A Call for Judgment

All the doors in the Great Hall slammed shut with a loud bang startling the students, teachers, and inspectors, who were eating dinner, into silence.

Looking around expecting it to be some kind of attack, they saw Harry Potter standing near the closed entrance to the Great Hall and what scared them all was the murderous expression his face and the fact that his staff was covered from head to foot in a glowing emerald green sheath of power.

" GINEVRA MOLLY WEASLEY! " Potter's angry voice echoed off the stones of the Great Hall. "STAND FORTH AND FACE JUDGEMENT FOR YOUR ACTIONS!"

Those sitting at the Head table tried to get up but found that they couldn't move. Apparently Mr. Potter intended to allow no interference in what was about to happen.

When Ginny Weasley failed to appear, he said sarcastically, "so much for Gryffindor bravery."

A spell shot from the staff, and headed toward the Gryffindor table. The Gryffindors shrieked as they tried to scramble out of the way, not knowing what would happen if that spell hit them. The yellow beam of light zigzagged around them until it found the one it had been sent for and wrapping itself around her, pulled Ginny away from the Gryffindor table and out into the middle of the aisle.

In the deathly silence that followed Ginny being pulled away from the shelter of the Gryffindor table, Harry stalked toward her and the students could hear his staff thud as it came down hard against the flagstones of the Great Hall with his every step.

"Did you or did you not attack Luna Lovegood and try to kill her?" The volume of Harry's voice had dropped, but it was still echoing off the walls.

Ginny stood there, determined not to show her fear. She hadn't expected him to find out that it was she who attacked Luna and even if he had she hadn't expected this level of anger. He shouldn't care what happened to that weird little nobody. Luna wasn't anybody important. He should only care about what happened to her. She was after all going to be his wife. She'd had it all planned out from the day she first met him.

Several of the students gasped as a pale blue light surrounded Ginny Weasley. They also noticed that right next to Ginny the colour of the light was a deep, pulsing red.

"I'm waiting, Miss Weasel." Harry hissed, "but my patience is not limitless. Did you attack Luna?"

Ginny opened her mouth intending to deny the accusation, but what came out was, "Yes, but I didn't intend to kill her, just warn her off. I knew she was allergic to bees and that it would make her sick. She has no right to you. You're mine. You've always been mine and you would realise it if you could see past your anger over how you were treated last year. We belong together and you know it."

"Luna nearly died because of what you did!" Harry growled, circling her like a wolf. "You attacked your best friend because you saw me give her a kiss on the cheek and somehow in your warped little mind, you equated that to her taking me away from you! Would that be an accurate statement?"

Ginny tried to keep her mouth closed, but "yes," came tumbling out.

"Well listen and listen well bitch because this is the last time I'm going to say this! I am not yours! I will never be yours! I want nothing to do with you! Get that through your empty head. I want you to stay the fuck away from me!" Harry was now back in front of her and the light coming from his staff was pulsing even stronger. "And if you ever attack anyone ever again under misguided notion that they are somehow taking me away from you, you won't have to worry about living to regret it!"

Harry's eyes glowed the same colour as the aura surrounding his staff. "I think you need a reminder of just what I can do to you if you don't heed my warning. I'm going to make your outsides match your insides."

Before Ginny had a chance to run, a grey light engulfed her and a moment later everything in the world was taller than she was, even the seats at the tables.

Opening her mouth to demand an explanation, she was surprised when what came out was not words but barking. Ginny looked her body over and found she was a tiny red poodle.

"Yes," Harry told her. "You are now what you have always been, a real little bitch. I should also tell that you are in heat so you will be attracting every male dog for miles around. If you get caught by any of them, that itch of yours should get thoroughly scratched. I would suggest you start running now if you want to avoid Fang and Fluffy because they will find you."

Harry vanished silently from the Great Hall.

As soon as he vanished the teachers found they could move and McGonagall quickly moved down the aisle to pick up Ginny before someone stepped on her.

In spite of the evidence before their eyes, everyone heard Hermione Granger say, "but you can't apparate or disapparate inside Hogwarts."