Chapter 9

Ibaeran slowly opened her eyes and that she was once again in the man’s home, lying on the sheet on the floor.

She tried to move but felt a volt of pain very time she did.

“Don’t try to get up,” said a familiar voice.

Ibaeran then turned to see the man was sitting down on a chair not too far from her.

“What happened, how did I get here?” asked Ibaeran.

“You fell and I brought you back here,” said the man.

Ibaeran then bowed her head down in shame and disappointment, thinking she had failed the task the man had given her.

“Oh, then I guess I’m not the Su Baera then” said Ibaeran.

“Why do you say that?” asked the man.

“I wasn’t strong to stand and hold on to the sakes” said Ibaeran.

The man then burst in to laughter upon hearing what Ibaeran said.

“Listen child being a warrior like the Su Baera has nothing to do with strength, if it did the warriors that came before to try to claim the wings would not have perished trying to claim it,” said the man.

“But I’m just a girl” said Ibaeran.

“Yes, but you did what most men can’t, you got up after you fell down. Do you think that you are the first one to come to me to train? There were many before you, each one so determined to prove to me that they were meant to be the next Su Baera but each and every one failed the test I gave them,” said the man.

“Test?” said Ibaeran wondering what kind the man was talking about.

She then realized that the task he gave her to stand like she was seated on a chair while holding the sacks filled sand and water was the test.

But if that was true it would mean that she failed it because she was not strong enough to keep herself from falling or from letting go of the sack.

“I failed the test as well didn’t I” said Ibaeran.

“No, you passed,” said the man.

“But I fell” said Ibaeran.

“Yes, but you also got up and continued, most of the warriors that came to me either gave up on the task or just waited for me to return and pretend like they did. But you, you continued to do it even when you were in immense pain, you gave all that you had and then some, pushing till you had nothing left. There is only one person I know that could that,” said the man.

“Who?” asked Ibaeran?

“The Su Baera,” said the man.

Ibaeran’s eyes then widened with shock, the man just compared her to the great Su Baera.

“You have all the traits needed to be a great warrior, a strong heart and will to push on no matter how hard or even impossible it may seem that is why I Bafuro will be honored to train,” said the man.

“Really” said Ibaeran with a smile on her far upon hearing that the man would agree to train her.

“Yes, but be warned your training will not be easy, in fact it might be the hardest thing you have ever done in your life. Are you ready child” asked the man.

Ibaeran took a deep breath in and remembered the promise she made to Preyina before saying, “I am”.

“Good, get some rest because first thing tomorrow morning your training will begin,” said the man.