Harry’s Reflections

"Are you aware Miss Umbridge of the reason why we do not give Veritaserum to under-aged witches and wizards?" Madame Bones asked. "What made you think that you could get around Ministry rules? They are there for a reason."

"Yes ma'am I am, but I felt the knowledge that would be gained far outweighed the possible risks." Umbridge told her. "I felt that Mr. Potter's potential discomfort was far outweighed by the risk to the wizarding world if he were not interrogated under veritaserum."

" Discomfort! " Bones couldn't believe the woman could be that stupid. "You call the potential loss of Mr. Potter's magical gifts as strong as they are and possible brain damage, discomfort! I would have used far different words, madam. Catastrophe or the complete and utter destruction of the wizarding world would have been my choice, given that a prophecy that has since been revealed showed that Mr. Potter was the only one who could defeat He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named."

Umbridge paled at the thought of if fate hadn't intervened, she might have taken out their only chance to defeat the Dark Lord once and for all.

"Read the last charge," Madame Bones instructed the scribe as she just glared at the idiotic woman.

Miss Glendowling read, "Headmistress Delores Umbridge did attempt to use of the Unforgivable Cruciatus curse on the person of Harry James Potter."

"I never cast any Unforgiveables." Umbridge told the tribunal.

"Only because you were stopped by Granger." Harry pointed out. "She had started to cast the curse before Hermione interrupted her with a shout."

"Is this true, Miss Granger?" Madame Hill asked.

"Yes ma'am it is." Granger told her.

"And why don't you tell them what you did to me leaving me at the mercy of those half-breeds in the Forbidden Forrest after you tricked me into going out there with you." Umbridge countered, wanting to take the two of them down with her. It was fairly easy by now to see that this tribunal was going to make sure she went down and went down hard.

Suggero Malium Radix - Provide injury source

Reverto ut tribuo si iniustus donatus - Return to the giver if unjustly given


"To justice done." Mr Boet raised his glass of wine in a toast after the waiter had brought their orders.

"It's pity there are no more Dementors for Umbridge to spend time with at Azkaban. If anyone deserves them she does." Harry touched his glass to the solicitor's in acknowledgement, but to him justice wouldn't be done until all of those who had betrayed him had paid for their crimes.

Then he observed, "Given that she was sentenced to over a thousand years in Azkaban, I wonder if they will wall up her cell when she dies, to make sure no one removes the body before her full sentence is served?"

Mr. Boet wisely made no comment to either statement by his client.

Before taking a bite of his meal Harry asked, "Alexander, what do think the chances are that Dumbledore will go down with Snape?"

After a moment's consideration, Boet replied. "Not very likely. He'll probably get probation. Also the Wizengamot may require some kind of monitor on his activities at the school for while. I spoke with Madame Bones the day I brought in your charges and your pensieve and she told me that the wards around Hogwarts should have alerted him to both Umbridge's activities and Snape's. That means he either ignored the warnings or has ignored so many previous warnings that Hogwarts is no longer alerting him to potential problems because he's given the castle the impression he doesn't want to know."

"Probably the latter." Harry commented, thinking back over his years at Hogwarts. "Any ideas about the possible punishments they could give Snape, if they decide to find him guilty?"

"Not many," Boet told him. "He is very skilled Potions Master and there are very few of those around, so if they do find him guilty, the punishment they give will not deprive them of those services for very long. One thing I will push for is that the man be banned from ever teaching again, unless it is to an apprentice and then that the master apprentice relationship be very carefully supervised."

Boet pulled a folder out of his carrying case and handed it to Harry. "These papers you need to sign as soon as you can so that the foundation can get started."

"What about the shelter for them especially during the full moon?" Harry took the folder and gave the contents a cursory look.

"I had one of my people and one of Gringotts best wizards check out the Black properties as you requested." Boet told him. "The best choice for a place for them to stay especially during the full moon would be Blackmoor Isle. The castle there, while it needs some work, is easily the size of Hogwarts.

Given that it is on an island, it will be easiest to ward so that they can only leave it when they are human. That way they are safe and they don't have to be confined. They can run free on the nights of the full moon and I have been told that wards to insure they can't leave the island while in wolf form will be easy to put in place."

"Good," Harry was pleased with the arrangements. "Once the foundation is up and running, let the werewolves know there is shelter and employment there. I will pay them for repairing the castle."

"Did you want an article in the Daily Prophet to let them know about the foundation and the offer of work and shelter?" Boet wanted to know.

"Have the head of the Foundation hold a press conference and invite every paper, since werewolves are everywhere." Harry decided. "Remind the Daily Prophet that it is best not to bite the hand that feeds them, given that between all those families inherited from I now own about an eighty percent controlling interest in their paper.

Make sure the Prophet understands that if they slant this story the wrong way, they will be shut down the minute it hits the street. Also make sure they understand I will no longer tolerate them being an extension of the Ministry. If they have no proof about what they print, it will not be printed. No longer will they be allowed to print innuendo and half truths."

"They are not going to like that." Boet observed.


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