A New Beginning

INT. Gagan's Apartment - Morning 

A few weeks later Gagan is back at his desk looking at his laptop screen, he's been trying to write but his mind keeps wandering back to Ananya, he closes his laptop frustrated with his lack of focus 

He stands up looking around the room, he picks up his phone and is about to send a message to Ananya but just as he starts typing his phone rings it's Ananya 

Gagan: (Surprised, answering the phone) Hey! I was just about to text you 

Ananya Gowda: Really? great minds think alike I guess 

Gagan: So what's up?

Ananya Gowda: I was just thinking we should do something fun, maybe go somewhere new 

Gagan: Yeah? what do you have in mind?

Ananya Gowda: I was thinking how about we go on a trip? somewhere outside the city, I know this amazing spot near Nandi Hills, it's peaceful and the view is incredible 

Gagan: That sounds perfect, I could use a break from the city

Ananya Gowda: Great! let's plan it for this weekend then

Gagan: Sounds good, looking forward to it 

Ananya Gowda: Me too! see soon Gagan 

They hang up and Gagan puts the phone down feeling excited for the weekend 

EXT. Nandi Hills 

It's the weekend and Gagan and Ananya are standing on a hillside looking at a breathtaking view of the city below, Ananya points out a few landmarks in the distance as they walk together 

Ananya Gowda: Looks, you see the entire city from up here, isn't it amazing 

Gagan: it's incredible I needed this 

Ananya looks at Gagan totally in love 

Ananya Gowda: I'm glad you came, it's nice getting away from everything for a while, right 

Gagan: Yeah it's been a while since I've felt this calm 

They continue walking, Ananya suddenly stops walking and looks directly at Gagan 

Ananya Gowda: Gagan can I ask you something?

Gagan: Of course what is it

Ananya Gowda: Do you ever think about us? I mean, do you think there's something more here then just friendship?

Gagan walks away as if he didn't hear anything at all, making Ananya think that she ruined her friendship by asking him that

Cut to

EXT. Nandi Hills - Sunset 

The sun is beginning to set, Gagan and Ananya are sitting on a large rock, looking at the breathtaking view of the city as the sky turns orange, they both are quite last in their thoughts 

Gagan: It's so beautiful here, I'm glad we came

Ananya Gowda: (Sad) Yeah it's perfect just what I needed 

Ananya is sad because Gagan didn't give her an answer and thinks she ruined her friendship, Gagan looks at Ananya 

Gagan: Ananya, I've been thinking a lot about what you asked earlier... about us 

Ananya Gowda: Yeah?

Gagan: I'm sorry I left you hanging (he pauses for a bit) I like you Ananya!

Ananya Gowda: What (happy)

Gagan: Wait, wait, jus just wait alright, let me finish speaking, the moment I started reading your book I started falling in love with you, the way you write, the way you talk and everything about you felt something special, every time we hang out together I wanted to say I like you but I was too afraid to say it because I thought you wouldn't feel the same way and that's the end of our friendship, I was going to confess my feelings to you I don't know when but I knew I was going to say it one day but all of a sudden you just dropped a nuke on me indirectly saying you like me and I left you because my brain went 360, seriously, my brain went 360 a part of me said I'm just daydreaming and another part of me said it's real, I had to leave just to make sure that what's happening right now real and not me daydreaming 

Ananya Gowda: (Smiling) I'm glad to hear that, I've been feeling the same way too but I wasn't sure if you felt it too

Gagan holds Ananya's hand, she looks at him with surprise and happiness 

Gagan: I think there's something special between us, I don't want to rush anything, but I want us to be open about what we feel

Ananya Gowda: (Squeezing his hands) I agree, I want to see where this goes, I feel like we have something real here

Gagan: So what do we do now?

Ananya Gowda: (Shyness) Will for starters we kiss

Gagan smiles and leans in and kisses her, the sun continues to set making a golden light 

Cut to

INT. Coffee Shop

Ananya Gowda: So how's the new chapter coming along?

Gagan: It's coming along great, I've been more inspired lately, maybe it's because of... well you

Ananya Gowda: (Blushes) Oh please, you're just trying to get on my good side

Gagan: Maybe a little but seriously, having you in my life has made a huge difference

Ananya reaches her hand across the table and grabs Gagan's hands

Ananya Gowda: I feel the same way, I'm really happy we're together 

The End Of Chapter 12...