Chapter 6

The next day Ibaeran woke up lying down on a sheet that was placed on the floor.

She then began to wonder where she was and how she got there.

“Good, you’re awake,” said a voice.

Ibaeran then got up and saw the man who was meant to train the next Su Baera.

“You?” said Ibaeran shocked and surprised to see the man.

She then realized that she was in his home and he must have brought her in late at night when she was sleeping.

She then began to wonder why he would bring her in to his home, could he actually believe that she was the Su Baera and was he willing to train her.

The man then brought her a plate of food.

“Eat up, you’ll need all the strength you can mutter” said the man as he gave her the food.

“Thank you” said Ibaeran as she accepted the food from the man.

The man then left to his room, leaving Ibaeran to eat the food.

Ibaeran then quickly eat the food the man gave her.

The man then returned hold two small sacks that were filled with sad.

“Good, you’re done follow me,” said the man.

Ibaeran was immensely confused and did not know what the man was planning or where he wanted to take her to but she followed him anyway, sensing that she could trust him.

The man took Ibaeran to a small river deep in the forest.

Once there the man took some water from the river and poured it in to the sake of sand.

“Stand like you are seating on a chair” said the man to Ibaeran.

“What?” said Ibaeran confused by what the man said?

“Stand like you are sitting on a chair” said the man once again.

Ibaeran then looked at the man wondering if he was serious and if he indeed wanted her to stand as if she was sitting on a chair.

She saw that he was not joking and was serious; he wanted her to stand as if she really was sitting on a chair.

Ibaeran just sighed; feeling a bit annoyed by what the man asked her to do before she took a sitting position and stood as if she was sitting on a chair.

“Here hold this” said the man as he gave her the sack which sand and water to hold while she stood there like she was seated on a chair.

“Maintain this position and whatever you do don’t let go of these two sacks or fall,” said the man.

Ibaeran looked at him shocked, wondering how the man expected her to maintain that position and not fall while holding those two sacks.

Her arms and legs were already getting tired; she knew she wouldn’t last for too long.

The man then made his way back in to the forest.

“Wait, where are you going” asked Ibaeran seeing that the man was leaving.

“Do you expect me to stay out here in the hot sun? I’m going back to my house, maybe I might even take a nap,” said the man.

“So, you’re just going to leave me out here to go take a nap” said Ibaeran.

“Yes, I’m an old man after all, I need to rest. Don’t worry I’ll be back to check up on you” said the man before he left.

Ibaeran could not believe the man left after given her such an impossible task.

She hoped that he was joking about taking a nap.

Her arms and legs were beginning to ache in pain, shaking and vibrating, slowly she began to lose her grip on the sakes and they fell down to the ground.

Ibaeran then fell down to the ground as her leg gave in as well.

Ibaeran was far too weak to get up as her arms and legs ached in tremendous pain.

There was no way she could continue; her arms and legs were in far too much pain but then she remembered Preyina and the promise she made her.

She then took a deep breath and endured all the pain she needed to get up.

She picked the sacks up from the ground, took a deep breath and stood on the ground like she was sitting on chair once again.

She had a promise to keep and there was no way she was going to break it.

All she needed to do was try but her trying meant reach a point where there was no should be able to get back up and Ibaeran knew she had not reached that point; she still had the strength to endure the pain and strain on her arms and legs.

She wasn’t going to stop until she reached the point when she fell and could get up so she continued stand like that.

She fell down a few times but each and every time she had the strength to get up and so she did, again and again, with each time she felt her pain grow and grow buts she chose to endure it and push herself further, through the pain and continue.

But eventually, underneath the heat of the sun, she reached point where she could no longer continue, she had pushed herself too far and her body could no longer take the strain.

She collapsed of the floor, weaken and drain of all her strength there was no way she could get up.

“Sorry Preyina” said Ibaeran softly with a tear falling down from her eye.

“I tried my very but I just couldn’t” whispered Ibaeran softly before she closed her eyes.

As Ibaeran closed her eyes the man came out of the forest with a smile on his face.

“Finally, after so long, I’ve found you. The next Su Baera” said the man who had been watching secretly.

He saw her fall and get up each and every time she fell, ignoring the pain she felt and continuing with that task assigned to her, seeing that alone we enough to convince him of her strength and that she had what it took to be the next Su Baera.

He then carried her and took her back to his home so she could rest and heal, she had a lot of work to do if she was to win the tournament and claim the wings of the Su Baera.