign that the situation was serious.

"I'm on my way, Master," Samirah responded, her voice firm despite the unease she felt inside.

Samirah hung up the phone and immediately began to prepare. She grabbed her ceremonial robe, its silver embroidery reflecting the ancient symbols of the Order, and donned it with skill. Her movements were swift and precise, the result of years of training. She couldn't afford to hesitate.

As she prepared to leave, Samirah couldn't help but recall Elara's words: "an unknown presence." The young witch sensed that this call wasn't just about an isolated event, but part of something much larger, something that had been in motion for a long time, lurking in the shadows.

With the robe over her shoulders and her trusty grimoire fastened to her waist, Samirah left her quarters, determined to uncover the truth. She knew that what was coming could not only change the fate of NeoArchanah but also her own.

The night was dark and enveloped in a deep silence, as if the very air was aware of the tension hanging over the city. Samirah crossed the corridors of the tower with determined steps, feeling the weight of the moment. The ancient walls, filled with runes and protective symbols, seemed to whisper secrets, as if trying to warn her of what was to come.

As she exited the tower, Samirah saw the city of NeoArchanah sprawled out before her. The skyscrapers, adorned with glowing runes, cast an ethereal light over the streets below, where magical creatures and futuristic technologies coexisted in delicate harmony. But that harmony was about to be disrupted, and Samirah felt it in every fiber of her being.

She wasn't alone. Other witches, equally summoned, emerged from the shadows, all heading towards the Lunar Chamber. They moved like a silent unit, aware of the gravity of the situation.

Upon reaching the Lunar Chamber, Samirah found Master Elara already present, surrounded by other high-ranking witches. The atmosphere was charged with energy, and the runes on the walls glowed intensely, reacting to the concentrated magical force in the room.

Elara looked at Samirah with a gaze that mixed confidence and concern.

"You're here. We need all your skill, Samirah. Tonight could decide NeoArchanah's future."

Samirah nodded, feeling the weight of the words. The Lunar Chamber was ready, and so was Samirah. From that moment on, the city's fate was in her hands and in the hands of the witches gathered there.

The battle would be intense. Reciting a spell, Samirah transported herself to the designated location. She was deeply saddened to leave her sacred sanctuary. It would be the first time she attended a meeting with the royal family.

The air was heavy with charged energy as Samirah recited the ancient words of a transport spell. Each syllable was pronounced with precision, and the witch felt the magic forming around her, enveloping her in a mantle of bluish light. The familiar sensation of power flowing through her body comforted her but also reminded her of the responsibility she bore.

She was leaving her sacred sanctuary, the place where she had found peace and power. A place that was her refuge from the complexities of the outside world. However, she knew that her duty was above any personal feeling. The spell completed, and in an instant, Samirah disappeared, leaving only a trail of residual energy behind her.

When the bluish light dissipated, Samirah found herself at the designated location for the battle. The environment was grim, a clearing surrounded by ancient trees that seemed to whisper ancestral secrets. In the sky, the full moon shone intensely, casting a silvery light over the scene. There was a stillness in the air, but Samirah could feel the tension, the anticipation of what was to come.

She looked around, observing the others who had also been summoned. Soldiers, mages, and, prominently, members of the royal family, including Rodrigo. It was the first time she would attend a meeting with the royal family, and the weight of that responsibility did not go unnoticed by her. Samirah knew that all eyes would be on her, judging her skills and her worth.

Her heart tightened with sadness at the thought of her sacred sanctuary. There, she was just Samirah, a witch in search of knowledge and balance. Here, she was a warrior, summoned to protect and defend. And though she knew it was an honor to be there, the young witch couldn't avoid the feeling of loss as she realized that this battle was taking her away from the serenity she so cherished.

Samirah's steps were silent as she approached the center of the clearing, where the royal family and their advisors awaited. Rodrigo was among them, his posture proud and determined. He observed the surroundings with sharp eyes, clearly ready for whatever was coming.

When Rodrigo's eyes met Samirah's, there was a brief moment of recognition. She noticed a spark of curiosity in his gaze, perhaps mixed with a hint of respect. Samirah felt the pressure increase, but she maintained her composure. She knew that this was the moment to show that, despite it being her first time in a meeting with the royal family, she was ready to face whatever was coming.

Master Elara stood beside the king, her face calm but resolute. She nodded at Samirah in a gesture that was both encouraging and approving. Samirah nodded back, feeling the strength of the Order flowing through her. She was ready for the battle.

The tension in the clearing increased with each passing second. Everyone could feel the enemy's presence approaching, a force that challenged both the magic and the technology that protected NeoArchanah. Samirah took a step back, positioning herself alongside the other combatants, and began to channel her energy, preparing for the clash.

"Remember," said Master Elara in a low but firm tone, "this is a battle for the future of NeoArchanah. We cannot fail."

Samirah closed her eyes for a brief moment, breathing deeply. She let the power flow through her, connecting her to the earth beneath her feet and the cosmos above. She felt the weight of the royal family's expectations, but also the strength of the Order of Witches, supporting her.

When she opened her eyes again, she was ready. The sadness of leaving her sacred sanctuary was still there, but it was now accompanied by a fierce determination. She would not allow NeoArchanah to fall. The battle would be intense, but Samirah knew she was where she needed to be.

Suddenly, the silence of the clearing was broken by a distant roar, followed by the sound of heavy footsteps that made the ground tremble. The enemy's presence had finally revealed itself. Creatures of the shadows, summoned by an ancient and malevolent force, began to emerge from the darkness, their eyes gleaming with an insatiable hunger.

Samirah raised her hands, reciting a spell that conjured a barrier of light around the group. This was only the beginning, but she knew that every second counted. The battlefield was about to be engulfed in chaos, and NeoArchanah's fate depended on every action, every spell, every strike.