The Nomination

The ceremony is underway, a well dressed host stands on the stage reading from a card as the audience listens, Gagan sits in the audience watching the event, Ananya sits next to Gagan

Host: And now the nominees of author of the year, these writers have captured hearts, minds and imaginations with their incredible works!

The large screen behind the host lights up showcasing the nominees one by one, Gagan leans forward, nervous but excited

On screen: Nominees for Author of the Year

1) Moon Chaeyoung – My Secret Life

2) Benjamin Grim Lock – The Greatest Detective In The World

3) Nallur Gagan – Thunder Knight

4) Ananya Gowda – Love's Like Stars

5) Brook Grim Lock – The Hero Among Heros

6) Elena Whitlock – The Case Files

Host: In third place Elena Whitlock for The Case Files

The audience applauds as Elena happily accepting third palace

Host: (building suspense) and now the second place winner for author of the year is Nallur Gagan for Thunder Knight

The audience applauds, Gagan is happy and a little disappointed

Ananya Gowda: Second place that's amazing

Gagan smiles standing up, he heads toward the stage shaking hands with the host as he receives his award

Gagan: Seconds place huh? (smiling) 4 years ago, I would have given anything just to be nominated, now I've made it this for, its more than I could have imagined

INT. Stage

Gagan stands at the microphone looking at the audience

Gagan: Thank you to everyone who believed in me, when I started writing Thunder Knight, I had no idea it would lead me here, to the readers, my friends and my family thank you, this is just the beginning

The audience applauds as Gagan leaves the stage holding the award in his hand

Host: And now the first place for author of the year goes to Brook Grim Lock for The Hero Among Hero's

The audience applauds

Cut to

INT. Awards Hall

After the ceremony Gagan and Ananya meet up near the exit

Ananya Gowda: Congratulation second place winner

Gagan: (laughing) thank you

Ananya walks away blending into the crowd Gagan watches her go

Gagan: (in his thought) second place isn't bad at all and maybe this is the starts of something more

He looks down at his award smiling to himself before heading towards the exit

The End Of Chapter 05…