Meeting Ananya

INT. Awards Hall

The ceremony is full of writers from around the world chatting and mingling some seated others standing near tables of refreshments, Gagan (now known as Nallur Gagan) stands with a small group of writers

Benjamin Grim lock: (laughing) So, Thunder Knight? that's an impressive title, I've heard a lot of buzz about it lately

Gagan: Thanks, it's been quite the journey, never thought it would reach this many people 

The group nods, clearly impressed just as they continue talking a woman taps on Gagan's shoulder he turns around to see Ananya Gowda smiling (she is 2 years younger than him)

Ananya Gowda: (Curious) Excuse me... are you from India?

Gagan: (Surprised then smiling) Yeah, I am from Bangalore, and you?

Ananya Gowda: I'm from Tumkur (They shake hands) It's nice to meet another writer from India here, I'm Ananya Gowda

Gagan: I'm Gagan well, Nallur Gagan now Ananya's face lights up as she recognizes his name

Ananya Gowda: (excited, shocked) Wait... Nallur Gagan? you wrote Thunder Knight right?

Gagan: Yep, that's me (smiling shyly) and you? what have you written?

Ananya Gowda: I wrote Love's Like Stars, it's a romance novel

Gagan: Romance huh? that's awesome, I'll have to check it out

They both laugh instantly feeling more comfortable around each other

Ananya Gowda: It's kind of overwhelming here isn't it? so many talented people

Gagan: Yeah it's also inspiring, 4 years ago I was here too, but things were different then, now it feels like a second chance 

Ananya Gowda: This is my first time here, feels like I'm just getting started 

Cut to

INT. Lounge Area

They've moved to a quieter lounge area sitting together and sipping coffee

Gagan: (curious) So Love's Like Stars... what inspired you to write it?

Ananya Gowda: It's about love that's distant like stars in the sky always there but something that's out of reach

Gagan: that sounds powerful I can see why you chose that title

They smile clearly enjoying each other's company

Ananya Gowda: And Thunder Knight? what's the story behind that?

Gagan: Oh, Thunder Knight is a story where the protagonist Skyler Arakawa wants to stop the cycle of death

Ananya Gowda: So you wanna stop the cycle of death

Gagan: (laughs) Yes, through my stories I want to stop the cycle of death, I wanna see a world with no robbery, no murder, no rape, no harassment, no abuse, and no torture

Ananya Gowda: (impressed) Wow that's a good story of yours

Gagan: Thank you (smiling)

Ananya Gowda: (laughing) We are total opposites in genre huh?

Gagan: (laughing) Yeah but that's the beauty of writing different stories, the same passion

They continue talking bonding over their experiences as writers, Ananya checks her watch realizing the ceremony is about to start

Ananya Gowda: Looks like we're about to find out if your second chance pays off, good luck Gagan

Gagan: Thanks Ananya, good luck to you too

The End Of Chapter 04…