
The goblin gave a quick glance to the scar on his forehead before saying, "While I may not be the first, I want to thank you for ridding both our races of the Dark Lord."

"Actually you are the first," Harry couldn't resist commenting. Certainly no one who had been at Azkaban had thanked him. They had all been wallowing in their guilt and some of them, their stupidity.

This startled the goblin. Given the crowds outside, he would've thought someone in the wizarding world had thanked this brave young man. "Then again let me offer my heartfelt thanks."

Harry nodded.

Getting down to business, the goblin said, "My name is Ironknife Greeva. I am a branch manager for Gringotts. How may we assist you today, sir?"

Before Harry could say a word there was a knock on the door.

"Excuse me a moment, Mr. Potter." Greeva apologised. "Come."

"Sorry to disturb you, sirs," the goblin in the doorway apologised, "but Headmaster Albus Dumbledore wishes to speak with your client."

The goblins watched Harry's face take on a look of disgust as he commented, "I wonder how the old fool found me."

"Probably tracked you by your magical aura." Greeva told him. "It gives a more precise location than a point me spell. It's similar to what is used with the tracking clocks, but it requires Ministry or Wizengamot approval to use and you have to be a fairly powerful wizard to work it. Those who are aware of the Ministry's ability to cast this spell are generally also the quickest to learn how to mask their aura."

"Which means it would be pointless to deny I am here." Harry ground out between clenched teeth.

"We can ask him to wait," the goblin by the door offered.

A smile appeared on Harry's face at the thought of the great Albus Dumbledore having to wait. "I would appreciate that."

At Greeva's nod of approval, the goblin left, closing the door behind him.

"I'd better get down to business," Harry told Greeva. "I don't think Dumbledore is going to wait out there too long before he comes barging in here."

"He is a wizard with a rather inflated sense of his own importance though he doesn't flaunt it much." Greeva observed. "We goblins have also noticed that he is very good at talking people into doing things. Even things they don't want to do."

"I've had first hand experience with that aspect of Dumbledore's character." Harry commented dryly. "I came here today to get a listing of all my holdings."

Greeva looked thoughtful. "While I can provide you with a listing of the vaults and holdings from both the Potter and Black Estates today, that would not tell us if you are entitled to any other properties or vaults in either the wizard or muggle worlds. To find that information, you would first need to go through the Inheritance Ritual."

"I've never heard of this ritual. Then again I don't know that much about the wizarding world, other than what I've picked up in the last seven years. What does this ritual involve?" Harry asked curious.

"It would be easier to show you." Greeva got up from his desk and went over to tap a section of the panelling on his office wall. The panel melted away to reveal a small door similar to the ones in the vaults below the bank. Greeva ran a finger over the door in an intricate pattern and the door popped open.

The goblin pulled out a thin metal box about the size of a legal pad and after restoring everything to its original state, brought the box to his desk.

"After I say the spell to activate it, you place your left hand here." Greeva indicated the hand shaped depression on the top of the box. "It will draw a little blood and read your magical aura, then any estates or holdings, that you are entitled to inherit will appear on a list within the box. Until the document within is removed, you will be the only one who can open it after that since it will be keyed to your magical signature."

After a few moments debate Harry placed his hand in the handprint on the box. There was a small stab of pain then a green glow surrounded his hand and the box.

When the glow disappeared, Greeva said, "You can remove your hand. Now we wait. This could take a bit."

As Harry resumed his seat, he glanced at the door and asked. "Would Dumbledore know the purpose of that box?"

Surprised by the unexpected question, Greeva looked at the door and asked a question of his own. "Is he coming?"

Harry nodded. He could feel the Headmaster's magical essence moving closer.

Greeva quickly concealed his surprise. There hadn't been a wizard who could sense auras from more than a few feet away since the time of Merlin. "No he wouldn't. With the advent of magically binding wills about two hundred years ago, the inheritance ritual has become a thing that is rarely used these days and generally only in instances where there is no clear line of inheritance. We may start seeing it used more often though, now that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is gone. A good many families were wiped out during the Dark Lord's reign of terror, leaving those with only the most tenuous ties to a family with a chance to inherit estates and monies."

As soon as he'd finished speaking, there was a knock on the door.

"Come," Greeva barked. When the goblin entered, he said, "Yes, Griphook."

"I'm sorry to disturb you, sir, but the head of the Wizengamot, Albus Dumbledore, would like to speak with your client. He says it is a matter of the utmost urgency."

Harry snorted at that.

"Dumbledore must really want to talk to you." Greeva commented unnecessarily. "By invoking his rights as Head of the Wizengamot, we are required to admit him now."

"Bastard no doubt wants to stop me from leaving the wizarding world." Greeva was surprised by how cold Mr. Potter's voice sounded.

"Since we can no longer delay his intrusion, would it be possible for us to conclude our business another time?" Harry gave the box a meaningful glance.

"Of course, Mr. Potter." Greeva was quick to assure him. "Come back whenever you want and ask for me. If I am unavailable, I will make this information available to one of the other managers. Now before Mr. Dumbledore comes in, is there anything else we at Gringotts can help you with today?"

"Yes. After I conclude my talk with Dumbledore, I would like to visit my vault to withdraw some money and get it converted to muggle currency."

"Very well," Greeva gestured to Griphook. "Bring him in and then wait outside to escort Mr. Potter to his vault."