I need to talk to the Rat

Vondell headed for the Scion Bisection of The Hall, where all the 'non-executive' members hung around.

He'd already told Helen about the assassination attempt, if she really had nothing to do with it, she'd probably start running her own investigations. However, he wasn't just going to wait around and see if she came up with anything.

There was someone in The Hall who was nicknamed, The Rat. Though he looked very similar to the little pests, his name had nothing to do with his appearance.

"Black," a woman greeted from behind, as he was walking past the main hallway.

Vondell reluctantly slowed down. "Genesha," he whispered tiredly, right as something pressed against the back of his armor.

Surth whistled loudly, covering the room in a thin layer of smoke. ~Calm down, Surth. There's nothing to worry about.~

The scions in the hallway began to whisper, some of the new imports stared with disdain, while the older ones stared in curiosity.

"Surth seems lively. And you seem... broody. Broodier than usual, I mean," a woman's voice said from behind, before slowly moving to Vondell's front. She was a large woman, nearly the same height as him, with a muscular build. Even among the woman of the wildfolk she was a specimen.

"Ganesha, there are priests that walk these Halls," Vondell said. Her tail was wrapped around his leg and was slowly making its way up to dangerous territory. 

Ganesha frowned. "Do these priests not approve of children?" she asked.

"Not when they're being made in a place of business," he said, gently removing her tail.

"I have spoken to my father recently. He asks when you will be coming home to visit him," she said.

"Why would I be visiting your father Ganesha?" Vondell sighed. "Look, I'm in a hurry," he added, before trying to walk past her.

She stepped to the side to block his path. "The last we saw each other was on the 96th floor. You stole my kill, but I allowed it because you are my husband. At the very least, you should fulfill your duties after taking such a prize from your wife," she said, a little annoyed.

Vondell sighed. "We are not married Ganesha. That fight did not mean what you think it did, I didn't know that was ritual combat," he said. Though he knew for a fact, like many times before, she would not accept his explanation.

"My father will only accept a worthy chief as an apology. And you are more than suited," she said gripping his arm. Her claws clinked against the black metal as she smiled up at him.

"This is not a bad deal. And you would have me. All. Of. Me." 

Surth whistled even louder, and some of the weaker scions had to leave the room due to all the smoke in the room.

Vondell pulled his arm away. "You're a fine woman, and I would've bedded you the night we met if it were up to me. But I cannot take another bride," he replied, caressing Surth. Having the wild folk as an army would no doubt help him in his goals, but mating with Ganesha would be an insult to his late wife, and he did not want to involve so many in his suicide mission.

"You say that. But someday you will grow tired of being alone," she said, taking a step back. "Apologies Surth." 

"Me and you are compatible, Black. You should consider it," she added, more a whisper to herself. 

"But it is time for me to rest. You will find me at our villa if you change your mind," she said, kissing the cheek of his helm before leaving.

Her tail swayed side to side as she walked for the door. 

One of the newer scions, a warrior dressed in emerald armor with the insignia of an eagle on his chest plate whistled.

Ganesha stopped, and a low growl filled the hall. In a split second, she grabbed him by the throat, turned around to look at Vondell, and tossed the man towards him like a rag doll.

The warrior crashed at Vondell's feet. 

"Deal with him, Husband. He hurt my feelings," she shouted, before leaving.

The warrior had been with two others, dressed in the same armor as him. They stared at the door and then at Vondell as if confused about who to go after first.

Vondell looked down at the man as he stood up, before walking away. He'd been lucky enough to only be strangled and thrown, Ganesha didn't take kindly to people who gawked at her.

"They don't make em like that in Leeds, do they boys," the man said.

~Leeds City men seem like the type to bite more than they can chew,~ Vondell thought to himself as he left.


The first area within the Scion Bisection was the quest hall. It was a massive room, large enough to be a building on its own. Here the only colors were black and red— Itzel had insisted that there was no point in trying to lighten a room where most signed away their lives.

On the far end was a massive board, that covered the entire wall, with quests attached all over. To the left were various merchants that sold whatever gear scions would need to survive their quests. They were extremely overpriced, but unlike the ones in the merchant district, their quality couldn't be questioned.

To the right was a long receptionist's desk, with several clerks working behind it. This was the requests table; only Black ranks were allowed to ask for quests to be specially made.

It was there that a short, thin man, dressed in brown robes was flirting with a receptionist. The woman was trying to hide her smile with the documents she was carrying, but she did a poor job since her entire body jiggled as she laughed.

The hall was filled with shouting, whispering, and a few cheers from scions who had recently returned from a quest.

Vondell moved quickly, as some eyes had already begun to follow him. It was difficult to remain inconspicuous when you were as tall as him, especially when wearing black armor.

"Marco," Vondell said, once he was right behind the man.

Marco jerked back, relaxing only slightly once he saw who it was. "For fucks sakes, Black, you can't just creep up on people like that," he said, trying to catch his breath. "Especially not in front of my lady friends," he whispered, before smiling tiredly at the receptionist.

"Aily, this is my good friend, Black— well, Lord Black to you," he said, before looking at Vondell. "And Black, this is my lady, Aily," he said. 

Aily blushed at this, still using the documents as poor cover. 

"We need to talk," Vondell whispered.

The quest hall had gotten quiet. Apart from a few whispers, everyone else just stared at the two of them. The new faces in particular seemed weary of them.

"Yeah, what's going on?" Marco asked.

"Not here. Meet me upstairs in your guild hall," Vondell said, before marching out.

He couldn't get used to all the new people in this place. Especially when he considered that any one of them could've been part of that assassin's squad.
