Echoes of the Past

"Me and Marc, we used to study in the same academy, and he was quite famous back then," said Examiner Vincent.

"He is also a top student in the academy, he even received a scholarship when he entered the academy."

"Then he must have received a lot of offers from those top-tier companies, why did he choose to become an officer?" I asked.

Examiner Vincent replied, "When we were young everyone had different types of dreams, the same goes for Marc, I still remember what he always said back then."

"He said when he graduated he wanted to change society and help out those civilians that in need."

"Heh, he even curses those big organizations, he said those big organizations didn't save people but rather monopolized their need to be saved."

"He despises those big organizations, and back then I thought he was all talk but never thought he did become an officer."

Listening to how's Examiner Vicent's thoughts and his description of Officer Marc, makes me admire this person. Someone who would give up on wealth and fame, and choose the route of hardship just to help those in need.

"But everything changed after I heard about that accident," said Examiner Vincent

I paused for a moment. Hearing him say that makes me have this uneasy feeling about what he going to say next.

"It's an unfortunate accident, from what I heard he was on a case, and somehow his wife and his kid got wrapped up in this case."

"The case he was on is about catching this crime lord named Echo Sovereign."

"Echo Sovereign, I heard that name before, he caused quite a big terrorist attack a few years ago," I said.

"Yeah it was big news back then, and this is the same time where his wife and kid got into the accident."

After hearing that my mind came up with a lot of assumptions, did his wife and kid get killed by this Echo Sovereign, or there was something else? Nevertheless, it must have changed Officer Marc after the incident.

"Well that's all I know about the accident, the details only Marc knows," said Examiner Vincent.

Now I can kind of see why Officer Marc doesn't want to send me to prison and wants me to go to the academy. I guess he saw his child within me and wanted me to choose the right path.

I fell into a deep thought, I thought what the real identity of this Echo Sovereign, and his purpose for causing all of this accident. Do I need to face this Echo Sovereign when I become a hero!? Well, I guess that is after if I did actually from the academy.

"What are you thinking?" said Examiner Vincent.

Examiner Vincent must have seen me fall into silence for a moment.

"Nothing, just thinking about what should I do when I'm facing this Echo Sovereign."

Examiner Vincent looked at me and then he burst out of laughter.


"There's nothing you to worry about before you even graduate and become a hero, I believe Marc will already capture that guy," said Examiner Vincent while laughing.

I felt a bit embarrassed after hearing his laugh, but it did reassure me knowing Officer Marc would capture that guy. And I can tell Examiner Vincent did trust Officer Marc a lot even though they don't meet a lot now.


"Did you find it?" asked the man, his voice low and commanding. He stood tall, exuding an air of authority, his dark sunglasses obscuring his eyes and adding an extra layer of mystery. His hair was meticulously styled in a sharp two-block cut, and he wore a black suit impeccably tailored, hugging his frame with precision.

"No… sir," said the man, his voice trembling as he knelt before the imposing figure. 

The room filled with people wearing a black suit, while in the middle of the room sitting there was the man with full authority. One of the men started to speak up,

"How dare you come back without getting the things the boss requested"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to come back empty-handed, I swear!"

"I didn't expect the authorities will come so soon," said the main that trembling.

As the man in the suit is about to say something, the man with authority raises his hand, signaling him to stop. 

"Which authorities showed up?" said the man filled with authority.

"It was the CVA, sir"

"I have seen that guy before, he was wearing a long green coat, I believe he was called Lieutenant Marcus"

The room falls into dead silence for a moment. The man filled with authority, was stunned for a second and he smirked a little.

"Lieutenant Marc…I couldn't believe he was still active."

"I thought he would quit his job after the accident." said the man.

"Sorry to interrupt, Sir Echo Soveiregn, but may I take my leave."

The man that is trembling tried to speak his mind up, to ensure he may leave this room that filled with nothing but death. Echo Sovereign, who sat in the middle room, stared at him then he got this evil smile on his face.

"Sure you may leave but I want you to leave by jumping out of here."

As soon as Echo Sovereign told him that, the man suddenly stopped his tremble. He just started walking blankly without any thought on his mind. Then as he walks close to the window, he jumps out of it, it is 15 blocks height from the ground.

"Now the bug has been taken care of, let's come up with some plan for our next move." said the Echo Sovereign.


"Here's your superhuman license." Examiner Vincent handed me a card that filled my details. The card listed some information about me.

[Name: Cassian Vale

Age: 18

Rank: Trainee]

"With this license, you're an official superhuman and if you somehow got caught into trouble just show the authorities this card," said Examiner Vincent

This license is an identification and also proof that I'm a superhuman. Seems like I need to be more aware of my actions from now on. But the card didn't list out my gift.

"Umm Examiner Vincent, why my gift wasn't listed in my license?"

Examiner Vincent replied, "It is to keep you safe, your gift is like your secret weapon, if somehow people found out you might lose your advantage or worse people might exploit it."

After hearing Examiner Vincent's explanation, I started to be aware of why Officer Marc didn't tell me. It also showed me if all of the information about a hero got leaked, the villain might take this chance and take down the hero. With this in mind next time I'll be more careful of using my gift.

"Anyway with your rank right just is Trainee, it means that you are just a superhuman in training."

"Right now your priority is to get into the academy and finish your studies, then you will only receive your actual rank," Examiner Vincent said while pulling out a document and giving it to me.

"Don't worry, Marc already informed me to help you out with your procedure to enter the academy."

"Is Officer Marc not coming to send me off?" I asked.

Examiner Vincent rubbed his head and started explaining, "Well he told me he will be very busy these lately, something related to the explosion near your house, so he wants me to take care of you for now."

"I see…" I said while feeling a bit disappointed, as I couldn't meet Officer Marc for some time. "Hope he can clear his case soon" I prayed for him in my mind.

Examiner Vincent might notice I was a bit down when I heard the news and he told me, "Don't worry, I believe he will complete his job very soon, so for now if you need anything just call me."

He wrote down a few numbers on this blank paper, it seemed like the numbers were his phone number. With just this phone number, now in my life, one more person is looking out for me except Aunt Cass and Officer Marc.

"And nothing to worry about the academy, since you can survive in the room with me within 3 minutes, I believe you will do well at the academy too," said Examiner Vincent, seems like he trying to motivate me.

He's right I need to focus on the academy now so that I can repay Officer Marc's kindness. Now I'm feeling quite excited about going to the academy, I wonder what kind of person I'll meet and maybe I might make some new friends. Just thinking about it makes me can't for it.