Back To India

INT. Indianapolis Airport

The terminal is busy with travelers coming and going, Ananya Gowda stands in line to board her flight back to India, her thoughts drifting

Ananya Gowda: He's different, humble, driven and kind maybe that's why I can't stop thinking about him

She boards the plane, her mind still replaying moments from the awards ceremony

Cut to

INT. Hotel Room

Gagan sits in his hotel room typing on his laptop, a blank document is open, the cursor blinking

Cut to

EXT. Bangalore Airport

Ananya arrives back in India stepping out into the warm air, her family waits at the curb, waving excitedly she smiles walking over to them but her mind is still in half Indiana thinking about Gagan

INT. Gagan's Hotel Room

Gagan steps out into the balcony of his hotel room looking out at the city light sky is in a deep shade of purple, the stars just starting to appear

Gagan: I'll be back in a week but something tells me this isn't the end, its just the beginning

A small smile forming on his face as he takes a deep breath of the night air

The End Of Chapter 06…