A Frantic Call for Help

"See you later, Luna," Harry told her as her hand came up to slap at something on her neck.

Luna suddenly stiffened her mouth and eyes wide open then collapsed to the ground. As Luna collapsed, Harry caught a glimpse of a person with long red hair scurrying away from the area. He recognised her as Ginny Weasley. He would deal with her later something told him that if Luna was to survive, he didn't have time right now.

He summoned his staff from the dorm and it appeared in his hand instead of flying to him the way ordinary wizards would expect something summoned to appear. Though he had heard no spell spoken, he was certain that Ginny had cast some kind of spell at Luna that was slowly suffocating her. He could see that she was starting to have trouble trying to breath. He needed to buy her time and the only way to do that was to try and put her in a state that science fiction books called suspended animation. It would hold her between life and death indefinitely.

Getting back to his feet, Harry tapped the butt of his staff on the stone flagging and then pointed the glowing green capstone at Luna's body. Channelling the magic around him through his staff Harry focused on suspending all life functions and yet keeping her alive. It was a delicate balancing act and Harry was fairly certain that no other wizards could have done this. The light that came from the staff instead of being the usual green was a blinding white and came out as a ball instead of a beam of light. It engulfed Luna's body and seemed to seep slowly into her. Once the light was gone, Harry could see that to all intents Luna appeared dead, but he knew she was still alive. Now to get her to Madame Pompfrey and then find out from Ginny just what it was she'd done to Luna.


"Madame Pompfrey!" Harry shouted as he floated Luna's body through the doorway to the Hospital wing.

The mediwitch came out of her office looking slightly annoyed that someone would be yelling in her domain, but her expression quickly changed to one of shock when she saw the floating body. "What happened?"

"I think Ginny Weasley attacked Luna." Harry settled Luna's body on the nearest bed.

Madame Pompfrey waved her wand over Luna trying to find out what curse was used and was stunned when she got no readings back.

"It looked like she was dying," Harry told her before she could ask any questions. "She stiffened up then collapsed to the ground only I didn't see the colour of the spell being cast. Nor did I hear the spell. She started having trouble breathing almost immediately. I've got her suspended between life and death until I can find out what hex was used on her."

Madame Pompfrey looked thoughtful. "It may not have been a spell, Mr. Potter."

"What could it have been, then?"

"Miss Lovegood is allergic to bee stings." Madame Pompfrey told him as she started checking for the site of a sting. "According to her father she is deathly allergic."

"But bees aren't active in winter, especially here." Harry pointed out.

"Ordinarily you would be right, but if a hive located itself in a warm place, it could be active year round. And there it is." Madame Pompfrey found a red swollen area on the back of Luna's neck.

"Can you help her?" Harry wanted to know. He felt at least partly responsible for what had happened to Luna. He had no doubt that Ginny had attacked her because she saw her as a threat to her possession of him.

"I have a potion similar to what the muggles use to counteract it that I keep on hand for her and a few other wizards and witches who have the same problem." Madame Pompfrey headed to her potions cupboard.


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