Luna's Kindness

As the four strangers took up residence in Hogwarts, rumours flew fast and furious about what they were doing there. The Headmaster hadn't even introduced them or explained their purpose to the students when they joined the teachers at lunch that day and everyone agreed that was not like him.

A few days later, those with family in the Ministry had smug looks on their faces when they revealed to their friends the fact that the Wizengamot had brought in inspectors all the way from America to check out the school from top to bottom, including the teachers. Once this information had made the rounds, the only students who tried to keep up with any new information on the inspectors were those who still had a year or more to go at Hogwarts, and they couldn't help wondering why the Wizengamot had chosen to bring in someone from America to inspect Hogwarts instead of using their own people. Some, mostly Slytherins, thought despite their claims of impartiality that the inspectors were there to find something on Dumbledore so he could officially be removed as Headmaster, unlike the way Delores Umbridge had tried to remove him a few years ago.

Unfortunately, that was all they were able to learn because other than the rumours going around the school, there was no other information forthcoming from any official source. One thing was for sure though. No one saw the inspectors except during meals and that made a lot of people nervous.


"Miss Lovegood," Hagrid called to the sixth year Ravenclaw as she started to leave the last Care of Magical Creatures class before the Christmas break. "Would you please wait just a minute?"

"Certainly Hagrid," Luna smiled at the half giant. She really liked his classes. She just wished he would teach about the more uncommon creatures like the Crumple-Horned Snorkack.

When Hagrid came back out of his hut, he was carrying a wrapped present. "Would you please give this Christmas present to 'arry for me?"

Taking the present, Luna told him, "Hagrid, you know you could've given this to him yourself? Harry still likes you, you know, unlike the Weasleys."

"'M not so sure a that meself." Hagrid told her. "He asked me ta leave 'im alone, so 'm trying ta respect 'is wishes. I just thought he might like to have that."

"I promise I'll give it to him today." Luna assured him as she headed back toward the castle.


Luna finally caught up with Harry as he was coming out of Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. She didn't bother asking why he'd been in there. She was fairly certain he went there because it was probably one of the few places in the school he wouldn't be bothered, given that Myrtle wasn't very fond of many people. She knew this because she too had spent time in Myrtle's bathroom, just talking to the former Ravenclaw ghost, when the others in school became too much for her to deal with. "Harry, wait up please."

Given that Luna was one of the few people Harry actually liked at Hogwarts, he did as she asked.

"I'm glad I was finally able to catch up with you." Luna told him as she got closer. "I have something for you."

When she handed over the wrapped present, Harry told her, "Luna, you didn't have to do this."

Luna waited until he had opened the present and was looking at the photos in the album before softly telling him, "I didn't do it… Hagrid did."

Harry looked up startled but smiling. "Hagrid?"

Luna nodded. "He wanted you to have something to remember your family by and asked me to give it to you. He didn't think you would accept it from him."

Harry ran his finger across the moving picture of his parents, Sirius, and Remus before admitting. "I don't hate Hagrid. I'm just not fond of him right now."

Luna gave him an understanding look. "You might want to at least tell him thank you for all the trouble he went to."

Harry nodded before reaching out and giving Luna a hug and a kiss on the cheek.


Ginny seethed as she saw Harry smile at Luna. It was the kind of smile that lit up his face and reminded Ginny of happier times when he'd smiled at her like that. As if he really cared about her.

When Luna got a hug and kiss from Harry because of the present she'd given him, Ginny saw red . How dare she! Harry is mine! Well she's not going to get away with this! No one takes what's mine!

Pulling her wand out, Ginny conjured a jar with a live bee in it. She knew from prior conversations that Luna was allergic to bees, though she didn't know just how allergic. Shaking the jar gently to agitate, but not kill the bee, Ginny unscrewed the lid and took it off. Using a levitation spell, she sent the angry bee over to Luna and watched as it landed on her neck.


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