Gryffindor Apology

 "Potter," Colin Creevy poked his head into the sixth year dorm.

"What is it Creevy?" Harry looked up from the notebook he was writing in.

"You're wanted in the Common Room by McGonagall." Collin told him before ducking back out of the doorway.

Sighing Harry put the thick book he was reading and his notebook back into his book bag and took it to the Common Room with him.

As he reached the final stairway that led to the Common Room he saw the room was full of people and level of noise from their conversations sounded like a large hive of bees. A quick check showed him that none of the first years were there only the second through seventh years were waiting there with McGonagall. What was going on now? He tensed, determined to be ready for anything. They weren't going to catch him by surprise like they had last year.

McGonagall seeing him at the top of the stairs called, "Please come down, Mr. Potter. We're all waiting for you."

Sighing, Harry headed down the stairs, wondering what Dumbledore and McGonagall had planned now.

As he was heading down the stairs, Harry saw all the Gryffindors, carefully manoeuvre around until their Head of House was closest to the foot of the stairs and Harry. He smirked at their actions So much for the bravery of Gryffindors.

"What did you want to see me about Professor?" Harry asked as soon as he reached the foot of the stairs.

"Your fellow Gryffindors would like to make a little presentation to you, Mr. Potter." McGonagall told him.

"Oh and what might that be?" Harry folded his arms across his chest, now certain that Dumbledork was trying to manipulate things again.

McGonagall stepped to one side, revealing Ginny who had been concealed behind her. Ginny was holding a broom in her hands and around the handle was tied a red and gold ribbon.

"Harry," Ginny's voice squeaked. She took a deep breath and tried again. "Harry, we your fellow Gryffindors would like to apologise for our behaviour last year and for destroying your possessions and to let you know how sorry we are for what we did. While we can not replace everything that was destroyed, we have gotten together to replace your Firebolt."

She stepped forward and held the broom out to him a slight smile on her face. Her smile faltered when Harry made no move to take it. "Harry, please take it. It is yours."

"And your place on the Quidditch team is waiting for you too!" Ron called from within the crowd behind Ginny.

Harry shook his head. "This isn't mine. The Firebolt I got as a Christmas and birthday gift from my godfather was destroyed last year. This is a guilt offering. I rather imagine that Dumbledore and McGonagall thought of it. I mean I doubt the Gryffindors wouldn't have thought of this themselves, especially given that a Firebolt is a very expensive broom."

"What does it matter who thought of it?" Ginny was beginning to get a little angry. This wasn't going at all like any of them had planned. They had all thought he would be pleased to have his broom back instead he was acting like an ungrateful git. "The point is we all paid for it so we could give it back to you."

Harry looked around the room for a moment and then at the floor before saying. "So this is for me. Mine to do with as I please."

"Yes, Harry," Ginny said pleased that he seemed to be accepting their gift and apology. This time when she handed him the broom he took it.

"So if I were to throw it in the fire over there, no one would stop me because it's mine." Harry commented.

"Why would you want to do that?" Ron shouted. "You need a broom to play Seeker. You can't fly without a broom."

"Who said I wanted to be Seeker? Especially Seeker for this House." Harry shot back meeting Ron's gaze.

"Well you surely don't want Slytherin to win the Quidditch Cup or the House Cup do you?" Ron countered.

"To tell you the truth Weasel, I could care less who wins the stupid Quidditch Cup." Harry told the group flatly, earning gasps of surprise and outrage from the diehard Quidditch fans.

Harry removed the ribbon from the broom and then released it so it was hanging in the air. He could see near the handle tip his name had been embossed in gold with a lighting bolt beneath it. They must have told the broom company who the broom was for and probably got it at a discount since the broom company could then say they made the broom that Harry Potter Saviour of the Wizarding World flies and prefers.

With a flinging gesture of his hand, the broom flew backwards across the room toward the fireplace, causing a number of Gryffindors to have to duck to avoid being hit by it. The broom came to rest not in the fireplace as they all feared it might, but against the side of it. A moment later a shiny bronze plaque appeared beneath it.

Harry headed for the portrait hole, pushing people out of his way when they tried to prevent him from leaving.

Ginny stood there stunned for a moment and then followed him out, calling his name.


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