Ch 29: The Bad End of Sherlina

After that, Lyana tried to find out news about Sherlina, and eventually, she received information from one of her informants that Sherlina had been forced into marriage because she had been raped and was pregnant, which made Lyana very angry.

Lyana then tried to get Sherlina out of the residence of the Noble Family, but Sherlina couldn't leave for various reasons, which frustrated Lyana.

Time passed until Lyana heard news that Sherlina had disappeared. Lyana tried to locate Sherlina, and eventually, she received some information.

It turned out that Sherlina had been cast out by the Noble Family to a brothel as a slave when Lyana met Sherlina again.

At that time, Sherlina had lost her sanity and looked at Lyana with a vacant stare; that was the sad end that Sherlina experienced.

That is why Ryan did not want Sherlina to go through the same thing. The Noble Family that did this to Sherlina was the Carls Family, but the Herton Family and the Druic Family were also involved.

That is why Ryan did not want Sherlina to teach the basics of nobility to those three Noble Families.

Sherlina was only a baron-level noble from a small and remote area located in a small kingdom in the West. Sherlina was quite lucky to reach the Allen Empire and successfully passed the Teacher Selection Exam, which was held by the Imperial Academy.

Being only a low-level noble from a small kingdom in the middle of nowhere meant that Sherlina had no power whatsoever in the Empire.

Even though Sherlina was a teacher at the Imperial Academy, she was only a teacher of the basics of nobility, a position that could be replaced by anyone, especially since she had no supporters to back her up.

That is why when she was raped and forced into marriage by one of the Noble Families, no one cared about Sherlina; in fact, they were envious of what happened to her, without knowing that Sherlina was forced into marriage after being raped by a member of the Noble Family.

Only a few were truly close to Sherlina, and one of them was Lyana. However, Lyana was just a child; although she was the child of a Grand Duke, there was still nothing she could really do for Sherlina.

If Sherlina had been a member of a Noble Family from the Allen Empire, no one would have treated her poorly. Unfortunately, Sherlina was only a baron-level noble from a small kingdom.

For influential and powerful people, it was not worth having problems and conflicts with the Carls Noble Family, which was an Earl-level noble family, just for a woman from a baron-level noble family from a small kingdom.

That is why no one helped Sherlina. Lyana might have been able to ask Leyfia and Reynold for help to get Sherlina out while she was still at the Carls Family residence, but Lyana knew that would be unwise and would only make the Blackstar Family look bad.

If Lyana were the heir of the Blackstar Family, it might have been a different story, but at that time, Ryan Blackstar was still alive and far away, which is why even if Lyana wanted to ask Ryan for help to get Sherlina out, it was impossible.

A bad ending for Sherlina, and a dead end with no way to escape that bad ending; now Ryan was trying to change all of that.

"... Thank you, Young Master Ryan. I'm not sure if what you said is true or not, but... still, thank you very much. I will follow your request; don't worry, I will be more careful from now on in accepting calls from the Noble Families," said Sherlina with a faint smile.

"Good." Ryan nodded his head in approval.

"Well then, it seems it's time for me to go," said Sherlina as she stood up and prepared to leave.


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