The Loop Completes


In the story Gagan finishes writing The Story Of Us and the camera zooms in the word The Story Of Us making a transition to the present day where Nishant finishes reading the book looking the title The Story Of Us

Year – 2054


Nishant G Gowda: (Curiously) Dad, Mom, is this really your story?

Gagan looks at him through the rearview mirror

Gagan: (Smiling) Which one?

Nishant G Gowda: The one about how you and Mom met

Ananya looks over at Gagan with a smile

Ananya Gowda: You mean The Story of Us?

Nishant G Gowda: It's kind of strange reading about your lives like it's some kind of romance novel

Ananya Gowda: Every love story starts somewhere, Nishant

Nishant G Gowda: I guess it's just weird to think that everything I've been reading happened before I was even born

Ananya turns around

Ananya Gowda: We all have a story Nishant, ours just happens to be written down, someday you'll have your own

Ananya turns back to Gagan

Gagan: He's growing up

Ananya Gowda: Too fast

Nishant looks at them both, holding the book in his lap

Nishant G Gowda: It's like... a loop, your story is in this book and now I'm a part of it

Gagan: Exactly, It's a cycle one that keeps going even as new chapters are written

Nishant leans back in his seat, he looks out the window, the camera captures the beautiful landscape passing by

The End