The Unpaid Life Debt

"You've already done that, Weasley, remember ?" Harry gestured and Ginny was flung against the wall her wand clattering to the ground several feet away. "You and your whole traitorous family condemned me to hell last year. What more do you think you can do? Scream? Cry? Stamp your feet like a little child when she doesn't get her way? Nothing you threaten me with can be worse than what you did to me last year.

You owed me your life ! I saved yours during your first year here remember? And nearly lost my own in the process when you were stupid enough to write in a cursed diary, instead of talking to your yearmates or your family about your problems of trying to fit in at Hogwarts. Were you really so stupid that you could forget that enchanted objects might just be dangerous? Then once you realised what was happening, you still didn't tell anyone.

You were so embarrassed at the thought of me finding out what you'd been doing, or that Tom might tell me you had this infantile crush on me that you stole the diary back, instead of leaving it with me.

If it had been left with me, we might have solved the problem before you nearly got yourself killed because of your own damn ego and refusal to get the help you needed to stop it. I could understand a muggle-born making that kind mistake since they wouldn't know that enchanted objects might be dangerous but not someone who had lived in the wizarding world her whole life."

Harry paused for a moment, then got back on track with what he had originally intended to say. "Even with the life debt hanging over your head, instead of trying to help me, or standing by me, you joined the rest of your kind and condemned me without even listening to me.

The life debts you and your father owe me will never be repaid, because I won't accept anything from you ever again. What happens I wonder when a life debt goes unpaid for generations? Will your whole family eventually lose its magic? I know that if your father's debt remains unpaid it is passed on to all of his children for one of them to redeem.

That's means that you and your children, if you have any, will have two life debts unpaid, not just one. I rather imagine there will eventually be some kind of stigma, if the wizarding world doesn't turn a blind eye to it the way they usually do to most things. Enjoy your life Weasley, may it be long and a total misery."

From her position on the floor, Ginny stared at Harry's back as he stalked away, not toward Divination, but in the opposite direction.

Tears began filling her eyes as she searched for her wand. She'd wanted to provoke a reaction and she'd gotten one, only it wasn't the one she wanted. While she hadn't pestered Harry over the last two months the way everyone else had and was still doing, Ginny had hoped that time and her quiet supportive presence would ease Harry's anger toward her, but that hadn't happened. Harry had treated her like she didn't exist for the most part.

At other times she had the feeling he was thinking he should have left her in the Chamber of Secrets five years ago. Well she wasn't giving up. He might hate her now, but he was hers and no other witch was going to take him away from her. She'd already had to take steps to discourage several of the more determined and predatory witches from their pursuit of her man.


Ginny didn't see Harry again until dinner. He was sitting at the end of the Gryffindor table his attention fixed on the pages of the book he was reading. She started to go over to apologise for her earlier behaviour, but Ron intercepted her.

"Ginny," he hissed, "don't rock the boat right now. According to what I heard from McGonagall the replacement Firebolt will be here tomorrow. We need to give it to him and get him back on the Quidditch team before that game against Slytherin next week.

If you make him madder than he is right now, he'll refuse to play and I don't want to see us flattened like we were by them in last year's game that was embarrassing. Not to mention the fact that Draco Malfoy was positively disgusting the way he gloated over the fact that he got the snitch before you."

"What makes you so sure he will want to play Quidditch for Gryffindor?" Ginny asked. "I mean given that he hates our entire House right now, why would you think he would want to help us beat Slytherin?"

"He loves to fly and he loves playing Quidditch. He also hates Malfoy." Ron reminded her. "Even if we can't get him to play Seeker for any of the other games, I'm sure we can convince him to play in the one against Slytherin. And I'm sure that once we've got him back on a broom, he'll want to continue playing and the Quidditch Cup will be ours once more."

Ginny just shook her head at her brother's priorities as she allowed herself to be dragged away. Hermione was right. Ron was Quidditch mad. She was certain that if he were to die tomorrow, Ron's last thoughts probably wouldn't be of his family, they would probably be about the Chuddley Cannons and whether or not they would have a winning season and lamenting the fact he wouldn't be able to see it.

As she ate her dinner, Ginny watched Harry and tried to work out what she was going to say to him so he wouldn't freeze her out again. She would have the man she'd dreamed of having since she was a little girl and had first heard of Harry Potter. Even though she made some mistakes early on, she knew he liked her or rather he had until she had turned against him last year.

He just needed to see that this time it would be different. She needed him to see that she'd regretted what had happened last year and her part in it. He had to see that she wouldn't make the same mistakes again and that it was safe for him to trust… no love her because she would never betray him again. She would die before she did that!


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