A Trunk of Secrets

By Friday, Harry still had no wand, but he knew he would be receiving a staff from Mr. Ollivander sometime in the next few weeks. Since Dumbledore had given McGonagall the go ahead, Ollivander was making one out of Ash with seven wands cores.

Despite the slight looks of awe when they first saw him either because he was the first wizard since Merlin to need a staff, or because he had destroyed Voldemort, Harry had also managed to rack up detention with every teacher but Hagrid and Binns and that beat the Weasel twins record.

hadn't done anything to deliberately disrupt the classes, but he also hadn't done any of the expected work either. He would just sit in the back of the class and stare at the teacher. If things worked out the way he expected, he would have one of the worst grades at Hogwarts for a sixth year, if they didn't expel him first and knowing Dumbledore, they wouldn't do that.

He was looking forward to today's potions class. Since the expected event hadn't happened yet, he thought that Mr. Boet had managed to arrange it so that it happened during his Potions class, so he would be able to witness it first hand. He made a mental note to thank the man when he saw him again.

Harry finished breakfast and headed down to the Potions classroom. He wanted a front row seat for what was going to hopefully happen today.


Snape swept into the sixth year class, his robes billowing behind him.

This was the class for those who would be taking their NEWTs in potions in their seventh year. This was one of the few classes where there weren't that many students so all four houses could be combined into the one class. There were only about a dozen students in all who had scored the O on their OWLs necessary to get into this class.

"Well, you've made it into the advanced Potions class." Snape began. "How only Merlin himself knows, but now that you are here, let me tell you what I expect from you…."

Whatever Snape had intended to say, was left unsaid because the classroom door slammed open and four men came into the room.

"Severus Augustus Snape?" The one at the front of the group asked.

"Yes." Snape replied.

"I am Auror Broadmeer." The man identified himself. "You are under arrest sir. Please come with us, Professor Snape."

"On what charge?" Snape demanded.

"Assault and rape of the mind of a student, using the Legilmens curse." Broadmeer said flatly.

Several of the students in the room gasped, while Snape quickly put the pieces together and commented caustically. "Having me arrested on false charges Potter? I would have thought that given your experience of being falsely accused and imprisoned, you wouldn't have tried the same thing on someone else."

"They aren't false charges and you know it, Snape." Harry pointed out. "And unlike me, you will receive a fair trial."

"I insist on speaking to the Headmaster, before you haul me off." Snape told the Aurors.

"We have no problem with that, since he is being charged as an accessory to your crimes." Broadmeer told him. "We were going to have to stop by and pick him up anyway."

"Potter, you will come with us." Snape ordered. "The rest of you, class dismissed."



Harry followed behind Snape and the four Aurors as they headed for Dumbledore's office, wearing a smirk on his face.

Snape had a murderous expression on his face that caused those few students they encountered on the way to the Headmaster's office to scramble frantically out of the way.

Said students became even more confused when they saw Harry Potter following Snape, a huge grin on his face. They quickly scattered, trying to find someone who had been in Potter's sixth year Potions class. They wanted to know what was going on.

Unaware of the curious students he had left in his wake, Snape strode up to gargoyle guarding Dumbledore's office and growled, "Bertie Botts."

The gargoyle moved aside and Snape stalked up the stairs and entered the Headmaster's office without knocking.

"Severus," Dumbledore greeted his Potions Master in surprise. "I thought you had a sixth year potions class right now."

"And I was just starting to teach that class," Snape told him sourly, "but the Aurors behind me decided to interrupt. I am apparently under arrest, thanks to Potter here."

Harry had taken a seat while Snape was talking and Dumbledore saw that the younger wizard was looking very pleased with himself.

"And just what are the charges against Professor Snape?" Dumbledore asked the Aurors.

"Assault and mind rape, using the Legilimens curse." Broadmeer told the Headmaster. "And Headmaster, you are also under arrest as an accessory to his crimes."

"Given what happened to you, Ha…" At the scowl that crossed the younger man's face, Dumbledore quickly changed it to, "Mr. Potter, I would have thought you would be the last to bring false charges against another. Isn't this carrying revenge a little too far?"

"As I told Snape," Harry began.

"Professor Snape," Dumbledore corrected automatically.

"As I was saying before you interrupted me," Harry countered. "I told Snape, this is justice not revenge. The way I look at it, you and Snape will certainly get far fairer trial than I ever did."

"But it is revenge, Mr. Potter. These false charges of yours could ruin a man's career." Dumbledore sounded disappointed.

"If you had bothered to attend one of those 'remedial' potions lessons you forced me to take with Professor Snape, you would know the charges aren't false." Harry pointed out calmly. "And it seems as though Madame Bones must agree with me. After all she's the one who sent the Aurors to arrest you both. Is that correct, Auror Broadmeer?"

"Yes, Mr. Potter, it is."


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