Onyx Mandate

"I suppose you wouldn't still be alive without at least that level of competency," Helen replied sarcastically. "Yes, I called them here with the allure of being Primary," she added, before leaning forward on her chin. 

"But mostly the smaller insects fell into the web. Three of them were rare finds, maybe six or seven others have some potential, but nothing like you and Idzel," she said, before sighing in an exaggerated manner. "People just don't believe in our little city," she added.

Vondell ignored her theatrics. "Cut the bullshit, Helen. What's all this about?" he asked. Trying to develop Antras was one thing, but inviting so many scions all at once and issuing out an Onyx Directive at the same time was another.

"That's one of your many flaws, Black. You don't understand how to treat a lady," she said, before standing.

"The document you hold in your hand is not a mere directive, it is a mandate. A summons from the King," she said grandly.

Vondel tensed. "The king?"

~Is this how those people found out about me? How they sent an assassin to after me?~ Helen was the type to do it too. His mind raced, filling in pieces of a puzzle he couldn't clearly see yet. Even if this was just a mistake, she had a promise to keep.

In a split second, he came to a conclusion.

He stood up, and grabbed Helen by the throat, raising her into the air.

She struggled for a moment, before looking down at him, defiance blazing in her eyes. "W-what is the meaning of this?" she struggled to say.

"An assassin visited my room yesterday. Seemed awfully intent on decorating my chest with holes."

"They carried a sealed weapon, the insignia of a six-winged butterfly," he said slowly.

"Black, release me," Helen choked.

"Does your friend from Leeds work for any butterflies?" Vondell asked, tightening his grip.

"You th-think I would purposefully let an assassin into Antras? One that would fail fo-for that matter?" she choked. "Stop this now."

"You let all those scions in with the airship. And someone tries to kill me on the same night? And now I hear that even the king suddenly has a newfound interest in me?" he replied. "I don't know what to think." 

"But what I do know is that you want to give me a good reason why I shouldn't put you under a truth-sayer curse."

Helen's face was turning red. She held onto Vondell's arm with both hands.

"The king doesn't know about you. I covered up all the specifics," she struggled, staring at him through the slits of his helm. "You are my greatest asset, I would not let them have you," she added. "Now let me go before you do something you'll regret."

Vondell released his grip, and let her fall back into her chair. She gasped for air, clutching at her neck while Vondell sat back down.

"You'll pay for this, Black," she wheezed, caressing her neck. However, Vondell's attention was on the Onyx Mandate in his hand.

"Open it," he said, holding the Mandate out towards her.

She simply glared at him in response.

He stared back at her blankly, before taking her hand and making her press the golden seal at the Mandate's base. The base popped off with a steamy hiss and a goldish-red liquid dripped to the floor. Ichor.

As the cylinder unrolled to reveal a scroll, Vondell felt a string of energy zip past him. ~An identifier array,~ he thought, before grabbing the scroll.

It read;

"On Behalf of Harator, Primary to Leeds City, King of the Five Cities, and Voice of the Empyreans, this Mandate has been sent out to the best of our civilized nations.

Each city is to send a representative to push back the advance of Ryūjin, The Sky Usurper.

Those chosen will be offered 1000 platinum coins for taking up the call.

Upon completion of the Mandate, 10 000 platinum coins, and knighthood shall be bestowed.

If any are to slay Ryujin, they shall be named Grand Knight to The King, and their city shall enjoy the benefits fitting of one that hosts such an individual."

Vondell looked back at Helen, she was pouring herself a glass of alcohol from one of her cabinets. 

"You okay?" he asked.

Helen gave him a glare, before walking towards her window. Her office was at the very top of the building, so she had a beautiful view of the city.

"What does it say?" she asked.

"It's a hunting quest, one of the Monarchs. Ryujin the sky Usurper," Vondell explained. The Mandate's claim that they were 'pushing back' Ryujin's advance was a blatant lie that anyone strong enough to even be reading the Mandate would know. 

This Mandate was in fact an annual attempt to slay one of the Monarchs so that their continent could have higher standing in the world. But Vondell had never cared about any of that, so he never sought to join.

"So will you do it?" she asked, now turning to look at him. Her initial anger was gone, now she stared at him expectantly.

"Send Itzel? Or better yet, Ganesha? You know I don't fight things I haven't prepared for, so what makes you think I'm the better choice?" Vondell asked.

However, that wasn't his only reason for not wanting to go.

He needed the money sure, but everything else would be a hindrance. Being knighted and especially obtaining the title of Grand Knight, would put him under the lens of the Empyreans, and he wasn't sure whether he was prepared enough to let that happen yet.

"Itzel is strong, but you know his history with the king," Helen replied, before looking back at the window. "Ganesha would be a good representative if she wasn't so brash. She lacks what Antras needs to get in the good graces of the King," she added, before shaking her head slowly.

"It has to be you."

Vondell stood up and placed the Mandate gently on her desk.

"I can't do it," he said.

There was no reason for him to risk the Empyreans finding out he was on this continent. It would take too much work to hide his identity. And with Mechos's influence growing on the continent, he would easily be identified.

"You will, Black. Trust me, you will," she said, before caressing her neck and taking another swig of her drink.

"When you get time, send me the details on the strongest scions in this batch," he replied.

Vondell left that office feeling a little conflicted. He had let his paranoia get the best of him back there. Helen wasn't going to sweep this under the rug, especially since he had rejected the Mandate.

However, what was done, was done. He wasn't new to mistakes, he was just disappointed that he was still the weak man he so hated.