Chapter 31

Chapter 31

"Why am I telling you this? Well, that's easy. You see, I'm trying to distract you and throw you off. Plus, my prime secret art demands a state of rest. Now, let's begin…"

"❰Prime Secret:  Fallen Grace of the Serene Angel❱," declared Sereya.

Her words lingered in the air, turning into a swirl of black ink that flew towards the confused monster. Silentlyz the perverse ink invaded it's monster.


The monster instantly detected the presence of the ink within its body. It was changing something in it. A state of existence. Its innate magic was slowly being altered and the peculiar invisibility if it showed patches of weakness in its form.

The monster roared in anger, already sending its coming fate.

 What was the ultimate perversion? 

This was!!! 

To alter its magic unto something vulnerable and mundane. How cruel?

The monster roared once more as it prepared to attack Sereya. Suddenly, a feeling of weakness came upon it. The monster fell to its knees, its bloodstained claws fixed into the ground.

"Oh, I forgot to warn you. Do not move. That wouldn't be wise. It will only bring you pain. Now, let's look upon your hideous form."

A mystical runic symbol appeared in the air, glowing resplendently as it rained light upon the monster. The monster's innate magic shattered under the light.

In its weakened state, it fell to the ground, still struggling for one last fight. 

Sereya took a look at the true appearance of the monster. It mirrored werewolves of myths but with significantly less hair, three flexible tails, and a dog-like face.

Sereya recoiled in disgust. "Sure enough, that's not a face one wishes to see everyday. I almost feel sorry for you."

 "Good job," Walllon appeared beside her, looking at the fallen monster. "The most powerful weapon of an invisible prey is its element of surprise. Take that away and it is left fangless, clawless. As weak as a babe. This is as far as you go, monster. It's time for this accursed game to end."

Sereya rolled her eyes. "You sure like listening to your voice, don't you."

Wallon smiled, "Shouldn't all people get to listen to this work of art?"

Wallon's friends gathered around him. They brought out their weapons and pointed it at the monster. Finally, they would be done with this debacle.

Just as they proceeded to kill the monster, Sereya screamed, "Wait!!"

Wallom frowned, "Why? Now is our chance to finish it off."

"Something is wrong."

"What do you mean?"

Sereya ignored him, focusing on the link between her and the manifestation of her secret art— the ink raging in the monster's body.

'It's starting to resist my secret art, and at a fast rate. That's impossible. It shouldn't be able to do that. My secret art accurately measures the strength of the monster's magic and counters its effects with an exact force. It's totally foolproof.'

Sereya coughed out blood, feeling the backlash of her secret art. Forget the impossibility of it all because this was clearly happening.

She cried out loud, "We need to leave. It's getting stronger. My magic can't hold it for long. Wallon, tell your bous to leave. We can't defeat it with the momentum it has now."

"Hold lm a second. Sereya, I don't understand what you are saying."

A familiar ripple of ethereal energy vibrated through the air. Everyone felt it, even more so for those in the barrier. They thoughtlessly gazed at the monster and took a step back. A growl escaped from the weakened lips of the monster and its yellow eyes glowed slightly.

 They didn't need further convincing from Sereya to know that something was definitely wrong.

Sereya screamed, "It is getting stronger. Don't ask me how. I don't have the slightest clue!!"

Suddenly, the monster rose from the ground. It snorted disdainfully at the gathering around it. Did they really think they could trap it?

Instantly, its form disappeared into the void. It became invisible once more, attaining its role as the peak predator in this region.

"Methe, lower the barrier!!" Wallon screamed. Things were looking  goddamn awful.

Like flowers in the wind, everyone scattered, going in different directions.

Amidst the chaos, Wallon activated his sigil, boosting his speed  tremendously. He turned into a blue blur, dashing through the forest in the blink of an eye.

Unlike Wallon, Sereya wasn't so lucky. The monster had locked on her just as she began to move. It stared hatefully at her direction and moved silently. Scenes of its capture played in its mind. It would get its revenge.

"It's coming for me!" Sereya sensed the presence of her magic nearby.

She instantly ducked just in time  as the air wheezed. Claw marks appeared on the tree beside her. Sereya's mind raced as she sought for a solution to her predicament.

A large cut opened on the neck. Blood seeped out of her neck as she stumbled to the group.

"Ahhh! I bet you are liking this. Just get over with it." screamed Sereya.

She closed her eyes and waiting for the eventual attack. The monster's snarls wafted into her ear. It stalked her gently, taunting her for her weakness.

After a moment of taunting, the monster opened its mouth, baring its fang at Sereya. Then, it lunged.


A red blur blitzed through the area. The monster stopped its action, watching intensely for the red blur. It waited and waited but nothing out of the blue happened. The monster snarled and resumed its attack on Sereya. 


Where was Sereya?

The monster searched everywhere but it could not find its hated prey.


Terrifying roars reverberated throughout the forest. 





On the other side, Raven and the others watched this all unfold with shock in their eyes.

"Someone saved her. With a speed like, it has to be one of the heavyweights."

The fiery barrier made it difficult for them to see but they could more or less understand the situation. 

Raven sighed, "I was right. There are conditions that let the monster's territory get stronger and expand. It's linked with its killings but in what way?"

A look of realization appeared aross Trix's face. "So, that's it. We have been looking at it the wrong way"