Ch 26: Almost One Year

Time has passed quickly; it has now been almost a year since Ryan arrived in this world. During this time, many things have happened. First, Ryan has gained some fighting experience by continuously battling in the Reality Marble with Charlotte.

Second, the use of Frozen Heart has become easier and more practical, making Ryan stronger, as he has been training a lot in combat using Frozen Heart with Charlotte.

At the beginning of the year, Reynold returned to the Blackstar family residence, where the borders were successfully defended.

Ryan and Sherlina's lessons also continued, with Ryan quickly absorbing every piece of knowledge about the basics of nobility, which left Sherlina in awe.

Now Ryan is six years old, while Lyana is four. Nobles do not always hold family parties like those in stories from novels; they only celebrate significant events.

However, for a birthday, there would not be a big party or anything like that; at most, one would receive gifts from close family or other close relatives.

This is because holding a party every year just for a birthday is too extravagant and merely wastes money. Big parties are only held when a noble child is born, such as when Lyana was born, where a celebration was held to welcome her birth.

Although some families still adhere to the tradition of celebrating birthdays every year, only a few noble families do so, while most prefer to celebrate only significant events.

Another major celebration will be held during the coming-of-age ceremony, just like in fantasy novels. In the world of Omlies, a person is considered an adult at the age of 15, which will involve a grand celebration similar to the party held at someone's birth.

The world of Omlies is like Earth, with twelve months in a year, seven days in a week, and twenty-four hours in a day; however, the world of Omlies is much larger than Earth.

With various cultures, diversity, and regions that are vastly different from Earth, the world of Omlies is a fantasy world where things that are impossible on Earth exist.

The basics of nobility are taught to every noble child by noble families, usually lasting between two or three years. However, instead of needing two or three years, Ryan only requires one year.

This is because Ryan has the mentality of an adult, combined with the Frozen Heart, which allows him to think calmly, enabling him to absorb information very quickly.

During this time, Ryan has also done many strange things to carry out missions as per the System's orders. Now, the points Ryan has accumulated have piled up, but even with all those points, Ryan cannot summon a Rare Servant, let alone summon a Normal Servant just once.

This makes Ryan feel very displeased, but several times he has tried the Random Draw, which has allowed him to obtain some good items that have been very helpful in many ways, although there are many more useless items.

Now Ryan has made significant progress, one of which is the Reality Marble; he can now extract items from the Reality Marble without needing to enter it to retrieve those items.

Ryan has experimented a lot with his Reality Marble, where he can not only store inanimate objects but also put food into the Reality Marble. However, the food still undergoes the process of decay, so even if food is left for a long time, it will spoil and rot.


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