Remembering Our Beginning

This is the final chapter of "The Story Of Us"

Ananya sits on the couch with the book "The Story of Us" resting on her lap, she's still processing the heartfelt gift Gagan gave her earlier in the evening, she flips through the pages, rereading certain parts

Ananya Gowda: (In her thoughts) We've come so far from that first meeting in Indiana to here, with a family of our own

She looks over at Gagan who is sitting at the desk writing, she thinks about everything they've been through, every high, every low, every moment that made them stronger together

She looks at a nearby shelf, which is filled with books, Gagan's works, her own, and now "The Story of Us"

Flash Back


Year – 2027

Ananya is sitting in the audience, watching as Gagan stands on stage, receiving his award for second place, she smiles as she remembers the moment, he thanked her for believing in him

Ananya Gowda: We started as two writers with big dreams and now look at us

Cut to


Ananya and Gagan are sitting in a cafe laughing and bonding over their books, It's the moment their friendship began

Ananya Gowda: That day was the beginning of everything

Ananya wipes a tear from her cheek, closes the book and puts it on the shelf that's filled with Gagan's and hers work, she stands up and walks over to Gagan

Ananya Gowda: Gagan?

Gagan: Yeah?

Ananya Gowda: I love you

Gagan: (Smiling) I love you too

Ananya leans in and kisses him

Gagan: (In his thought) Love tells its own story and even though every story has an ending, the best ones stay with us, every heartbeat, every hug, is a part of the story we keep in our hearts, so as I say goodbye, remember this isn't really the end, it's the start of a story, you'll carry with you forever


This is the ending of just the book that Gagan wrote there is one last chapter that's not related to the book…

The End Of Chapter 17…