
I screamed so bad "ArGhh!". 

My arm shook and I could feel something like fire run through my vains. 

Yes I'm of the Blue moon Park And a well bred Werewolf of my Umatchable Father Beta Ezra. 

But Never have I ever felt this Strong and Strange before. 

"It would be invisible to everyone, Except to you. And whenever you need to see me all you need do is speak to this pearl." 

I nodded profusely, still trying to examine the Mysterious pearl and wondering why the intense pain had vanished so qickly.

"Grandpa? what were those memories about? I couldn't make up a single thing from it. All I seem to notice were the werewolves wars, faces, lots of faces, pain and confusion" I shook my head vehemently, 

"I dont understand."

"That is the Pearl of Ottsa" He turned His face towards the path that led me to the road, Now backing me.

"Pearl of Ottsa?" I reiterated,


 "Yes!, Tanya, there's Alot you are yet to know and this 'lot' has fallen on you, Although now I Fear what your fate may be from now on. You can't undo it, No one can. It is so powerful..." I interrupted his response

"Please tell me it would stop My step mother and sisters from Harming me any further."

He laughed so hard and retorted 

"its far powerful than that! so powerful it is that it shakes the Nations!" He squeezed His fingers and raised His left leg, jerked them both to dramaitize what he meant.

"Tanya, You Wield something Ancient within you and you must guard it with your life!, tell no one about it. guard it until you have seen..."

A great Uproar filled the Air, interrupting Grandpa Ralph's.

 We could see some people running towards our direction, it was more of a pandemonium. 

in a jiffy, things had turned out really bad.

I could see flames of Fires from the distance, Grandpa Ralph seemed Unsettled

"Tanya, it's time I leave, For your sake!" 

Before I could ask what next to do, He'd dissappeard and would not respond to me each time I speak to the Pearl while i Sprinted down the street which is now obviously ravaged and distrupted.

 Everyone seem to be running helter scelter. 

While i appraoched the House, i noticed a huge number of people I really couldn't recognize. on getting Home, I met one of the greatest Shock of my life.

 As I motioned closer to the house, I couldn't help but notice some of our neighbours were trembling as they could't escape the heavily armed Mobs Standing before them, 

They had spears, swords, lances, shields and all manner of Things I'd always seen in the books. 

Almost half of the other Blue Moon park werewolves had left. 

We really are peaceful people and the sudden attack had caused so many people to flee.

The warriors all seem dressed up in Ruffled hydes and skins with long furs, they had mutiple hydes on. 

There was this completely different tall and distict person amogst them that seem to be the leader. 

I tried motioning closer to get a clearer view of who it was. It seem like someone standing behind this figure was having a quite conversation with my step mother. 

Even though the vicinity seem like a complete irony of it.

I would say this figure had precised multi-coloured robe that had a very big hood from behind completely covering its face down to its chest. 

This person also had some numbers of armless clothes on but it seem beautifully arrayed as it slightly portrayed those of the royalties as I've read from some of Petra's books I tried learning from, behind her. 

Just like the ones My father used to read to me from the lullaby when I was little. 

Maybe I was the only one not allowed to grow in that house, But the only time I recalled much of what growth was, when My father Beta Ezra was alive. I still feel trapped in My ten year old self despite the fact that I'm twenty now.

All my life, I have never been able to travel to other kingdoms or towns. As a matter of fact, I never knew some other people who aren't werewolves existed.

My early years was spent in my father's house. And although He promised to take I and my half sisters to some place when I turned twelve, he never lived long enough to see that day. 

I know Sonia and Petra still resents me for this, Its not My fault father Prefered me and would consider me first in the choices he made.

My step mother Brianna, snapped at the figure backing both herself and the other person conversing with her.

"I do not know what you're talking about! Take your leave!" 

My stepmother seem to be a little bit terrified too.

The figure turned and slapped her heavily.

"Now she's finaly getting back her punishment for what she did to me" i muttered, and chuckled.

 "I would not have you talk to me like that!"

 Immediately, the Armies all around, bowed their knees and hollared,


 And the silence that followed, as deep as water in an oceanic abyss, was a crushing, immobilizing pressure. 

My step sister Sonia tried running off, But the figure screamed.

 "catch her!".

"Bind everyone in this vicinity, Both young and Old! and move them, We leave at once!, Match them foward before me".

I couldn't Disinguish if It were a woman or a Man. A King or a queen. A raider orr..

My stepmother Brianna Cried and pleaded with them, Alongside the other members of the Blue Moon Park. 

But It fell on the deaf ears of this particular figure. As it only headed for it's Horse. 

I only stood there, completely confused and numb, I was unable to think or struggle with the Man tying My hands up.

 I could see a flash of pity on his face, but it seemed like this leader was the real evil one if it were a being, which would be next to my stepmother Brianna in hyrachy.