
It looked directly into My eyes and the whole place become quite.

"YOU are my lord, I must never hurt you. I came for someone else, My lord." 

I heard those words clearly in My mind. 

I became so confused and startled that I started shaking and screaming.

Then it slowly dropped me down on my feet and bowed to me.

I sat quietly behind the oak tree sobbing and busy replaying what had happened about an hour ago in head.

"Brianna... Elyon is gone. I killed him, I held him, I should have protected him..." I Muttered.

 My knees were knocking and I cried the more.

I heard a Stallion neighing, It was our Captor.

I watched as The Figure turned severally, trying to figure where everyone had gone to.

In no time, the figure gathered some light logs and muttered some words and the logs got kindled.

I was so surprised.

"This figure had so much power and yet.." I Muttered as I sank on my butt.

"Come out of your Hiding places! I can see you!" The figure hollared.

Immediately, The Armies together with the Other members came out of places. 

"MAINE-HAN-SHALAL!" The armies responded as they fell on their knees.

"Oh ! Spare me!. Who turned on us?!, Who did this?. Who amongst you is plotting my death?!" 

A lightening flashed out from underneath her hood. 

The stout, left-handed man moved closer to the figure with His face turned toward the ground.

"My lord, for non of your filial servants has and would ever turn on you, For our pledge is to remain faithful to you!. 

My lord, for you have been very gracious to Us full-fledged werewolf, And we remain loyal to you. You are ten times better than Prince Fyren!, My lord our..." 

The figure interrupted Him, turning to Him with fury as fiary red fumes exudes from the upper part of it.

"I don't compete with Fyren, Agrabos!. I am well enough" The Figure responded.

"MAINE-HAN-SHALAL!" They eachoed again


"How many armies are left now? And the captives?" The figure asked.

"My lord, some are dead now and some of the Blue Moon Park has fled for their lives." His voice shook as He responding.

"But..but" He raised his finger slightly.

"The Ralphs, which leads their clan are here and we still have about thirty of them here my Lord. We have lost some snake spirit warriors to the winged creature but we remain less than a hundred" He shuddered.

"Array yourselves, we move now" The figure hollared.


Almost all of the Blue Moon Park members and the armies approached me.

"How did you survive?!. How?." They all kept asking.

"We're you hurt?" Claynon, my father's childhood friend asked and other members too.

I never knew He was captured too. 

I hadn't paid so much attention to what had being going on around me.

I could read the expression on Petra and Sonia's faces. My stepmother Brianna especially, She carried a very obvious perplexed expression.

Sonia, Petra and Brianna, My stepmother never asked how I survived. 

They kept a huge distance from me, as though I were some plague to avoid.

They wished I died, but fate miraculously spared me.

Thinking about Elyon, I recalled Grandpa Ralph and the series of events that has taken place afterwards and how rapidly the whole took place, the hunger, pain, all I've been through and now this?

 I started feeling very nauseous and was now panting so hard. 

My stomach felt like it had been squeezed by something and my head was throbbing, I had not taken anything since two days back.

"Halt!, We rest" The figure shouted from behind.

A huge viberation of chorus followed "MAINE-HAN-SHALAL!."

I could feel the ground racing underneath me. I shook my head vigorously to make sure I wasn't going to do what would make my stepmother or even worse Our captors harm me. 

Everyone had sat quitely, but I was the only one standing reluctantly.

 I couldn't move. It was as if something had held me on a spot.

I could notice both my stepmother and Petra eyeing me bitterly to sit, of which I unintentionally objected because I wasn't myself. 

The anger and hunger on my stepmother, Brianna's face shows that if she ever had a chance to be alone with me, my head would have been ripped off.

"What is wrong with you?"

 I heard the solemn, comforting and soothing words flow through my ears.

 The tone sounded more feminine this time, like a lady's. 

Looking up to see who it was that cared for a nobody like Myself, was the figure. 

 And there it was, the figure, The leader, our Captor and The evill merciless being Staring deep into My soul as I raised My head slightly to look into it's Fearful, extremely bright deep-blue coloured eyes. 

The light and flashes shone so much that, As our eye met and held, It felt like death. 

I looked instictively into Its eyes for some seconds. All I saw were flashes, the surrounding of its eyes were a complete horror of darkness.

And Yes, I Fell to the ground and passed out.

I jerked up from were I was lying on, Screaming from the dream I had.

It was Grandpa Ralph, But I couldn't recall a single thing He said. 

The only thing I recalled were the fragments of the memories, And it wasn't something worth much of a thought.

Just After some minutes later I recalled what had previously happened and that I shouldn't be lying in some room , I jumped out of the bed and aimed for the door.

"where are you headed?" I heard that soft voice again.

I stopped abruptly, startled.

I turned, only to see a young lady. 

She had a very long coal-black extensions and eyes that sparkled like the sapphires, Long black lashes sorrounding those Hyacinth blue eyes, tanned, high cheekbones, sharply chiselled aristocratic nose and lips as red as the apples that were sometimes for sale in the market. She was fair skinned, distinct and extremely beautiful. 

I was completely dazed at this lady, and couldn't get My eyes off her. I had never seen such beauty, No, not at all.

"Oh, You could look into my eyes!? Not many people can, " she Retorted.

"Sorry, where am I?, and who are... are... you please?" I stuttered.

As she drew closer, I noticed she was a little taller than I was and just like the figure that stood before me back at the resting place.

 She had longer arms, a compact and slender build. 

"You are Tanya, so I've heard" She said,

 starring at me with intensity, not even borthering to conceal Her immense curiosity and maybe Her interest in wanting to know who I was.

"Yes I am..." I said with fear, almost trembling now.