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A normal day, maybe not

In auditorium

Host: So Ms. Aditi, you told us a lot about the recent book released, you shared your knowledge on various subjects related to students' interests and many more things but as we all know that you are known for always being a step ahead.

Aditi(with a smile): Maybe I know where are you taking this conversation.

Host: Yes that's what I am talking about, let me guess you have already started working on your next project. Am I right?

Aditi: At this point, I feel my readers know me more than myself and I feel thankful for that. Also, I have already started working on my next project, and it will be super fun.

Host: Ma'am if you are okay with it can you please, please disclose the concept of your next story?

Aditi: Wait! How can I disclose that already? Later on, there will be no suspense.

Host: Please can we just have an idea about it?

Audience: PLEASE MA'AM!!!!!!

Aditi(starts laughing): Alright Alright I will give you just a hint of that story.

Everyone claps

Aditi: It is a fantasy tale of a group of people who have their own capabilities but along with that they need to be responsible for the consequences. That's it I can't reveal further.

Everyone claps again.

Host: That sounds like quite an interesting plot, thank you so much ma'am for sharing it with us.

Host: We would have loved to talk more about our talented authors but fortunately and unfortunately they are busy so they have to visit more places and we have to end this session here itself. Thank you so much ma'am and sir for being here with our students and giving them your precious time. Thank you students for giving the deserved respect to our authors. Thank you, everyone.

Everyone claps again and then they proceed to move out of the auditorium. Some students go to the authors for autographs and photographs, Sana was one of them she was so excited that she couldn't resist lifting the corners of her lips the whole time.

Sana's Interaction With Aditi

"Ah! Hi...Hello....Good mor... Good evening ma'am."

"Relax girl, take your time." Sana was stuttering due to her nervousness but Aditi didn't judge her.

"I am sorry I don't know why am I stuttering like this," says Sana while giving Aditi's written book to her for autograph.

"It's alright, sometimes it happens, and yes don't call me ma'am it's so uncool. You can call me Aditi." Aditi was about to hand the signed book back to Sana when she noticed..

"Just a minute, this is...

....my very first book." Aditi was surprised to see her very first book which didn't do quite well in the market but was really close to her heart.

"But there were limited copies of this book, how did you manage to get this book?"

"This is the book that made me fall in love with your stories and I have always thought that I will get your autograph on this whenever I will meet you and here it's done."

"That's so sweet of you." Aditi was touched to know that someone is there who liked her even in the worst. That book was her very first book and it is literally just rough notes from her experiences without any format, without any editors, without quality check. She wrote that book when she was exhausted due to her life problems reading that book gives her the courage to face difficulties because that makes her realize her strength.

After taking the signed book back from Aditi, Sana went to another counter to get the newly launched book and then she came back to her seat.

"Hey! Sana how did you get that?" Asked a boy sitting next to Ash.

"I got it from that counter, if you want you can go there and take it they are not even selling it. It's free."

"I went there, but they told me that it's only for the staff and the books for students are on the way to college they have not reached yet."

"Is it so?"


"Then why did they give me this book?"

"Because Aditi ma'am told them to do so." interrupted Ash.

"Are you serious?" Asked Sana.

"Yes, I saw with my own eyes."

"Wow! I can't believe it." Sana was even more excited now.

"What magic spell did you cast on her?" asked the boy sitting next to Ash.

"Nothing I just went and got her autograph in this book."

"Show me." Sana handed the book to the boy.

"Oh! So this is why she was touched. You took her debut book."

"Yes, I always wanted to have especially this book signed by her."

"But why? This is not up to the mark you know that."

"I don't know why but this book boosts my self-confidence and encourages me."


After this little conversation Sana and Ash went out of the auditorium, they stopped in a cafeteria near the auditorium. Sana started reading the book as soon as she sat there.

"Why are you reading this already? You just now got it." Asked Ash.

"So what? I was waiting for this book like forever. Do you know that?"

"Yes, I do know that miss. But don't read it now." saying this he snatched the book from her.

"But why? Return it. Return it I say."

"Nope not at all." he was playing around with the book.

"Fine, I will not read it right now. Just give it back."

"Why do you need it when you will not read it? Take it from me later."

"Ash!" she shouted out really loud.

"What?" he also shouted back.

"Just give the freaking book back."

"No, I am not giving it to you." Saying this he ran away from there.

Sana started chasing him. After a while she was tired so she stopped then Ash also stopped.

"So you will not return it?"

"Yes, I won't."

"Are you sure you don't want to return it?"

"Yes, obviously."

"Okay! You just wait and watch me." Sana took out Ash's phone from her pocket and hung it on top of a dustbin.

"Now what do you say?"

"Sana.....when did you take that from me?"

"Give me the book otherwise this sweety will be dropped in here." she was slowly moving the phone down.

"Hey don't mess with my phone."

"You think I won't drop it? Do you want to see proof that I can drop it?"

"NO, wait. Here, take your book." Then Ash went to Sana, gave her the book, and took back his phone.

As soon as Sana got her book, she opened it and started reading it.

"See, I knew you would do that."

"I am reading only one chapter. Wait" She started reading the first chapter, and both of them sat on a bench near them. Ash started using his phone till Sana reads.

After a while...

"Are you done? " Asked Ash.

"Are you done?" He asked again looking up from his phone.

"Sana? Sana? What happened? Why are you not saying anything?" Sana looked shocked.


"Yes, what happened."

"Dude give it a read." Sana was way too shocked to say anything.

"Hey, why are you freaking out over a story? I am not at all in the mood to read right now."

"Just read it once."

"I will read it later no."

"Do as I say," she said firmly.

"Okay fine."

Then Ash started reading the first chapter when he reached to the second paragraph, he was shocked he flipped the page to check if he is reading everything right. He flipped again and again and was shocked while he read every line.

"WHAT THE HELL?" He threw the book away from him.


"I have no idea what the hell is happening. I am also as shocked as you."


"I know that, but I don't know what this is and how is this even possible?" Sana went and picked up the book from the ground.

"Stay away from that shit I say," he said.

"At least we should read it completely so that we can understand what actually this is. Don't you think so?"

"NO!" Sana still took the book with her.