
Lives to Choose, the Emperor is Warned of What Might Be Happening.

The royal triplets are summoned. Lunch had undergone careful inspection, and everyone takes specific positions, preparing their weapons and forms of magic/animal...

In the Imperial Palace, the atmosphere was thick with tension. The throne room, usually a place of opulence and serenity, was now shrouded in an air of concern. The Emperor, father of Rodrigo and the royal triplets, stood, listening intently to the words of his most trusted advisor.

"Your Majesty," the advisor began, his voice low but filled with urgency, "we have received information that something is about to happen. The forces threatening NeoArchanah are on the move, and I fear the worst is yet to come."

The Emperor frowned, his eyes fixed on a distant point. He had ruled with wisdom and strength, but he knew the fate of his kingdom was at stake now more than ever. The news was grave, and time was short.

"Summon the triplets," the Emperor ordered. "We need to be prepared for what's coming."

Rodrigo, Raul, and Mirella were called to the war room, a secret chamber within the palace where the most crucial decisions were made. The three siblings, each with their unique abilities, gathered around the central table, where a magical map of NeoArchanah floated in the air, showing the different defense zones and areas under threat.

Rodrigo, the natural leader, looked at his siblings, his eyes reflecting both determination and concern. They were a formidable force, each of them trained in combat, magic, and the animal forms they had inherited from their ancestors. But the threat they faced was unprecedented.

"Today's lunch was carefully inspected," Raul began, his voice firm but with a note of unease. "We can't take any chances. If something happens, we need to be ready to react immediately."

Mirella, the most perceptive of the three, nodded. "We'll be in our positions. Each of us knows what needs to be done. But we have to be aware that this could be a trap. They might try to divide us, weaken us."

Rodrigo agreed, feeling the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. "We know what's at stake. We need to protect the kingdom and our family, no matter the cost. Prepare your weapons, enhance your forms, and be ready for whatever comes."

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows over NeoArchanah, the triplets prepared for what could be the battle of their lives. Raul, with his affinity for weapons, adjusted his enchanted sword, a blade forged with ancient runes that could cut through any magical protection. Mirella, a master of illusion and disguise, prepared her charms, ensuring she could move unseen, strike undetected.

Rodrigo, the alpha of the three, felt the familiar heat rising within him. He had always been the strongest, both in combat and leadership, but he knew his true power lay in his animal form. When the moment came, he would transform, and the enemy would know the true terror of facing a werewolf king.

"Remember," Rodrigo said, his voice full of conviction, "whatever happens, we stick together. We are stronger as one. Let's show the enemy they chose the wrong place to attack."

The three siblings exchanged a look of mutual understanding. They knew they were about to face a battle that could change the fate of NeoArchanah forever. But they also knew that, together, they were nearly invincible.

The triplets moved to their posts, each taking up a strategic position around the palace. Raul, with his sword in hand, stood at the main entrance, ready to face any enemy who dared approach. Mirella, hidden in the shadows, waited in the courtyard, her eyes keenly scanning for any suspicious movement. Rodrigo, from his highest vantage point, watched over everything, feeling the energy of the full moon beginning to influence him.

The atmosphere was silent, but the tension was palpable. They could feel that something was about to happen, something that would require all the power and skill they possessed. The fight was near, and each of them knew their lives were on the line.

And then, in the silence of the night, the sound of footsteps echoed. The enemy was coming.

There was immense tension in the air. The wolves assumed their positions.

There was much more than meets the eye. Everyone was in position in response to the attacks...

As the royal triplets took up their strategic posts, an unsettling truth hovered over NeoArchanah: there was much more going on than anyone could see. The forces moving in the shadows were cunning, using not just brute power, but also subtle deceptions that could destabilize even the most prepared.

Rodrigo, positioned at the highest point of the palace, surveyed the landscape with sharp eyes. The light of the full moon revealed an illusory serenity, but he knew that beneath this apparent calm, the enemy forces were preparing to strike in a way no one could anticipate.

"Stay alert," he murmured into his communicator, his voice firm for his siblings. "They won't attack in an obvious way. We need to be ready for the unexpected."

Down below, Raul was focused, his senses sharpened to catch any sign of danger. The main entrance of the palace was his responsibility, and he knew it was the most obvious target. However, he also knew the enemy could use this assumption against them. His enchanted sword was firm in his hands, and he felt the pulse of the runes etched into the blade, ready to activate its magic at any moment.

Mirella, for her part, was completely camouflaged in the shadows of the courtyard. Her skills in illusion made her practically invisible, but her eyes were wide open, scanning every corner, every suspicious movement. She knew that if the enemy tried to sneak in, she would be the first line of defense.

Samirah, on the other hand, maintained a more withdrawn position, near the palace perimeter. She sensed the presence of the Order of Witches nearby, all on alert, ready to use their ancient magic against any threat. Despite all the tension, Samirah couldn't help but feel a connection with the forces of nature around her, a reminder that magic was both a weapon and a shield.