The Return to Hogwarts

"Hello Harry," Dumbledore greeted the younger wizard as he came into the office.

He was pleased to see the younger wizard wasn't looking quite so bedraggled this morning. Harry had managed to clean up and get some muggle clothes. The dark colours he was wearing made his slender form, the thinner almost elven-looking face and the streaks of silver-white in his hair that much more noticeable. Once he was back at Hogwarts his unusual looks would make him a highly sought after young wizard, even if he hadn't been the Boy-Who-Lived. Dumbledore felt a slight pang of guilt at the knowledge that those exotic looks were wholly due to his time in Azkaban and not to the normal process of growing up.

"Potter." Harry was quick to correct him.

Seeing the icy green eyes staring at him from an impassive face, Dumbledore lost his train of thought. "Sorry."

"You may call me, Mr. Potter." Harry repeated. "I am Harry to my friends and those I trust."

Dumbledore winced at the stated lack of trust, but knew he had no one but himself to blame. He had thrown the boy away at the first hint that he might be turning Dark. He, of all people, should have known better. "Maybe we should discuss this someplace else."

"If you think I'm going anywhere with you, old man, then you really are senile." Harry countered hotly.

"Then sirs," Dumbledore looked at the two goblins, "may I request some privacy? Mr. Potter and I have some confidential matters to discuss."

"I want them to stay," Harry quickly disagreed, "as witnesses if nothing else. Just say what you came to say then leave me alone. "

"First, I would like to apolo…" Dumbledore began.

"Don't! Just don't! No apology can undo what you did. You threw me to the wolves… on Percy's word! He'd spent most of my fifth year along with the Minister, trying to destroy you, remember and yet you instantly believe him over me ." Harry was just barely managing to hang on to his temper.

"Very well," Dumbledore straightened up and held out three small rolls of parchment to Harry.

Harry eyed them suspiciously but didn't touch them.

"They aren't intended to hurt you, Ha… Mr. Potter." Dumbledore told him.

Harry still didn't touch them. "What are they?"

"Two are from the Ministry. The first is basically stating that you have been cleared of all charges and the conviction has been overturned. The second states that they have provided monetary compensation for the time you spent in Azkaban. It also shows the monetary compensation that has been awarded to Sirius' estate since he too has been cleared. You are his primary heir and therefore have the right to that information." Dumbledore told him.

"As if money can make up for the damage that place did to me or Sirius." Harry muttered but they all heard him.

Wisely deciding to make no comment, Dumbledore indicated the parchment roll with the purple seal. "That one is from Hogwarts. You have been readmitted to the school and will be starting your sixth year classes on September 1st."

"Well, I won't be going back to your lovely school." The sarcasm in Harry's voice was so thick you could cut it with a knife. "I told you at Azkaban, I am leaving."

"I'm afraid you have no choice, Harry." At the icy green glare from the younger wizard, Dumbledore hurried on. "Per a decree by the Wizengamot, any under-aged wizard who is enrolled at a magical school must complete their education at the school where they started, unless their guardian requests a change of school in front of the Wizengamot and provides a good reason as to the need for the change."

"I was expelled by you , Dumbledork. " Harry growled. "That means you kicked me out, so that decree doesn't apply to me."

Dumbledore looked solemn. "I'm afraid it does. Since you were proven innocent of the crime you were expelled for, your name has been put back on the rolls of those students attending Hogwarts."

"You just can't resist meddling, can you, old man?" Harry paused trying to regain his temper, then asked. "And what if I decide to ignore this decree? Which I'm certain is a fairly recent one, or Hagrid, would have been readmitted once it was proved he wasn't responsible for Moaning Myrtle's death."

Dumbledore decided to ignore the accusation of meddling, especially since it was true. And he certainly wasn't going to admit that the decree was less than twenty-four hours old. He was on shaky enough ground with Harry as it was. That decree was meant for one and only one person, Harry Potter. "Hagrid was too old by the time he was found innocent. While that does entitle him to get a new wand, at the time he was found innocent in your second year, he was no longer under-age so the decree didn't and doesn't apply to him."


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