Confiscated Properties

"I don't give a damn." Harry countered. "I'm sick of them getting away with destroying people's lives. Oh and on that topic, make sure you put anti-animagi wards around the interview area. We don't want Skeeter to get any information on this and put her own special slant on it."

"That woman is a bit slimy snake, isn't she?" Boet commented and then caught on to what Harry had implied. "Are you saying that Rita Skeeter is an animagus?"

"Yep. An unregistered beetle animagus to be precise." Harry told him "Whatever wards are put up at the press conference, make sure they are set to trap any animagi who may try and sneak in. Rita won't be able pass up a story like this one. I have no doubt she will feel compelled to give it her own special touch. And if she does show up I want her exposed."

Boet made some notes to be passed on to those who would be doing the press conference to let the wizarding world and werewolves know about the Foundation. The two of them continued to discuss the Foundation through lunch.

"You said had some information on that family I asked you about?" Harry changed the subject as they started on dessert.

"Yes, I have what little information there is, right here." Boet pulled another folder out of his carrying case. "I had one of my people get the name from Ollivander and check out the records in the Ministry. There isn't much on the Weyland family."

"Isn't that one of the names on my inheritance list?" Harry inquired.

"Yes it is." Boet confirmed. "Gareth Weyland was condemned to the Kiss as Mr. Ollivander told you and it wasn't until after the Kiss had been performed that they found out he hadn't been working for Grindelwald, that it was another wizard who was almost his twin. Weyland's wife was killed during an air raid in Muggle London.

That left a boy of nine Kerr and his two sisters Gwyneth who was three at the time and their baby sister Mari who was only about a year old. No wizarding family would take them in. The taint of the original accusation was too strong, even after their father was proven innocent. None of them wanted to take another potential Dark Lord into their homes and families."

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" Harry wanted to know. "The wizarding world creates its own problems with those attitudes of theirs. I'm just glad I won't have to deal with it after this year. What else do you have on the family?"

"Not much more," Mr. Boet told him. "The Ministry confiscated all their property, but couldn't touch the vaults at Gringotts since the Weylands were the main heirs of Ravenclaw line and her vaults were protected by magic far older than the Ministry, so they couldn't get near them and the goblins weren't going to hand them to the Ministry. The confiscated property was given to the families of those Gareth Weyland had supposedly wronged and even after it was proven that he wasn't guilty, the Ministry made no attempts to get that property back and give it to the children. Nor did those who received the property offer to give it back."

"That was probably part of what drove Kerr into Voldemort's camp." Harry commented.

"More than likely, given that he had no one to stand up for him and his sisters and insure they were treated fairly." Mr. Boet agreed.

Harry was silent for several minutes. "I have a good idea what happened to Kerr given that according to Mr. Ollivander, he joined Voldemort, but do we have any idea what happened to his sisters?"

"Unfortunately not," Mr. Boet told him.

"Those times were very unsettled in both the Muggle and Wizarding worlds and it was far too easy for people to disappear for good. Tracking what happened to two little girls is going to be impossible.

However given that you are the heir to the Weyland's vault and it is a documented fact that Kerr had no children, it is reasonable to assume that he took his sisters out into the muggle world after a bombing and left them where they could be found and those who found them would assume that their parents were dead killed in the bombing.

Kerr may have wanted to protect them from the prejudice he had already experienced in the wizarding world, even if it meant he never saw them again. I do know they never attended any magical schools. At least they didn't under their real names, and if they did go, they were probably thought to be muggle-born."

Harry looked thoughtful. "I wish we had more than that, but you're right it would probably be impossible to track what happened to them, given that it happened nearly sixty years ago. Is there any way to find out what properties were confiscated? I want them back. They should have been given back, once my great-grandfather was proven innocent. Since those who received the properties weren't honourable enough to return them to the children they rightly belonged to, they will be forced to return them to their heir."


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