Chapter 31

Chapter 31

"What are you getting at, Trix?" Raven asked.

All eyes fell on Trix. Did she figure out something?

Trix smiled, "We have been blinded by the brutality of the monster's actions. If we look closer, we would understand how it's getting stronger. Anyway, I believe the answer to stopping the monster lies in the lake. We have to invade it before the monster returns."

"Wait… wait.. Slow down for a second and explain to us guys who can't keep up," Malyk scratched his head in confusion.

Leve watched silently. She gazed at Trix and then to the black lake.

Trix explained, "The monster is masking its secret with the merciless killings. Look beneath the surface. How does it pick its victim? It seems to be an oddly meticulous creature."

Kai frowned, "It picks the vulnerable ones. Using them to advance forward. Its a common tactic employed by monsters."

"And who are these people?"

Kai's eyes wandered to sites of massacre. He gazed at the corpses, profiling each one of them for better understanding. What was it that Trix saw?

From his point of view, the monster was indiscriminate in its killings. It tore through the weak and the strong, the boys and the girls.

'Where are the bodies of the girls?' Kai's eyes widened as a thought hit him.

All he could see were the scattered remains of those he identified as males. Limps, chumps of flesh, heads, legs. All belonging to male examinees.

'How did I not notice this? There's no way!'

Kai then turned to Trix, "You think the lake has something to do with this?"

Trix nodded, "It's a wild guess, but at this point,  we are really desperate. We can't let the monster keep growing stronger."

Kai shook his head in disagreement, "It's too far-fetched a guess."

Raven said, "I agree with Trix. The lake stands out as the odd one in this location. Moreover, every time the monster has appeared, it has been through the lake. You don't have to go. Trix and I will check out the place for clues, while you watch out for us."

Malyk chuckled, "That's dumb, even for me? You realize that if you are right, this adventure isn't going to be your typical walk in the park."

Trix fistbumped in the air. "What? Venture into the lair of a monster with my best bro. Why thank you. I have never done that. Seems super fun. Right, Rae?"

"I couldn't agree more."

Raven returned the fist bump. He was feeling just as excited as Trix. This was the first monster he had time to study at safe lengths. Everything about it memserized him. He was looking forward to discovering more about its method and origins.

The conclusion of the preliminary was getting closer. Every examinee could feel it. From here on, there would be twists upon twists laid on them as they attempted to eliminate the monster. This was not the time for hesitation. What they needed to do was stay ahead of the curve. That was the way to beat this accursed preliminary.

So, every wild idea had to be equally entertained.

"No, I'm coming. There's no much use with hiding. Leve and Malyk are enough for that."


Kai smiled, "What? If you want to tag along, just say the word."

"I'm good!" Leave passionately shook her head. She was never leaving her spot on the tree.

"Oh darn, I was gonna tag along, but now, I gotta stay with Leve. Can't  leave her alone. Ya know."

A reluctant expression appeared on Malyk's face. It would have been totally believable if it didn't seem too good to be true. No one was buying that fake face.

Trix looked at him funnily, "Whatever you say, dude. We would sure hate to demand that of you."