The beginning of the end, Maine - Hanshalal

If I had known that would be the end, I would have fled for my life. But where would I go?. I knew My stepmother and siblings are so cruel but they're all I've got.

Now, her evil mouth has gotten us all into trouble. She always thought everyone was tanya!.

We had been on a day journey to this mysterious place they were leading us to. To add salt to injury, We were bound with magic webs and gagged up. 

We were just less than a hundred. And, If I wouldn't exaggerate I'd say the Armies were Hundreds of hundreds. 

I've lived long enough, at least, over two decades together with the other members of the Blue Moon Park to know that Non of us are cabable of turning or transforming to afull-fledged werewolf . 

No, Not Many of us can. 

Even if we wanted to, these people seem quite powerful than we were. Especially this strange heinous leader of theirs.

Although I've heard People say My father was a stronger werewolf and constantly transforms into a full-fledged werewolf each time He leads them to battle long before I was born, Which was exactly why they chose Him to lead.

 He looked directly opposite. Compared to what they said, each time I relive My memories with Him. 

I Knew they all feared Him, Maybe it was true.

I walked slowly Behind Sonia and Petra as my step mother Brianna Walked slowly infront of them, hands tied.

I knew that Mysterious Figure and the Armies aimed for Our home because My father Used to be the Leader. 

Ever since His Death, My stepmother asigned Her brother Myian to Assume the position, in which Indirectly she is the passive Leader. Everyone agreed to it though.

To our shame, even Myian had fled!.

The other werewolves too were begining to feel tired and I couldn't help but notice Elyon.


A little Boy from the other Street not so far from ours. I think His parent must have fled for their lives too.

I walked by the sides slowly, As if I"m straying from Petras' back to the left. I pulled Elyon closer to myself with my two webbed hands, forcing them both on His shoulders.

"Hey?" I whispered.

It wasn't clear enough tough because we were gagged.

His eyes were already swollen from tears but He kept quite. We were all tied up and gagged, so those behind me just watched and ignored.

Later that night, something mysterious happened.

The man that happened to be a second or maybe third in command approached us, 

"Sit down, all of you!, We rest now and gow on the morrow!" He hollard "Commandth from above"!" He added.


That figure seem accorded so much honour that I still Wonder Who that was.

 I couldn't bare the pain much longer, It just felt like I was going to pass out soon. 

They supplied us with water, 

"Drink this!" 

Some of the soldiers were mocking us.

They splashed the water trough at some of us and kept laughing hysterically as they watched some of us pick out some of the twigs stuck on our skin.

"Mockery is not an attribute of a strong mind !"

 One of the warrior in higher rank called out, flinching his hands at them.

Then suddenly a seven cracked- winged creature came out of nowhere. 

It's flapping wings brought about so much wind that it blew off one of those Soldiers Mocking us and He got his nose pierced through by a sharp branch behind Him.

He died Instantly. 

My stepmother, Brianna pulled my half sisters to herself leaving me out. 

She Screamed, 


While others joined in screaming as well, completely terrified at the horror before us all.

I and Elyon who was now shivering vehemently took shield behind the oak tree not quite far from the leader, Our captor's tent. 

I never knew what to do, but on one end, I had so much peace that I felt was completely abnormal.

I cupped Elyon's face in My hands,

"Don't worry, We will be fine" I whispered,"Pro...mise?" He stuttered quietly, while He shut his eyes.

I pulled one of His lids open slightly and nodded in agreement while I pressed his shoulder down with me as we slowly squat.

"Take shield!," "Take shield!". The armies scrambled all around.

Some of the Blue Moon Park members were so scared that they fell to the ground.

"Protect the Lord, Protect the Lord!" They cried to one another as some of them left us all to ourselves. 

Suddenly, The commander who asked the other guys not to make fun of us, while trying to hide, Himself, turned to our direction.

"Non of the snake-spirit warriors can contend with this! All it needed is a Soul to devour!. So I've heard of this creature!" He Screamed.

"We have no choice than to release one of you to it now.."

The other left handed man behind him seem a bit more confident. 

"We are commanded not to let one of them die!, Do I present your head instead?!" He hollared back.

He Ordered the rest of the Snake-spirit warriors, Which I believed were the highest power in rank to surround the creature.

 He made some round and square and triangle sign while he stamped the ground heavily spontaneously with the other armies of this particular power. 

They drew a white line that sprung into a shinny fairy red burning snake shaped blade and aimed it at the Creature.

I knew most of the Blue Moon Park members couldn't understand what they were muttering and how they were able to do all of that at the same time but I was certain the noise in the air was a shril of enchantment hisses.

And to my surprise, I could understand it clearly.

The creature kept on spewing fire around us


It seemed to be looking for a person in particular. I wouldn't know.

 It had a Three horned and double-headed face so much that, It wouldn't need to peek at the left or right to see what's coming

It also spewed snakes and venomous arrow-like needles that took down some of those Armies. 

It's had something like hands but they looked like knives. About six on each sides as it's long tail Smashed some of the trees around us. 

 It was so huge that it could in total amount to the sum of maybe Fifty or sixty hefty soldiers. 

It's wings were made of shiny sulphur yellow coloured stones, and the lances aimed at it seem like straws. 

The figure, the lord, our captor, was out of sight. 

Amidst the tumult, I noticed My stepmother Brianna, calling to everyone to get into the cave nearby. 

Most of them were able to run quickly but I couldn't, quite well. 

I had to carry Elyon with all my strength and my tied hands complicated things the mor


Everyone had made it through the tiny entrance of the cave while the scary creature flapped, roared and petrified except for I and Elyon.

We were almost at the entrance of the cave when I heard my stepmother Brianna give the command to one of the Blue Moon Park members, Yul.


"Roll the stone quickly, the Creature is coming at us you idiots!" She Screamed.

I'm sure My stepmother knew I wasn't In yet.


The Creature as was My stepmother's wish, met I and Elyon just at the brink of the cave.


It was aiming for the Leader's Tent when,I think Elyon's Screams Complicated it. 

It got distracted and turned over to our side.

This Ugly and revolting creature pulled Elyon from my hands and ripped Him apart instantly, sucked his heart and dropped his body to the ground.

"Aurgghhh!!" I screamed with all of the strength in me. 

I tried running towards the cave very quickly and was banging the stone so they could save me.

I could hear some of the Blue Moon Park members screaming for someone to go out and help,

No one came to my rescue.

The creature grabbed me from behind and was about to rip my skull apart when I raised my hands slightly over my face to cover My eyes from looking directly at the set of horribly sharp teeth dripping with blood about to devour My soul.

It Immediately flinched me to the ground as a sharp bright light emitted from my wrist. 

It was so bright that I had to put My face away so I wouldn't be blinded by it.

The Creature moved closer to me.

I tried running backwards as I shivered with great fear.

"I thought I wasn't edible, What have I done again?" I thought to myself.

The creature grabbed me up again, but this time gently.