The Spark

EXT. Park - Afternoon 

After one and a half month, Gagan is setting on a bench in a beautiful park typing on his laptop, he is enjoying the quiet surrounding and the view of the park, he gets a message from Ananya 


Ananya Gowda: Hey! I'm in Bangalore today for a book signing, wanna grab coffee later?

Gagan: Sounds great 

Ananya Gowda: I'll send you the location of the place, what time are you free?

Gagan: I'm free at 4

Ananya Gowda: Great I'll meet you there at 4

Gagan: Perfect, see you then

The End Of Texting 

Cut to 

INT. Coffee Shop - Afternoon 

Gagan arrives at the Coffee shop a little early, the place is beautiful and music playing in the background 

He picks a table by the window and orders a cappuccino, as he's waiting he opens his phone checking emails and updates for Thunder Knight 

A few minutes later Ananya walks in waving her hand smiling at Gagan 

Ananya Gowda: Hey long time no see

Gagan: Yeah its been a few weeks, how was the signing?

Ananya Gowda: Exhausting but great, I signed like a thousand copies I think 

She laughs clearly in a good mood, a waiter comes over and Ananya orders iced latte and Gagan order cappuccino again, he looks at her smiling 

Gagan: I'm beginning to think you're secretly trying to turn me into a Coffee addict

Ananya Gowda: (Laughing) Its working isn't it? Coffee is life

Ananya looks at Gagan her heart racing, she wants to tell him how she feels but the fear of losing their friendship holds her back

Gagan: (In his thoughts) Maybe one day

Ananya Gowda: Hey what youa doing these days, writing away like always 

Gagan: Of course, I've almost finished another chapter, you'll be getting a snek peek soon

Ananya Gowda: I can't wait! I'm so invested in Thunder Knight, I have a lot of questions but I'll wait until I finish the latest chapter 

The waiter brings Ananya's and Gagan's drinks and they both are enjoying each others company 

Gagan: (Nervous) Ananya, can I ask you something?

Ananya Gowda: (Curious) Of course what's on your mind

Gagan hesitates to say, unsure of how to express his feeling to her

Gagan: Never mind I forgot 

Ananya Gowda: (Laughing) You idiot (in her thoughts) for a moment it looked like he was about to ask me out, maybe I'm delusional or he genuinely forgot what to say, either way I gotta tell him fast on how I feel about him

They both like each other but are too afraid to say it 

Ananya Gowda: So do you have any big plans for your next book? or is Thunder Knight going to keep you busy for a while 

Gagan: (Laughing) I think Thunder Knight will keep me occupied for a while 

EXT. Coffee Shop

They both are outside the coffee shop, Ananya is leaving early because she got a family thing going on, neither of them are ready to say goodbye just yet

Ananya Gowda: Hey! I'm heading back to Tumkur today, got a family thing, what are you up to?

Gagan: Just writing, good luck with the family stuff, let me know if you want to hang out when you're back in Bangalore 

Ananya Gowda: Will do

Gagan: It's been really great seeing you again 

Ananya Gowda: Yeah, I've had a lot of fun today 

Gagan: Me too!

Ananya Gowda: Oh and I just finished your latest chapter! it's was so good, you've really outdone yourself 

Gagan: Thank you, your feedback always makes my day

Ananya Gowda: Well you're welcome! seriously though, I think it's your best one yet, what's happens next? any spoilers?

Gagan: You know I can't spoil the surprise! but you won't be disappointed, I promise

Ananya Gowda: (Sadness) Aww, no fair, anyway I'll let you get back to writing, I should get going before I overstay my welcome 

Gagan: You could never overstay

Ananya Gowda: Text me when you're free 

Gagan: Will do, travel safe alright 

Ananya Gowda: Will do bye 

Ananya and Gagan both leave in a different path thinking about each other 

INT. Gagan's Apartment - Night

Gagan enters his apartment, he sits down at his desk looking at his laptop but his thoughts are on Ananya, he wonders if he should text her now or wait a bit, after a few seconds he picks up his phone and starts typing 


Gagan: Hey I had a great time today, let's do it again soon

Ananya Gowda: Same here, let's plan something soon

The End Of Texting

Gagan wanted to say how he felt about her but hesitates to do it, he puts his phone down and sighs, he puts his laptop aside and leans back steering at the ceiling

Gagan: (Frustrated) Why is this so hard? it shouldn't be this complicated 

The End Of Chapter 11...