The Academy's Forgotten

Today is the day, the day I'm going to enter the academy —Nova Sanctum Academy. I couldn't believe I was going to enter the academy. Back then I would avoid it, even if it killed me, but now seems like that is not the case anymore. As I was thinking all of this, I was greeted by a man wearing a blue-colored formal shirt. He had this timid aura surrounding him with his round glasses on.

"You must be Cassian Vale. Nice to meet you, I'm your homeroom teacher you can call me Mr. Sean."

He led me and introduced all the facilities in the academy. The academy is pretty large, it also provides quite a lot of facilities like training rooms for at least 100 students, a cafeteria with different kinds of food that suit everyone's taste, and even a resting room for students to have an afternoon rest. This is the first time in my life experience all of this.

"This is your room from onwards, and this is your roommate, Aiden Storm."

I was shocked by how big and how many facilities this academy had, Mr. Sean already led me to my dorm room. Inside the room, there was this blue-colored spikey-haired young boy, he just sitting at his desk doing some kind of work with electronic parts.

"Aiden here is also your classmate, I hope you guys can know each other better before tomorrow's classes." After Mr. Sean had done with his introduction, he left us and continued his way. "Well, then I'll see you two tomorrow in class."

"Umm nice to meet you, my name is Cassian Vale but you can just call me Cassian," I said very awkwardly, this was the first time I had interacted with someone who was actually similar to my age.

The young man just gave me a nod and continued his work. I don't know how should I continue this conversation and the room is filled with an awkward vibe right now. For now, I decide I will unpack my stuff first.

After unpacking, I turned around and looked at this Aiden guy. He still doing work on these electronic parts. I asked him curiously, "What were all these parts for?"

He looked at me for a second then he replied, "Training but I don't think there are any points in it."

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

He just looked at me with his head tilted down a little bit to the left like he couldn't understand what I was saying.

"Didn't Mr. Sean inform you which class you are in?"

Just then I was reminded I didn't know which class I was in. I was so attracted to the academy that I didn't even ask about my classroom. But good thing my roommate is in the same class as me.

Aiden must have looked at my just-self-aware expression, then he told me, "Since Mr. Sean just said you are in the same class as me so I assume you are in the Wolf Class."

"Wolf Class!? That sounds kind of cool," I said in excitement. Just thinking about I'm in Wolf Class it must sound very tough and I might even be able to attract some ladies hehe.

Then what Aiden said next broke all the pretty thoughts I just had, "Yeah it must sound cool but the truth is this is the classroom where the troublemakers and the non-useful students are sent to."

"To put it simply this is where all people have been abandoned sent to."

Hearing what Aiden just said, it kinda hit me like a rock. Just when I thought I could turn my life around there's another wall blocking my way. Now my thoughts can only think of this person, Examiner Vincent.

I went to a corner, away from Aiden then I pulled out my phone trying to call Examiner Vincent.


*Hello, this is Vicent here,* said Examiner Vicent from the other side of the phone.

"Examiner Vicent it's me Cassian I got a question for you," I said.

"Oh, it's you Cassian, yeah what's the question?" replied Examiner Vincent without knowing what kind of rage I was gonna unleash on him.

I took a deep breath and said, "First of all, WHY THE HELL YOU ASSIGN ME TO ME WORST CLASS OF ALL IN THE ACADEMY."


The phone call went into silence for a moment, and then I heard Examiner Vincent again, *Ahem, umm well to be honest the person who assigned you to the class wasn't me but the headmaster.*

*And I was told most of the class was already full, so I guess they assigned you to the class with the least people, anyway my bad, and bye!*

With that Examiner Vincent ended the call, and I was left alone, well not alone I still had my roommate sitting there. But now I need to think about what should I do next, seems like there is no escaping for me, all I can do now is pray and hope I can survive until graduation.

Situations like this, kinda make me remember my mom, back then whenever I was in trouble or got into trouble, it was my mom that pulled me out of it. Then she either scolded me for causing trouble or taught me to face these types of challenges. Now that I think about it, I slowly can't remember what her face looks like again.

"How does she look like again," I said to myself while looking out the windows, with the view of the sky was fiery orange, ablaze with warm. In the air, a flock of birds soared gracefully, their wings cutting through the air with effortless ease. "Mom, I already missed you…"

When the sky turned to dark, I was about to greet Aiden a goodnight but when I was there, he had already fallen into a deep sleep. Seeing him sleep, I can't understand what going on in his mind. I took a look at the parts that Aiden was messing with this evening.

"This guy, even he said all this hopeless thing about the class but deep down seems like he did want to work his way up."

With that in mind, seems like the legendary Wolf Class wasn't that entirely hopeless at all. After that, I just quickly brushed off my teeth and then went to bed.

In the morning, I felt something keep shaking me, my body swayed gently from side to side. As I couldn't hold it anymore, I opened my eyes and saw it was Aiden. We stared at each other for a moment, the air in the room suddenly became a little bit awkward. Then Aiden opened his mouth and said, "It's almost time for class and I assume you know don't the way to class, so I'm trying to ask you to lead you there."

My mind went blank for a second then realized, "That's right today is my first day at the academy.", I just quickly brushed my teeth and changed into the academy uniform. The uniform had a star symbol on the outer coat.

"Let's go," I said to Aiden.

On the way to class, our whole trip me and Aiden just walked silently, and I must admit this was very awkward. Since yesterday our whole interaction has been very awkward, now even just walking today was also awkward. I thought I was the awkward person but now I've seen it, it might be Aiden is the awkward guy.

"What a great start, the first person I met is this guy," I thought while crying inside my mind.

Suddenly Aiden stopped in front of a door, he said, "We're here.", after hearing him say that I saw our class sign. The sign was very broken, based on the looks it might been the same sign for the last 5 years.

I walked in with Aiden, the class wasn't really big compared to all the facilities I had seen. The moment I stepped into the classroom I was shocked, I noticed all of my classmates in the class. I could count them with all of my fingers. Including me, there seem to be 8 students in this class.

But they seemed to not care about me when I just walked. All of them just doing their own thing, when I was worried about how I going to introduce myself, Mr. Sean was already behind me.

"Ah Cassian, you're here let me introduce you to your new classmates," said Mr. Sean with a cheery, positive attitude.

"Everyone please welcome your new classmate, Cassian Vale, he will be studying from today so please take good care of him."

While Mr. Sean introduced me I could feel everyone's focus shifted to me, and I could feel the vibe in the room wasn't that great. The negativity in this room is unbearable. I could almost feel every student's depressing emotions in this room.

My mind just had an urge to cry and think to myself, "Really what a great start to my first school life…."