The Barrier to the Chamber

When she returned to the common room about an hour later it was almost empty.

"did you manage to catch up with him miss weasley?" professor mcgonagall asked.

"almost professor mcgonagall." ginny told her. "i was just able to keep him in sight until he went to moaning myrtle's bathroom. When i tried to follow him in there, i hit some kind of invisible wall that wouldn't let me through right away. It took several minutes before i was able to pass it and when i got inside, harry was gone. I think he went into the chamber and the entrance was closed so i couldn't follow."

"well i'm glad you didn't," was all mcgonagall said before quickly heading out of the common room and to the headmaster's office.

Ginny went over to see what was on the plaque beneath the broom they had given to harry.

This is here to serve as a reminder to all who dwell within these chambers. You think you have become a part of an ancient and noble house. I warn you, you have not.

You may have been told that never has a gryffinodr gone dark, but that will mean they have forgotten or choose to ignore at least two gryffinodrs who chose to serve lord voldemort otherwise known as tom riddle. Who are these two gryffindors who so disgraced their house and honour you might ask? Why they are peter pettigrew and percival weasley.

You will find as your years of schooling progress you have in fact entered into a house of jackals not lions. You will find that they will turn on you quite quickly if you do anything or act in any manner they do not feel is right for a gryffindor, such as do something that will cost your house points, but you do it because it is the "right" thing to do in order to help someone else out. Or maybe you have an unusual gift that they consider "dark" such as being a parselmouth. That will quickly get you thought of as evil and you will be shunned, not only by your own house, but they may spread it around so the other houses know for their protection and they will shun you as well.

You will also find that sometimes when you tell the truth because it is all you have, you will not be believed, because it doesn't fit with what they believe and nothing you say or do will change their minds.

If ever you think this plaque is wrong ask any gryffindor and see if they will tell you what the members of this noble house of gryffindor did to harry potter during the years he went to school here. See if they will own up to or cover up the truth. See if you can even find it in the school library if they will not tell you. Do you have the courage to seek the truth, or will you be like the rest and ignore the truth in favour of what it is preferred that you believe?

We shall see.


On the Friday before the first Quidditch match of the year, Harry was called out of Potions class by one of the fifth year prefects because Professor McGonagall wanted to see him.

Harry left the class with some regret because Professor Wilmot was a huge improvement over Snape. Then again, even Fudge would have been an improvement over Snape; always assuming the idiot knew anything about Potions, which Harry doubted. Professor Wilmot was a very pleasant and knowledgeable woman who was able to maintain order, without terrorizing the students, while teaching a complex subject. She was also able to make the subject interesting to the students no matter what their skill level.

It's a pity that we didn't have Professor Wilmot or someone like her at Hogwarts for the past seven years. Harry thought to himself. It certainly would have made Potions a lot easier for Neville and I. And who knows maybe Neville would've been better at potions given his skill with herbs.

When he appeared in her office doorway, McGonagall ordered, "Come in, Mr. Potter, and close the door behind you."

Harry did as she asked. Then without waiting for an invitation he sat down in front of her desk and waited quite patiently to see why she had summoned him.

"I called you here to undo the spell you placed on Mr. Malfoy." McGonagall placed a cage holding a snow-white ferret on her desk.

"You mean the spell he cast on himself." Harry reminded her with a smile, pleased that Malfoy was still a ferret. He'd always thought the blond Slytherin made a better ferret than a person. "He cast the spell, I merely sent it back to him."

"Well whatever you did to the spell when you returned it to him, has prevented me from undoing the change." McGonagall told him crisply.

"You mean that a Transfiguration Mistress can't undo the spell that Malfoy cast?" Harry glanced at the caged ferret. "Damn Malfoy, you're good!"

The ferret chattered angrily at him.

"I'm not the one who acted without thinking, remember Malfoy?" Harry reminded the angry ferret. "You definitely aren't living up to the qualities of your House, which I believe include cunning and patience. Are you sure you weren't sorted into the wrong house? I mean you are acting more and more like a Gryffindor every day."

If it were possible for a ferret to give someone a death glare, ferret Malfoy managed it.


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