Ch 25: Training to Fight with Charlotte

Ryan, who was considered crazy, did not care about that, because he was doing it solely for a system mission, where there was an important task that Ryan needed to complete, which involved creating conflicting rumors.

Now, conflicting rumors had spread; the first rumor claimed that Ryan was a mad noble who often forced others to do things they did not want to do, while another rumor stated that Ryan was a good person despite having a strange personality.

Due to these conflicting rumors, Ryan was finally able to complete the mission he wanted to finish.

[Side Mission: Create Conflicting Rumors!]

[Points: 3,000]

[Mission Complete!]

[You have gained 3,000 Points!]

Seeing the large number of points made Ryan feel very satisfied. He did not care about what others thought of him; for Ryan, overthinking what others said only gave him a headache.

Since this was Ryan's life, he would not care about what others said. If he were to care too much about what others thought, it would mean he was no longer living his life, as he would always have to follow what others wanted.

Moreover, because of his Frozen Heart, Ryan could not express any emotions other than keeping his emotions calm. Although deep down in his mind, Ryan felt other things, such as anger, sadness, happiness, and more, on the outside, he would always remain calm and speak without expression.

Now, Ryan was in a Reality Marble, right in front of him was Charlotte, where Ryan and Charlotte would practice fighting.

"Huuufff... Haaahh..." Ryan took a deep breath before running towards Charlotte.

With lightning speed, Ryan swung his right fist. However, Charlotte deftly blocked the attack. Not losing momentum, Ryan spun around and tried to strike with a clenched fist.

But Charlotte quickly ducked her head, avoiding the attack. Ryan did not stop there; he immediately swung his left fist towards Charlotte, who was in a low position. However, Charlotte agilely spun, grabbed Ryan's left hand, and threw him to the floor.

"Baam!" Ryan fell hard to the ground but quickly got back up, his eyes fixed on Charlotte.

Ryan ran again and tried to punch with his left hand, but Charlotte once again easily parried the attack.

Ryan then launched a right kick aimed directly at Charlotte's face. With sharp reflexes, Charlotte tilted her head to the left to avoid the attack.

Then Ryan quickly spun his body upward, landing swiftly, and continued to try to attack. Each of Ryan's punches and kicks became faster and stronger, but Charlotte avoided them all with a wide smile on her face.

"Master! You are getting faster now! Very good! Your fighting experience is improving." Charlotte said while dodging the attacks Ryan threw at her.

Ryan felt adrenaline coursing through his body, then he accelerated his attacks, delivering an unending combination of punches and kicks.

However, every time Charlotte dodged or parried, she remained calm and admired Ryan's progress.

Suddenly, Ryan executed an unexpected maneuver, jumping and launching a spinning kick towards Charlotte.

Charlotte appeared to smile with satisfaction, bending her body at the right moment and grabbing Ryan's ankle in mid-air, then she spun her own body to throw Ryan back to the floor.

Ryan, who had fallen, got back up once again, panting, but his eyes shone with enthusiasm, and the fight began again.

Ryan once again unleashed a series of quick and sharp attacks, but each of Ryan's strikes was easily dodged and parried by Charlotte.


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