Snape’s Accusations

"You can't accuse her of being swayed by public opinion, because unlike Fudge, she is not guided by a love of power. My being the so called Destroyer-of-Voldemort and one of the wealthiest wizards in the world, would have no bearing on her decisions, unlike our beloved Minister." Harry reminded Dumbledore. "Only facts matter to that woman. She probably the only one in the Ministry or here at Hogwarts who doesn't have a hidden agenda, with regards to me."

"Headmaster," Auror Broadmeer spoke up before Dumbledore could say anything further. "Would you please come with us? Madame Bones is waiting."

"May I make arrangements for Professor McGonagall to take over during my absence?" Dumbledore requested.

"Yes, sir, you may, but please don't take too long." Broadmeer respected Dumbledore, but only up to a certain point. He knew the man was sneaky enough to have been in Slytherin and in fact that was the guess he had put into the Ministry pool for which House Dumbledore had been in. So far no one had found the answer to that question.

"Auror Broadmeer, do you need me to come as well?" Harry wanted to know.

"Not today, Mr. Potter." The Auror told him. "Madame Bones will be sending you a letter by owl to let you what time next week you need to be there for the hearings. I believe she also mentioned something about arranging for an Auror to escort you to the hearings."

"Ask her please if she could to make sure it is not Auror Tonks who is sent to get me." Harry requested. "I have no real desire to see her any time soon."

"I will pass on your request." Broadmeer assured him.

"I can't believe this is happening." Snape finally spoke up. He was unable to understand why Dumbledore wasn't forcing the boy to admit he was lying. Surely the Headmaster couldn't feel that much guilt over the brat's false imprisonment? "You are arresting the Headmaster and a respected Professor of Hogwarts on the word of an arrogant boy ?"

"Mr. Potter is seventeen unless I am very much mistaken so he is a man, not a boy." Auror Broadmeer countered stiffly. "In fact he is acting far more adult at the moment than a certain Potions Master I could name. While am I too old to have had you for Potions, I have heard all about you and your teaching methods from my nephew, Professor Snape.

To me, you are not a professor worthy of respect. I can't help wondering how many dreams you have crushed with your teaching methods and caustic comments, Snape. Jeremy had hopes of following in his grandfather's footsteps and becoming a Potions Master, but you destroyed that dream, just because you enjoy terrorizing children. So don't talk to me about arrogance."

Dumbledore handed the note he had written to the waiting house elf and spoke up before an argument could start between the two men. "I am ready Auror Broadmeer."

"Then shall we go, gentlemen?" Broadmeer gestured toward the door.

Two aurors went out first, followed by Dumbledore and Snape, and bringing up the rear were Harry, Broadmeer, and the remaining aurors.

Since he didn't have to go with them, Harry decided to go to the library to do some research into magical wills.


McGonagall met the aurors, Snape, and the Headmaster in the entry hall. "Headmaster, I got your note saying I was to be in charge for a while. What is going on?"

"Potter had us arrested." Snape told her sourly.

"On what charges?" McGonagall demanded of the aurors.

"That is none of your business ma'am." The oldest auror told her. "Now if you will please step aside, because we need to bring these gentlemen to Madame Bones."

"I will not step aside, until you tell me why you are taking them away." McGonagall stated firmly.

"You are not directly involved in the case therefore you do not have the right to know." The auror told her just as firmly. "However if you wish to continue to block the way, we will be more than happy to arrest you for preventing an auror from carrying out their duty."

"Minerva," Dumbledore spoke up, "don't worry, this will all get sorted out. I'm certain Amelia will be co-operative and we should be back by tonight. Just take care of the school and students until our return. I'm certain they will be worried because of this and you need to keep them calm."

"Very well, Headmaster," McGonagall stepped aside.

Once the door closed behind the group of men, McGonagall headed for the Headmaster's office. As soon as she was settled behind the desk, she called, "Dobby."

There was a pop then she saw the house elf bouncing in place on the other side of the desk, "Dobby here, Professor McGonagall."

"Dobby, I need you to find Mr. Potter and tell him I want to see him in the Headmaster's office as soon as possible." McGonagall instructed.

"Dobby find," the house elf promised and popped out.


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