Ch 38: The Battle to Prove Oneself 5

Reynold remained silent, not attempting to resist or stop Ryan. There was a deep curiosity within Reynold... a curiosity about what his son was truly capable of. Reynold could feel a change in the atmosphere, but he chose to wait, allowing Ryan to show everything he had.

Ryan slowly opened both his eyes. His gaze was now empty, devoid of emotion. Although Ryan had always been known as someone who rarely showed expression, this time his silence felt much deeper, colder.

A cold mist escaped from his mouth as Ryan exhaled slowly. Without hesitation, Ryan extended his right hand forward, his palm wide open, as if calling something from the darkness.

"Destruction..." Ryan's voice echoed in the cold wind that began to blow stronger.

"Freezes..." Snowflakes began to fall more heavily, mixing with the raging wind. In an instant, a snowstorm formed in the training room, hitting every corner of the space with a biting cold.

"Peace..." The temperature dropped drastically, forcing Reynold to squint his eyes against the unbearable cold. His body began to feel the cold attack slowly seeping into his pores.

On the other side of the arena, Lyana was shocked, her mouth agape at the power displayed by her brother Ryan. Leyfia stared at Ryan with sharp eyes, seriousness radiating from her face, as if she understood that this was no ordinary power.

Then, with a voice that resonated throughout the room, Ryan shouted, "Frozen Destruction!"

In an instant, Reynold's body began to freeze. Ice spread rapidly across the surface of Reynold's skin, covering his body in a layer of cold, hard crystals. Time seemed to slow down, and within seconds, Reynold had turned into an ice statue... motionless, stiff, and frozen in eternal cold.

"Charlotte, now!" Ryan shouted, his voice firm and commanding.

Charlotte heard the call, and in an instant, she responded.

"I cannot move the world, but the world cannot slow me down." Charlotte's words sounded like a spell that split reality.

The knife in Charlotte's hand vanished in a flash of light, while her hands were now in a prayer position. A dim light enveloped Charlotte's body, like a magical power ready to be unleashed.

"Please forgive me and participate in my foolish act of murder." In a matter of seconds, Charlotte disappeared from her previous spot and reappeared right in front of the ice statue of Reynold. With her body slightly bent, as if in respect, Charlotte recited her final move.

"Le Rêve Ensoleillé," Charlotte whispered softly, before she plunged her knife with precise accuracy into the frozen belly of Reynold.

"Goodbye, beloved." Charlotte whispered quietly. Just after those words were spoken, Charlotte jumped back, away from the ice statue of Reynold.

The silence hanging in the air suddenly felt heavy. However, something unexpected happened. Even though Reynold had been stabbed in the abdomen, no blood flowed out. There were no visible signs of injury.

The ice enveloping Reynold's body began to crack slowly, producing a small sound that echoed throughout the room. Within seconds, the layer of ice shattered completely, breaking into small fragments that fell to the floor.

Reynold emerged from behind the cold crystal, appearing completely unhurt, except for a small scar on his abdomen... the mark of the stab inflicted by Charlotte. Although no blood flowed, the mark of the attack looked real.

Ryan stared sharply at his father, remaining vigilant. Ryan was still unsure whether this battle had truly ended or not. His mind raced, preparing for every possibility.

"Hahaha! Ryan, my son, Father, agrees to your request to travel without escort. You have proven yourself!" Suddenly, Reynold laughed heartily. Reynold's voice echoed in the room, filled with uncontrollable joy. He laughed so hard that he had to hold his stomach.


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